Thankfully Joico Spiker glue is formulated to resist any water that would seek to destroy your style. While some sections of your hair are bound to remain un-spiked, work on them by running your fingers and pinching them. Adding sheen to your dry hair can help it appear healthier and more styled. Your email address will not be published. Naturally thick, curly hair requires extra attention to turn it into the sleek spikes seen on so many celebrities. Move your hands over your hair, let your hair bond with the gel and to do so run your hands back and forth. Unlike gel, you don’t need to lavish your hair with gel, but just some of it (well, this depends on the length of your hair). Relaxers work much like hair dye: you apply a cream to hair and allow it to set, which transforms the texture of your hair. Now that you have the right product to handle your spiked hairstyle, it’s time for the hard part – styling. When it comes to extreme hairstyles, you need a product that isn’t going to let you down midway through the day. If you have curly hair, you should opt for shampoo and conditioner that does not contain heavy ingredients, like coconut oil, as this will make your hair curlier and more difficult to spike. If you have a long hair then holding them in place is a tall order. Mitch has a subtle, masculine fragrance that smells great in the hair. It's quite easy to take sections across, straight up, and literally just go in and point at diagonal intervals all the way through the hair. Make sure you use hairspray that will not make your hair appear stiff, as you do not want your spikes to appear crunchy or greasy. Liberty spikes are always a good choice, plus I think they look the best. Blast pieces with a hair dryer to activate and harden the gel for the greatest hold. If spiking your hair isn’t something you intend to do everyday, no worries. Spike as many or as few pieces as desired, generally in the front and on top of the hair. You'll want to pull most of your hair upwards to create this look. Grow your hair out a little. Get longer hair to spike straight up with beauty tips from a professional hairstylist in this free video on hair care. Wash your hair. While it does provide an extremely strong hold, it isn’t as thick or gloppy as most strong hold hair gels. While the price is a bit higher than your average grocery store styling glue, this stuff lasts. As with all gels, waxes, and glues, I recommend full removal of the product at the end of the day to help maintain the health of your hair. One of the things I really like about Mitch Hardwired is how easy it is to work with. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Nobody wants to spend their morning trying to achieve the perfect hairstyle only to have it lose it’s shape midway through the day. Take a small section of your hair that you would like to spike and hold it straight up in the air, with a comb. At the end of the day there isn’t any wrong or right way to spike your hair. You can apply to damp hair for spiked, sculpted, or slicked back hairstyles. So, right now Chris' hairs just down and flat. You may decide to use a hair wax instead, as it will not make you hair look too greasy. So, take away from the straight edge and, literally, just go in and make those points all the way through the top. If you’re looking for an incredibly strong hold hair wax but prefer a matte finish, Avenue Chiett Spiker Wax is definitely worth checking out. So, I'm going to show you in this video how to spike the hair on top. This doesn't mean it's impossible to get spiky hair, but it is a high maintenance look that will require daily attention. If you want more uniform spikes, you can use a comb to brush your hair upward. But yes, to know what kind of spiked hairdo would square with your hair, you will need to understand the three important factors that hold sway over your style―texture, density, and length. I didn't know there was an alternative to avoid the thin volume, greasy look. It's quite easy to take sections across, straight up, and literally just go in and point at diagonal intervals all the way through the hair. Iron your hair in small sections upwards to create the foundation for your spikes. Likewise, take the required amount of it and bond the desired chunk of hair. This product is ideal for individuals with naturally oily or thick hair who do not want to end up looking greasy. There are 13 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Look in the mirror and adjust any spikes if you need to. Achieving this style, however, can be somewhat difficult for African Americans, especially men. I recommend Set Wet and Axe. Continue this technique on all areas of the hair that you wish to spike. When it comes to spiked hair, I suggest working with a clean slate. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. To learn more from our Cosmetologist co-author, like which products to use if you want a matte or glossy finish on your hair, keep reading! Likewise, take the required amount of it and bond the desired chunk of hair. 6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Suite 211 Irvine CA 92603. Start at the root of the hair and gently pull it up using your hand or the comb. Trick into your hands and take a whiff, there is no mistaking that it was made for a man. Spiked hair dates back to ancient Japan in the sixth century, and was revisited in the 80s by punk bands and their followers. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. To spike your hair in the front, you can either use a gel or use a combination of wet and dry hair products. The goal here is beautiful style with a rolled out of bed vibe. While you don’t typically think of styling glue as being good for your hair, I really like that Joico Spiker contains hair beneficial ingredients including: Nothing can put a damper on perfectly sculpted spikes quite like an unforeseen downpour. Don’t be afraid to experiment and discover what works best for you. Long gone are the days where us guys have to settle on feminine smelling grooming products. What should I do? {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/e\/e6\/Spike-Your-Hair-Step-1-Version-6.jpg\/v4-460px-Spike-Your-Hair-Step-1-Version-6.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/e\/e6\/Spike-Your-Hair-Step-1-Version-6.jpg\/aid4486-v4-728px-Spike-Your-Hair-Step-1-Version-6.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":259,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"410","licensing":"