There’s no need to turn Jesus’s words into an equation and tie ourselves up in knots about how we’re doing—“Have I forgiven enough yet? shall guard my heart and thoughts. M-F, Compline, 8:30pm, 640 Hawthorn Lane While I celebrate my youthful zeal, I roll my eyes at my naiveté. And why does it have to be both so important to our lives and, as a rule, so difficult to live out? The journey begins within, but its impact can reach across barriers of geography, culture, and even lifetimes. It blinds the individual to all values of worth. You know that feeling, right? Holy Spirit, I pray that this day you will fill me with yourself and cause your fruit to ripen in my life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. As it turns out, this Prayer of Confession is probably the primary reason I began to explore Anglicanism. stark and literal, If you’ll allow me to play with an old saying a bit, the whole point is simply this: to screw up is human; to forgive is divine. Open unto me – tenderness for my toughness. Hold them, O peace of God, until Thy perfect He defines love as "the experience of being dealt with at a point in one's self that is beyond all good and evil." Spirituality & Practice. There are feelings, untamed and unmanageable (If you don’t have this, you should get it immediately). Into God's keeping do I yield my heart and "Take the church’s activism against abortion, as an obvious example. The questions persist: what are we doing with our lives? In today’s Gospel, Peter plays his accustomed role of the unwitting straight man, the guy who asks the dumb question that everybody else is afraid to ask, although, as usual it turns out that the question isn’t really so dumb at all. O Peace of God, settle over me and within me This dynamic works at a societal level as well as an individual one. What is the end of our doings? I face it, call it by its name, We have not loved you with our whole heart, refreshing and cool. Open unto me – Thy Self for my self. They provide language to express the deepest dimensions of the human experience. As one commentary explains, “the first servant owes about 60 million denarii, an amount so large that it exceeds the national debt of a small country. Alas. As we listen, floating up through all the jangling echoes of our turbulence, there is a sound of another kind — shall guard my heart and thoughts. But the flip side of the coin is this: it ain’t easy. While something deep within hungers and thirsts for the still moment and the resting lull. This all culminated in my discovery of the Book of Common Prayer, the prayer book of my particular tradition. The Peace of God, which passes all understanding, Those at the bottom of our racialized caste system are most clearly and severely harmed, but those at or near the top are not unscarred. There is the peace that comes when hours of sleeplessness are swallowed up in sleep, shall guard my heart and my thoughts. It may or may not have originated with the Buddha, but there’s nevertheless great spiritual wisdom in the adage that says “holding onto anger is like poisoning oneself and expecting the other person to die.” This, indeed, is what Jesus is talking about when he says that people who can’t forgive are going to be tormented eternally—life right here on Earth can feel like an unending torment when our souls are shackled by bonds of hatred, resentment, and anger. Either by the past or the present. This comes from his Meditations of the Heart, a collection of prayers and meditations. when failure continues through all the days in my heart: The bitterness of a great hatred, not yet absorbed; There is the peace that comes when lowering clouds burst and the whole landscape is drenched in rain, refreshing and cool. and the whole landscape is drenched in rain, But I’ve never forgotten the questioning. For these sake of your Son Jesus Christ He called hatred one of the “hounds of hell that dog the disinherited” and wrote: “Despite all the positive psychological attributes of hatred we have outlined, hatred destroys finally the core of the life of the hater.

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