If you think I'm right, let people know. Newest patch confirms taming on genesis with Magmasaur eggs! Best method I've seen and tried is put a light pet down near the basilisk you want to tame, place a foundation over it and lay enough eggs to tame onto foundation then aggro basilisk towards the light pet. 282 points Taming & KO Dec 14, 2017 Report Seems like raising a rock drake 1st will help you tame these. Then drop all the eggs on top of the metal foundation and lure the basilisk to the foundation. Wild and bred eggs both work fine. 100% Upvoted. Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a basilisk. did u try?? Keep in mind when taming one of these beasts, that the taming calculator is off on the time interval. From there, you have to drop the productive egg as well as get the Basilisk to consume it. Those are still the way to tame basilisks. They would have left rock drakes in if that wasn't a concern. 3rd find a basilisk and while riding the cloaked drake drop the eggs one by one and it will eat them. Stolen eggs are enough? Takes 4 eggs on 3x help prevent a bad day for someone else! These are rapid aggressive animals so you’ll need to plan in advance. Good Luck. Join 3,170 players on Dododex's Discord and get 100 dino emojis! Or have to be layed with our females? Tamed them with drake eggs from ab, although today they seem to not wanna eat them. These are rapid aggressive animals so you’ll need to plan in advance. So just sit and wait. So not sure how someone has tamed one. Newest patch confirms taming on genesis with Magmasaur eggs! Copyright 2020 Studio Wildcard. So just sit and wait. we've tried wild, and bred fert magmasaur eggs, both works, and PC. All rights reserved. Otherwise, basilisk will not eat egg. On my singleplayer save I transferred a bunch of rock drake eggs to Genesis from Aberration. It'll aggro the lightpet but will be unable to kill it. Since the animal is fast, you might wish to use various other animals to quickly get away such as a Raptor. Up if you want them to be tameable with 2 Crystal wyvern eggs as a substitute for a rock drake egg. It’s hard finding cluster servers sometimes. Here’s A Tip if Your New To Basilisk Taming, I Majorly Recommend Placing Foundation’s on Your Trap Because They Will Borrow Underground if There’s No Foundation Placed and Lose There Taming Efficiency Also The Fertilized Magmasaur Egg Has To Be Dropped From The Players Inventory Not Your Tame! Wild and bred eggs both work fine. 6. Easy. Easy. Required fields are marked *, How to Tame a Basilisk – ARK Aberration Guide. I get your mad for not being tamable on crystal isles but just transfer over to where you can.then transfer over to crystal isles.j used this and its easy but j recommended genisis. Any is fine, can be bred or stolen, and same. As in player bred, not picked up from the overworld. Crystal Isles is a free, mod port map. Been scrolling through tips and Haven't seen anyone say this yet. First off, you’ll need an abundant egg and to locate a Basilisk that is not assaulting anything or underground. Make sure the area is clear of anything it could Target. How do you tame a Basilisk on Genesis? All rights reserved. 2nd collect a bunch of rock drake eggs. Your email address will not be published. Taming a Basilisk is simple. Fertilized magmasaur eggs. I tamed it by using a bloodstalker, simply climbed a wall above it (where it couldn’t spit acid at me) and threw magma eggs down to it. Copyright 2020 Studio Wildcard. Hope this was useful. The wiki says that it should also eat other fertilized eggs, but currently it ignore them. Seems like raising a rock drake 1st will help you tame these. 2nd collect a bunch of rock drake eggs. You Can Now Tame The Basilisk With a Fertilized Magmasaur Egg in The Volcanic biome on Genesis! And you need as much eggs like drake ones? I've asked others on my server and the answer was no, only rock drake eggs. How do you tame Basilisks on gen my tribemates trying to use Wyvern eggs and it doesn't work. How to Tame a Basilisk – The Basilisk is a killer that will stay under the ground as well as waits for the target to come along. So no taming them on genisis for the now. Is it possible? they update the game, i'm trying with magmasaur eggs but still nothing. Thanks for adding acid spitting snakes on the map TAHT CANT BE TAMED. Once its close, get out if aggri range and just wait. Fertilized. Has anyone done it? Sign up for a new account in our community. So just sit and wait. Whoever said basilisks can eat crystal wyvern eggs is just flat out wrong. I'm just waiting for noob to go up to this thing. Guessing it is magmasaur eggs, but we didn't try for now, we are still