It’s as simple as that. Once you choose where you want to teach and the type of position you’re looking for, check the required qualifications. Remember, cheaping out on a course can actually end up leaving you out of pocket and out of work! Our TESOL courses will help prepare you for any classroom, whether that be in the United States or overseas. TESOL certification. When you do your TESOL certification online the course will likely be self-paced. Accepted by all major online English teaching companies. You won’t have to pay a penny! Our post – Should you take a TEFL course with a guaranteed job placement – delves further into this. If you’re over 50 don’t let that put you off getting started in TESOL, you just need to be aware of those countries that have strict retirement ages. All candidates for initial educator … Simply enter your text below and press enter to search: The Definitive Guide to TESOL & TESOL certification, Combined Classroom and Online TEFL Courses, 50% off 120-hour Online & Advanced TEFL Courses, 120-Hour Premier Online TEFL / TESOL Course, 168-Hour Online Level 5 TEFL / TESOL Course, Yes, if degree obtained from an English-speaking country, TESL: Teaching English as a Second Language, ESOL: English for Speakers of Other Languages, CELTA: Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, How most people get started in TESOL + tips, About specialist areas of TESOL, such as Business English, What opportunities are out there and how to boost your CV. Other positions may require a TESOL or related graduate degree plus previous teaching experience. You can teach English at any age, but it’s important to remember that some countries (particularly in Asia) do have upper age limits. ]]> Requirements can stipulate a degree (in any field) and particular nationality (typically US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa), which can be a barrier for some teachers. [CDATA[// >. It is virtually identical to TEFL certification – in fact the terms TESOL and TEFL tend to be used interchangeably across much of the world.. Online TESOL courses come in a range of hours, such as 40, 60, 100, 120, or 150, and usually provide the … Good TESOL course providers will provide a level of assistance to help you find work but they won’t place you in a job. //-->