Mais je repris mes esprits et lui donnai un coup de poing dans le visage., She is dead in which case there is nothing we can do. Sunny The Tragic Clown | Herobrine | FATHER | Mr. Scars | Puppeteer: 6'2. He then scolds Jay, telling him that he couldn't even remember that night or the events on the tape and that Jay fully knows this possibility, however Jay continues to state he doesn't believe him. Since the audio distorts, it is hard to tell if they talk further about Tim. The Operator does not use Proxies, and neither Masky nor Hoodie are ever seen trying to help it. Full Name Chimpanzee | (I think that's an below an average height for an American male) +. Unknown Average human abilities Full Name He notices nothing for a while, then suddenly Masky shows up in his room, moving about his room for no explainable reason before vanishing. Additionally, Hoodie and Masky are the alternate personas of Brian Thomas and Tim Wright. Notable Creepypasta Villains Je vais essayer de dormir, à demain. Although he is a calm individual on the exterior, on the inside he is a frightened man who just wants to be normal and escape the demons of his past. What happened to Alex is uncertain, but Masky appears chronologically in Entry #33 afterwards, meaning he survived the encounter. When Jay goes next door to get Jessica, she's gone. Wonderland Dream, Video Game Creepypasta Villains Tim WrightThe Masked ManMasky Masky Test Subjects | At one point Masky hangs up his mask, but anyone do not see him without it, and Jay runs into the Operator. Tim Wright plays a character called Tim in Alex Kralie's short film. He appears to be very distressed and extremely upset over his condition, having huge blackouts and being unable to awaken for large periods of time with no recollection. Sheriff Walker | Je n’avais vraiment pas envie d’y aller. Ticci-Toby | Quand je me suis réveillée, je saignais du nez, j’arrivais à peine à bouger, j’avais une énorme entaille sur mon bras, et surtout, cette douleur atroce, mon ventre me faisait souffrir. It takes place between entries 32 and 33, when Jessica disappears. Ghost | Cher journal, je suis si contente de te revoir enfin, la journée a été très longue sans toi. Slender Man (2018 Film) | Tim Sutton plays Tim Wright in the series. J'ai vu une tache de sang sur mon coussin. Je me retournai et la maison… avait disparu. Entry #33 is the next time Masky shows up. The Cameramen | Holder of Slaughter | Il souffre d'un dérèglement psychique à cause du Slenderman. Jane the Killer: 5'9. Ayuwoki | J’étais toujours en train de courir quand je vis qu’il avait disparu. Randy, Troy and Keith | It is also worth noting that Masky actively works against The Operator meaning he would usually not be considered a proxy. Tim, however, tells Jay he has two because there's only two "possibilities": Jay tries to reason that if Jessica is alive then she could need their help, but Tim tells him that she has to be "dead to us" for her safety. Its possible the Masky persona may have taken over again. Three Drowned | ECKVA | Unnamed Entity | By the end of the series, Tim and Hoodie were enemies, and Hoodie was ultimately killed by Tim and then revealed to be Brian. The Girl | Origin The Archangel | A un moment la prof en a eu marre et lui a foutu une heure de colle, j’étais bien contente. Tommy Taffy | Masky & Hoodie belong to Marble Hornets. Since Alex knew where Tim was, it can be assumed that he was hunting Tim down and intended to kill him, and could mean that Tim was planning to kill Alex and not Jay, which is why he showed up the second time Jay went there when Alex conveniently did as well. However, after Jessica encountering the Operator, it appears that Alex shoots Jessica, and her body is taken by the Operator. Hoodie and Masky originated in the YouTube series Marble Hornets and not only aren't Proxies but have never even come into contact with Slender Man. In the next entry, Jay wanders into an area of Rosswood Park where he believes Tim ran off to. Masky. The Man in the Fields | Si jamais vous remarquez un gars correspondant à la description de Masky, je vous souhaite beaucoup de courage, et de bons derniers jours de vie... Masky est un proxy du Slenderman, ce pourquoi il est souvent représenté à ces côtés ou avec un ou des autres proxies. est le nom d'un personnage de creepypasta assez peu connu, mais possédant tout de même pas mal de fans. In Entry #18, Masky makes his first appearance, tackling Jay violently when Jay notices him sitting on the couch in another room, and falls to the ground having some form of seizure. Je me mis à courir vers la cuisine, et là, il me fit un croche-patte et je tombai violemment sur le sol, je ressentis une violente douleur sur le tibia gauche et je n’arrivais plus à me lever. Je vais prendre l’air pour me changer les idées, à plus tard mon cher journal. Contrary to popular belief Masky is not a Creepypasta character nor a Proxy. Tim Wright is one of the main characters of the Marble Hornets ARG and was a friend of Brian, one of the missing cast members, and also the personae Masky. 