To upset Mitch, Adam suggests one: NEVER HAVE I EVER HAD SEX. Hobby Adam said, " If you reveal this note , Blaire will die. " It is currently debated as to why Mitch posted the video, since he did not seem to harbor real malice towards Laura. She begins by sending private photos to the rest of the group containing their own secrets, Blaire specifically receives a photo of her and Adam having sex. They look at the Instagram picture and it is a screen shot of Laura emailing Val a year earlier, where Val ignores Laura's attempt at friendship and instead writes: KILL URSELF LAURA! Synopsis They're all relieved and they laugh about the paranoia. Trivia Edit. The Dead Meat Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. She started crying and told him " No, you don't want to read it." High school student Laura Barns commits suicide by gunshot after an anonymous user uploads a video of her passing out and defecating at an unsupervised party, and the video goes viral. Blaire looks it up and the code means suicide. Val is seen silently sitting in her laundry room, next to an open bottle of bleach, motionlessly staring at the camera. When Laura tries to apologize and asks her to remove the video, Val tells her to kill herself. They met up again, to see if there was " More To It ", and Mitch was furious with both of them when he found out by Adam, when they were playing the game. With Jess dead, the only two remaining friends left alive are Blaire and Mitch. Unfriended (2014) Laura Barns - Shot herself in the face. (Note: the entire movie takes place from the point-of-view of a laptop computer screen). Ken Smith - Hand and neck ground in blender blades by Laura. Mitch goes haywire. Now she realizes she isn't dealing with just a normal person. Blaire tells them that Billie is trying to make them all turn on each other and not to give in. Scenes were also re-edited (ie: Laura Barns party video) to censor inappropriate scenes. She does a Google search on how to memorialize a Facebook account. As Blaire breaks down into tears crying, Laura thanks her for the help, and shares a brief condolence with her. Billie starts listing statements: NEVER HAVE I EVER SPREAD A RUMOR ABOUT BLAIRE HAVING AN EATING DISORDER. They start screaming at Billie and Adam grabs his father's gun and threatens to come over there and kill him. After Laura possesses the Skype chat, she forces Val to drink bleach. Including Ken. Good Mitch, angry that Blaire and Adam are apparently sending each other "secret messages", threatens to log off, to which Laura responds that if he does, he will die. They are both flirting with each other, when a computer glitch suddenly causes their other friends to come onto the chat. She figures Val is just having a seizure and remembers that she mentioned she had a medical condition that causes seizures before the others don't know if this is correct. During the deadly game of Never Have I Ever, billie227 says "Never have I ever... cheated on my boyfriend." Unfriended is a 2014 American teen slasher horror film written by Nelson Greaves and directed by Levan Gabriadze starring Shelley Hennig, Moses Jacob Storm, Renee Olstead, Will Peltz, Jacob Wysocki, Courtney Halverson and Heather Sossamon. Fully possessing Adam, Laura kills him by forcing him to shoot himself in the face with his father's revolver. All of a sudden, both Blaire and Adam's printers start printing something, which they both refuse to reveal to the group. BAM. Her suicide deeply affected everyone who knew her and witnessed it and her Facebook account became a memorial and dedication page. Val rejected the plea and told her to kill herself. Origin James A. Janisse | Blaire is now getting the same kind of hate that drove Laura to suicide. Horror, Mystery, Thriller. Unfriended begins on the night of April 12th 2014, the anniversary of Laura Barns’(Heather Sossaman) suicide. Laura Barns messages her and asks: "What are you watching?" Mitch kept pressuring her into showing him the note and told her that if she didn't, he would kill himself. Val signs off. The video is interrupted as an incoming Skype call comes in its a shirtless guy lying on his bed named Mitch (Moses Jacob Storm). Then, they realize the video is filming from a crate inside Ken's house. Unfriended Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Helpers: He says he was distracted by a weird message from Laura Barns. Laura writes: "Drifted apart? She was also a party girl, as various pictures uploaded on Facebook showed her smoking through a bong. Blaire stumbles upon a RIP Laura Barns Facebook community page with thousands of likes, realizing that Laura is now more popular and loved than ever. Billie counts down from 10 until Jess finally admits it was her who started it, defending herself by saying it's kind of true since Blaire always says things like "I'm not hungry". Unknown Val's phone begins to wiggle on the screen proving that the screen is not frozen Val's just not moving. Adam Sewell - Forced to shoot himself in the face by Laura. He is just about to hang up when Blaire finally shows him the piece of paper. Val's computer gets knocked down to the ground. While a frightened Jess hides in her bathroom, Blaire goes on Chatroulette and successfully gets someone to call the police. It is currently debated as to why Mitch posted the video, since he did not seem to … He suggests that it's her brother. Blaire and Mitch don't notice that one of the girls shown getting undressed on a cam is Blaire from the beginning of the film. Then Blaire gets an email from someone named Billie; it is a link to the picture on Instagram that Val had been sent. Then Blaire's computer sends something to her printer and she gets a piece of paper printed. Mitch was also protective of some of his friends, as after learning that Adam was willing to trade Jess's life for his own (and pin the blame on Blaire herself) Mitch became furious and called him a piece of crap for doing that to her. The group also notices the broken mirror behind her and the empty bottle of bleach by her side. Unfriended (2014) KILL COUNT is the eighty fifth video of James A. Janisse's series, the Kill Count (Movies). She is laughing about what she just captured on camera and says: "I can't believe I just got Laura Barns on tape. Billie says one of them is going to be the loser. However, they also notice an unwanted user in their Skype chat, which was Billie227, who is proven to be Laura's Instagram account. The second one she mishears and thinks its a call for medical help. Laura Barns was born on January 4, 1996. Her friends tell her to send the email to Ken because he can track down the user via their IP address. He tells her he can't stand Val and that she is a floozy. It's not very clear what's happening because it's only shown in flashes, but blood is shown and he is committing suicide throughout the scene. This was cut in the final version of the film. A female 911 Voice Operator answers the call. After Ken stands up, he and the remaining friends realize that the camera is in his room. A group of online chat room friends find themselves haunted by a mysterious, supernatural force using the account of their dead friend. He then became distrusting with Blaire by calling her a slut questioning if she really loved him. They are lead to believe her camera had lagged out into an image with the only sound in the background being the barking of her dog. Billie tells them, in this game, if the loser doesn't drink, they will die. Billie tells them, in this game, if the loser doesn't drink, they will die. Billie227/Laura begins to play a song with a sarcastic title ('I Hurt Too'). At first Mitch was just an ordinary high school student with a normally witty sense of humor and relatively kind personality. Active If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page.
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