How many strips you cut depends on how many strips you want your windsock to have. Constantly improving his craft and writing better articles and stories has become Daniels' goal in life. Last Updated: October 8, 2020 Young children will need help with this step. You will now have a blue cone. Hang your windsock someplace that gets a nice breeze. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. If you use liquid school glue, use clothespins or paper clips to hold the paper together until the glue dries. Loop a piece of string around the ring (which now has the blue bag attached) through the hole you just made and tie a double knot. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 187,770 times. Thanks in advance for any advice. What I can't figure out is how the flag/windsock attaches to the pole. Do not leave paper windsocks outside in the rain or snow. Watercolor and markers will show up nicely against white paper, but they won't show up against colored paper. References Instead of a windsock try flying colourful Japanese kites from your windsock pole. Put the windsock out on a day when the wind is stronger, or try making sure that the windsock is within full reach of the wind. Use a hole puncher to make 2 holes in the top of the windsock. Before you begin the project choose a spot that is in the open, away from trees or buildings, so that your windsock can be seen easily. Plan on using 5 to 10 strips. 6. Make each one a different color for a rainbow windsock! Also hot glue this in place and remember to cut of the excess. Feed the end through both holes. "As a visual learner, the video made it much more pleasurable and quicker.". Always use proper caution when using power tools. A glue stick or liquid school glue will work the best for this, but you can use a stapler too if you have nothing else. Lay out a blue recycle bag and keeping one corner intact, cut it into a large triangle. Yes, the wind needs to be able to flow through it. % of people told us that this article helped them. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. Acrylic craft paint will work great for this, but you can also use poster paint or tempera paint. Now put a zip tie on the other side and tie the windsock to it. Cut enough strips to glue all around the inside edge of your windsock. Snip the end off the corner on the bag (now the end of the cone) so that the wind can pass through. You can also hold them by the handle, and run around with them to make the streamers ripple in the wind. Tap the windsock swivel down into the top of the conduit pipe securely and tie the windsock to the swivel arm. Hot glue them in place. The swivel system attaches the windsock to the pole, keeping it secure and allowing it to swivel freely around the mast at 360˚, which is very important for measuring wind direction. You will now have a blue cone. If you don’t have a hole punch, you can use the tip of a pencil. Instructions to make your own windsock: Cut the rim off an empty plastic yogourt or sour cream container to create a ring (see picture below). Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. This article has been viewed 187,770 times. FIrst line up the tent stake on one side of the pole and zip tie it on, but loose enough that you can still slide it up and down. Put on your safety glasses and use the power drill and the wood screws to attach the adjustable flag pole mount onto the side of the wooden pole. Do I need flag bungees? Thread a piece of string through both holes, then tie the ends together. Bring both ends of the string together, then tie them into a knot. Leave a long end on the string. By using our site, you agree to our. We use cookies to make wikiHow great.,, consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. Lay out a blue recycle bag and keeping one corner intact, cut it into a large triangle. Make sure that the side that you decorated is on the outside of the tube. Yarn works great for this, but you can use any type of string you want, as long as it is thin enough to fit through the holes.
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