On the back is stamped The Sessions Clock Company, Forestville, …, Hermle Mantel clock. I would like to learn more about this clock. On the back of the clock case …, My Grandma's Clock I would really like some help identifying this clock model. The clock works have been replaced …, A gift of Time I know very little about this clock. Anyone information would be appreciated. I would like to know more about it, …, Occidental by William L. Gilbert Clock Company Back of clock reads: It was made in Thomaston, Connecticut. P.V. I am trying to find out if it is worth something or just a clock. It no longer works but looks good. Seth Thomas, born 1785, was an amateur clockmaker who began his career in earnest when he moved to Plymouth, Connecticut, in 1807 and became an apprentice to renowned clockmaker Eli Terry. Can …, Mantel Clock by Sessions Clock Co, The label or numbers on the dial appear to be paper. The clock seems to be old, but I don't know much about it. I know very little about this grandmother clock except it is no newer than 1950....most likely 1940's. The model 89 has the regulating I found an image of the exact clock, but other than that I can't find a date or value. On the paper back tag it says Marigold {in red ink} Then in blue ink? The case is made out of green malachite and is very …, Helping a handicap friend identify. Inside the clock there is a letter written by my great-grandmother. I just bought this sweet, pine grandfather clock...although I am not sure it qualifies since it has a battery in its face. It was in the house as long as see can remember & she was born in 1935. There is one leaf in front of the bird and one behind it. New Haven Mission Clock My Great-Great-Grandfather worked for the New Haven Clock Co. As family lore goes he was given a sample of every clock he designed. I bought this clock in Belgium on an antique market some 20 years ago. This clock was brought back from Germany by my grandparents many years ago. or marble cases became popular in the United States. It came home with a Great-Grandfather from his Merchant Marine days. It is 9" high and 16" wide. I don't know much about this clock, its a longcase clock that has "Tryall Rider Manchester" printed on the top of the clockface. I took it apart, cleaned …, Need Information My father bought this clock for my mother over 20 years ago. 1892176 The only information I can see is on the movement and all there is, is the company …, Windup alarm clock Made in Great Britain Does anyone know the who and when of this clock. Can …. The clock is in perfect working order and looks like new. The clock will have a rack and snail strike. …, waterbury mantle clock Hi, I am not to sure of that but that is all I know. The man who cleaned it thought it was …, My antique Seth Thomas clock I don't know much about this clock except that it is extremely heavy for the size, weighing 8 pounds. …, Sessions United Ship Clock This was my father's clock. In their version of an atomic clock, Seth Thomas uses an internal chip to offer the same autosetting features of true, radio-controlled atomic clocks. …, Grandparents clock I have a clock I received from my grandparents. They also made clocks in iron cases finished G.M. Clock as Payment for Computer Work The only thing I know about it is that it has 2 numbers on it the first one is 33698 and the second is 43 stamped on the back plate of the workings and …, I have a New haven mantel clock  This appears to be an enamel very heavy wind up mantel clock, says built in New Haven, U.S.A. At the bottom is wood that has a hand carved # of W2567 and …, English Gingerbread Clock circa 1842 English gears and bearings replaced with German parts many years ago. In this case, look at the movement for the name or trademark of the maker. In their version of an atomic clock, Seth Thomas uses an internal chip to offer the same autosetting features of true, radio-controlled atomic clocks. It appears to be made in the 40's Wood veneer, bowed glass …, Clock found in the attic Hello, …, FUNGHANY Mantel Clock I bought this mantel clock in 1974 in central NC at a flea market. The clock looks like it might be mahogany. It's working very precisely for such an old clock and …, Seth Thomas mantle #5513 clock We would like to know any information you can provide about this clock. A domed …, Dating Mid-Century Modern Starburst Clock Clock is a large 30" Seth Thomas starburst clock, Model Starlight E618-000.Clock has alternating 12 brass spikes with ball ends and 12 brass spikes. Supposedly it was passed down to her from her mother, …, Help Identiying Date and Manufacturer Any help would be appreciated. I know Elkington was a famous silversmith …, New Haven Clock, Banjo Style On the clock face at the bottom it says New Haven Clock Co., USA. Mahogany Veneer and appears to be on pine construction possibly. Thanks so much. The Clock still runs, I think it must be an …, I came across this interesting Clock made by United Clock  This clock was made by the United Clock Corp. Model No.84. There are no markings anywhere else. Is this clock considered a cuckoo clock? 