making a stock before taming one. Look at this tutorial: How to Tame a Basilisk. HAHAHAHA, Rock Drake eggs must be dropped from PLAYER'S inventory, not mounted Dino's. Lets do it! Best method I've seen and tried is put a light pet down near the basilisk you want to tame, place a foundation over it and lay enough eggs to tame onto foundation then aggro basilisk towards the light pet. Powered by Invision Community. They will normally be located within Component Loss and also The Back. I would use Rock Drake eggs but I can't transfer those to my server. It will focus on the bulldog, but cannot damage it. 1st raise a drake. I am trying to tame one on Magsaur eggs in xbox 1 don’t seem to want to take the eggs can anyone help.? I really wish you could feed them other eggs like wyvern eggs. It says not violent taming. RobbEJay. Taming the Basilisk can be difficult however luckily you will not have to battle it. Close. Toss a lightpet on the ground, put a metal foundation over it , switch it to block. 3rd find a basilisk and while riding the cloaked drake drop the eggs one by one and it will eat them. 1st raise a drake. save hide report. Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a basilisk. Posted by 3 months ago. Spent at least 4 hours trying to tame a 140, then a 130, and neither of them were tamed or even tried to eat the egg. Probably it's a bug, for now feed it Rock Drake eggs. Yep as long as nothing attacks it while its taming so clear the area first, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Because I'm trying to feed it Fertilized Magmasaur eggs and it's not working. It's easy! It'll aggro the lightpet but will be unable to kill it. How do I tame a basilisk? The devs did this with genesis, you couldn't take basalisks there either until they made it so magmasaur eggs worked, so its quite likely not on purpose and they'll hopefully do the same here with the wyvern eggs. Easy. It'll aggro the lightpet but will be unable to kill it. You can't use rock drake eggs on my server as its only Rag and Gen. Basilisks can now be tamed with fert magmasaur eggs! How to Find Mondstadt’s Secret Luxury Chest in Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact: How to Find and Defeat the Guardian of Ruins, How to Find Hidden Treasure Chests in Genshin Impact, How to Optimize Genshin Impact to Run on Your PC, Your email address will not be published. Considering that you need to start the taming sequence off with 1 Rock Drake or Magmasaur egg, you need to knock that 4 minutes and 10 seconds off whatever total time DodoDex tells you for your taming settings. First you throw a light let on the ground, and place a metal foundation over it and switch the foundation to block form. Actually the Basilisk only eats Rock Drake fertilized eggs. Once its close, get out if aggro range and just wait. I lost some levels on a max level Basilisk because of this fact that I wish I would have known. Make them eat crystal wyvern eggs. Genshin Impact: How to Find and Defeat t…, How to Find Hidden Treasure Chests in Ge…, How to Optimize Genshin Impact to Run on…. 3 comments. How do you tame a Basilisk on Genesis? there really isn't any difference between a wild egg and a player bred egg, they are both fertilized eggs. #10. share . go search ark basilisc and click to see info, scroll to taming and its saying that ot can tame with rockdrake and magmasaur eggs. We've already tamed multiple basilisks on official since update hit. they still aren't eating the eggs. Once its close, get out if aggri range and just wait. On crystal.isles these are NOT tameable at the moment, so you will either have to spawn in a pair of magmasaurs and breed them for eggs or spawn rockdrake eggs, I would go for magmasaurs as they are breedable and rockdrakes aren't. which type of eggs did or can  you use and which version of the game are you on? Taming the Basilisk can be difficult however luckily you will not have to battle it. No matter, you’re most likely to duplicate this step a couple of times yet make note that you’ll discover that Basilisk has a sluggish feeding time so you’re most likely to be waiting a bit before you’re able to provide it one more abundant egg. The difference is that genesis is an official paid DLC map. Guessing Magmasaur eggs but anyone know how to here? First off, you’ll need an abundant egg and to locate a Basilisk that is not assaulting anything or underground. magmasaur egg taming doesn't seem to work. So I can get one on crystal isles :(, If you are looking to get a basilisk on crystal isles don’t even try without forcetame or spawn rock drakes due to the drakes not spawning.

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