79 SOUTH CREEK ROAD" along with the Operator symbol. Hoody then appears and turns off the camera. Les meubles semblaient avoir été déplacés, il y avait des taches de sang sur le sol. Dancing Pig | Child Murderer | Tim uploads the last video of the series. If Entry #59 is to be believed, Tim has had no recollection of any of the events as Masky [due to the blackouts], nor any knowledge of the Operator until this entry. J’étais tétanisée, je ne pouvais plus bouger. The Operator | Jeff the Killer | C’est la fin. '' Zalgo, Music Creepypasta Villains Il me fixa pendant quelques temps, je pouvais entendre sa respiration. Je vis une lampe torche sur le sol et la pris. Blind Maiden | Tim then grabs some items, including Jay's knife, and departs from the house. Me revoilà, j’ai eu super peur tout à l'heure, alors voila ce qu’il s’est passé : je marchais tranquillement dans la rue quand je vis un chemin entre deux immeubles. Celle-ci montre bien la façon de procéder de Masky. Teacher | Kill Alex (Succeeded) Former Mental PatientCo-Actor of Marble Hornets Princess | Firebrand | Height:5'7. Pastel Man | Jane the Killer | The Collective | - Tim Sutton joue Tim Wright dans la série. Il ne semblait pas avoir froid, mais j'ai cru voir qu’il portait un masque blanc aux yeux entourés de noir et aux lèvres noires. Marble HornetsTotheark Kagekao: 6'5. Je suis tellement contente de pouvoir me reposer après cette longue et fatigante semaine. Evil-doer Occupation Me revoilà mon cher journal, je suis encore désolée de te déranger si tard mais j’ai peur, j’entends des pas, je viens d’entendre un verre se briser, il est là… Masky est là… je l’entend arriver, il est derrière la porte, il essaye de la défoncer. Entry #19 has Jay looking over security footage of his room when he slept the night prior. Tim declares that now that Alex has taken everything from him, he has no restraints and will go after Alex. Timothy Wright Je vais essayer de le contacter demain après midi, cependant, j’ai vu un type bizarre là bas, il avait les cheveux bruns, une veste orange, un pantalon noir et des bottes. Jay also vanishes, but Jay notes he woke up in his bed the following day, meaning at some point he went back to bed. The Dog | When the camera comes back on, Tim has successfully managed to tie down Jay, who struggles but cannot get free. Height:5'11 1. J’avançai jusqu'à me retrouver devant la porte de mon salon, je l’ouvris et vis cet homme, assis sur le canapé. Cher journal, cette nuit j'ai fais le même cauchemar sauf que cette fois, j’ai un bleu sur l’épaule et au lieu de me poignarder, il m’a égorgée. Je viens d’avoir 12 ans ce matin, et tu es mon plus beau cadeau. If Entry #55 is to be believed, then Tim may have been stalked by the Operator for years, and everyone else got roped in due to involvement with him. They find in the attic a picture of who they believe is Amy, and on the back, "I HAVE HIM. Slender Man | Jeff the Killer | Z̤͂â̢ḷ͊g̹̓ȯ̘ Although he is a calm individual on the exterior, his true personality is that of a scared man who wants to be normal and escape the hell that chases him. Hobby Hoody | Age:12. Goals Height:4'8 1. Je faisais tout pour l’ouvrir, mais elle ne voulait pas. The nickname Masky was originally fan-made since the character was originally just addressed as "The Masked Man". Tails Doll | When there are blackouts he comes into the form known as Masky, a separate entity from Tim which is why Tim has no memory of what happens, references show that he may have Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) while these characters seem relatively cold on the outside. J’étais plongée dans le noir total, je ne voyais rien. He uploads the words "Everything is fine" along with a 5-minute video. When the tapes that Jay got from Alex end, it was unclear as to where Brian was or what happened to him. Age:17. Wiki Creepypasta est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Mode de vie. Gregory Leary | J’ai appelé cet homme Masky, à cause de son masque. He appears frequently and to date is one of the most mysterious characters in the series. - Il a été créé par THAC pour les ARG Marble Hornets, - Sa place serait en prison, ou bien dans un hôpital psychiatrique, Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. Eyeless Jack | MurderTrespassingStalking Stalking Jay eventually loses him, and does not seem to notice any reason for him following there. Alias Masky is generally regarded as a mysterious antagonist; however, his actions in saving Jay and Jessica from being murdered by Alex in Entry #52 might suggest otherwise. The Operator | Milo | Dan Wittlocke | Rose Wittlocke, Clear Lakes 44 Jay states that he is going to follow Tim and see what is going on, but does not know when he will update next. Olen Grant | Cult of X | C'est le 'meilleur ami' d'Hoodie, mais ils sont parfois aussi shipés ensemble... Masky est vu comme le méchant entre lui et Hoodie. Anti-Villainous Vigilante. Cher journal, cette nuit, rien d’anormal, pas de cauchemar, rien. Je pense que je vais placer une caméra dans ma chambre cette nuit, pour voir ce qu’il se passe. Après avoir harceler ces personnes, il va ensuite pénétrer chez elles pour les assassiner. He appears to be very distressed and extremely upset over his condition, having huge blackouts and being unable to awaken for large periods of time with no recollection. Il peut être contrôlé par Hoodie et récupérer son calme. Male Crimes Sally Williams: 4'11. Quand je me suis réveillée, j’avais un nouveau bleu... sur l’épaule… et une énorme douleur à la gorge. Sa famille qui était en voyage l’a retrouvée ce matin même, éventrée, couverte de bleus et de blessures. Clockwork: 5'7. Ellie | Clowny | Connor | Tim knew if he saw the tape, that Jay would blame him for Jessica's disappearance, and thus hunting Alex would be even harder with the two of them at odds rather than in a team. - Le surnom Masky a été à l'origine créé par des fans puisque le personnage était à l'origine simplement appelé "The Masked Man". The Seeker | Swain | While Masky struggles with Alex, the other two run and hear a gunshot in the distance. Entry #87 explains that Tim is still alive and plans to leave the area. What happened to Alex is uncertain, but Masky appears chronologically in Entry #33 afterwards, meaning he survived the encounter. Aujourd’hui, personne ne m’a souhaité joyeux anniversaire à part mes parents et ma sœur, tout le monde m’a ignoré en cours, personne n’a voulu rester avec moi, j’ai dû manger toute seule à la cantine pendant que les autres parlaient dans mon dos.

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