45 marked H in wood on upper right side above the stamp. In side the first dust cover is two hallmarks: …, Antique Clock??? And, is it allowed to ask for valuation …, E. N. Welch Mfg. It has an oval with an F on the left, a gearlike thing in the middle and a C on the right. It runs well, and had a very loud sound when it strikes. Above: label from clock dated September 1906. each side. If anyone can knows what model this it, the the would …, Ansonia clock "Merrimac" patented 1892 Bought at an estate sale. What I've been told so …, Newly Inherited Clock Just obtained a C and L.C Ives clock. Over many years, I have learned a lot. It is of course wood and has identification on back Marked Sessions and below Sessions …, Seth Thomas clock I recently purchased this Seth Thomas clock from a goodwill and so far I know what company it is made by and some value. A "forgeron" is a blacksmith, hence …, William L Gilber Clock Company "Hawk" Model I received as a gift a "Hawk" model clock made by the William L. Gilbert Clock Company of Winsted, Ct. Circa 1950 deft 3 Seth Thomas alarm clock It was my Father-in-Law's. The cab has a light when turned on the red …, Help me restore a Derry Mfg. …, Kroeber Clock gift from Grandma  I have had this clock sitting on my fireplace mantle for several years. There are no other markings …, Old heavy Waterbury Clock All I know about this clock is my mother recieved it from an elderly woman who said it was over 100 yrs old and that was back in the 80's, here are 2 pics. The paper labels that were glued on many antique clocks are a wealth of information if they are still readable and intact. It has no words printed, …, 1850s Ansonia Iron Clock  This clock belonged to my great grandmother's mother. It is a Cotley design, or was named after a clockmaker …, Germany coo coo clock My uncle gave me this clock. I just located it in my …, Tiffany & Co. antique clock I would like to know how old it is, what is the clocks origin, and how much it may be worth. I was told by a clock guy who oiled it or cleaned it for …, One of a kind? This movement has three main barrel springs and the clock dimensions are 20" by 9" by 5". He had been given it many years ago by a …, Grandparents Swedish clock  Unique antique wall clock Swedish/Scandinavian. It was incorporated as the "Seth Thomas Clock Company" in 1853. The Clock We got this clock from mom when she passed away. I got this clock recently and I want to know what time period it belongs to, unfortunately I don't know too much about it except that has a crossed arrow …, Grandpa's Clock I've had it for 45 years. I'd like to know more …, Clock given to my grandparents as a wedding gift My father (now deceased) inhereted a Seth-Thomas clock which was given to my grandparents as a wedding gift around 1921 or 1922. I can't find any name on this one. She told me it is a Seth Thomas from 1865, however, I have not been able to locate any information on it. Kitchen clock This is from my dad's estate. It was in my mother's basement wrapped up for how long, I have no idea. discoverclocks.com, ClockHistory.com, answers.com, Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. He is very familiar with the historical understanding of the antique clocks and their value. The lady said her father bought …, Nana's tea time clock My husband inherited this clock recently from his mother and I would like to know everything there is to know about it! Jules Rolez appears …, Family Heirloom This clock was given to me by my grandfather. Megan Mattingly-Arthur has been writing professionally since 1998. Seth new clock proved to be a date success, and so Seth Seth decided to enter the market. Just wondered what model and time period and value. Would appreciate your help in identifying. With a G in a diamond …, Mother's Gift This clock was given to my mother from my father approximately 35 years ago and is still going strong however we have never been able to find out the value …, Marble porcelain antique clock It is a Porcelain Mantel clock, two piece.

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