As in, I'm playing as the US and I have ships spread out across lots of naval bases, and I want to form a flotilla. As the main surface combatants, capital ships are designed to sink enemy ships in surface battles. I am taking this from Dustinl796 [1]. Some hull types may serve as the foundation for more than one ship type, depending upon the modules that are fitted during the design of a given ship variant. This is both a production bug - not making enough planes - and a deployment bug - sending carriers without planes or sending carriers into zones with land based air dominance that destroy carrier planes. Clicking on the history icon will open the ship details pop up displaying the history of ships sunk for that particular vessel. QIE - In the qiefocus.25 event, allow QIE to join the GER side when GER is at war with major faction/s, and also remove the references for joining the GER's faction in focus and event descriptions Suggestion At the start of the game, each country will have a selection of pre-existing ship variants available for production, based upon hull types which have already been researched. The concepts of hulls and modules do not apply to convoys. Whether it’s figuring out how to structure your forces or what plan of action to take as an Allied state facing imminent doom in 1936, it can be quite a challenge. The realm rejoices as Paradox Interactive announces the launch of Crusader Kings III, the latest entry in the publisher’s grand strategy role-playing game franchise. Having less armor will result in bigger damage values taken. Very annoying to have the lists cluttered with designs, especially when this new interface is hard to understand what anything means. Advisors may now jockey for positions of influence and adversaries should save their schemes for another day, because on this day Crusader Kings III can be purchased on Steam, the Paradox Store, and other major online retailers. From the (carrier) base window the process is identical to establishing or modifying a wing stationed at an air base. Rather than look for the ships I want across a dozen different fleets, I can just tell the game to fetch the ships I want for me and form a fleet in, say, Seattle. Max speed = It's the max speed a ship can have. Light Attack = It's the attack capability of a ship towards a non capital ship (more on non capital ships later). Find below an updated list of all Hearts of Iron IV console commands, these are commonly referred to as cheat codes.. Hover over a command in the table to view detailed argument-related help. Most of these stats can be improved by building a variant. Reference Variant and Variant Upgrading and Variant Naval. This is a community maintained wiki. There is no best fleet composition for HOI4 it completely depends on where you are fighting in the ocean. Instead, there is only one standard convoy model. Xsolla is an authorized global distributor of Paradox Interactive, Hearts of Iron 4 - After Action Reports (AAR), 2. You could choose ships from a window which showed you all available vessels and how far away they were. The fleet template, is very often suggested in the forums. There are no technologies available to unlock more advanced convoy models. Hulls are the foundational component of ships, and are unlocked through research. There are already 200,000+ tier list templates available on TierMaker and you can make a tier list for nearly anything by searching for the topic you are interested in or starting on our category page. Screen ships are named for their ability to protect capital ships and convoys from torpedoes during naval battles. Organization runs out by moving to other sea tiles, engaging into battle or exercising the fleet. Researching Naval doctrine can also increase stats. Why is this still not a thing? You will notice that each individual ship in your fleet is listed with a green organization and a brown strength bar, a silhouette for the ship class, a rank icon to show the ship's experience level, a vertical progress bar showing how much experience that ship has accumulated towards the next rank and the name of the ship. --Panzer Commander, Der Adler, der Wolf, und die Sonne: Die Geschichte des Stahlpakts, The Eagle, the Wolf and the Sun: the History of the Pact of Steel; A Hearts of Iron 3: Their Finest Hour Historical AAR, "This must be the most creative and engaging research write-up I've ever seen in an AAR.". Damaged convoys do not need to return to dockyards in order to be repaired. The air wings of existing carriers can be adjusted by selecting the air wing in the air force overview or by selecting an air region in the air map mode, which brings up a list of all bases, and then selecting the fleet the carrier is a part of to bring up the air base windows for all carriers in that fleet. Hull types [] See also: Naval technology Hulls are the foundational component of ships, and are unlocked through research. Having higher armor than the light/heavy piercing of the enemy ship will result in reduced damage taken as well as more attacks per hour. variants) that can be produced by dockyards. These are described below. Light Piercing = The armor value that the light attack can pierce. Ship Templates These are some templates I found out that were pretty useful. Convoys are distinguished by the following characteristics: Convoys are defenseless against enemy warships, but can be escorted by friendly warships for protection. (Convoy. In addition to templates they have to fix the idiocy of sending carriers out with no planes. I foresee this being eventually lumped into whatever naval rework they do (probably the next expansion), modified to fit the needs of a (relatively) three-dimensional battlespace (the current naval system being similar) which doesn't currently use a three dimensional system. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Adding more ships to a fleet or sea region, Adding more planes to a sea region (gaining Air Superiority), Having better decryption than an enemy vessel's encryption (, Adding more ships, especially destroyers and light cruisers, to a fleet or sea region, Researching higher level destroyers and light cruisers, Creating destroyer and light cruiser variants incorporating higher sub detection, Hiring an escort fleet design company such as the United Kingdom's Yarrow Shipbuilders. Ships with high speed values can dodge more shots, move faster, retreat and engage faster. Each hull type contains a number of module slots.These slots can be populated by modules via the Ship Designer in order to form complete ship designs (a.k.a. Carriers - 1936 Carrier Template. Mostly because you have to go into sub menus to see what a design is, instead of the old way of it saying what class of ship it was on the name. Hearts of Iron IV tracks experience, skill and history for individual ships, and this can be seen in the Fleet View. Carriers - 1940 Carrier Template. Only a fleet template would also mean that the naval would be reduced to only production and assigning the fleet to the areas, where's the fun in that? From here its statistical values are visible, along with any combat history on the second tab. Spares. It is possible to rename the ship by pressing its name. Division templates can be created and modified by the player using spending army This recent DD is very intriguing for me as a HOI4 player, since it gives me hope this functionality is just around the corner for HOI4 as well. What I actually want the most is the ability to designate ships as "idle" or "reserve" ships so that they could be used to form or reinforce flotillas. No replayability value." Another thing to keep in mind is that the build time for ships in Stellaris is far quicker relative to overall game length than it is in HoI4. Even with HoI4s rather accelerated build times, A full line of production could at most produce around 20-24 (roughly, depends a bit on CV model, production techs and so on) CVs or BBs in a game - whereas in Stellaris a BB can be built in two years (longest build time), In WW2, it wasn't until the second half of 1943 that any navy, US and British included, started to have so many ships that they had 'spares', and it wasn't until 1944 that they had 'spares' of CVs/BBs, by which time Italy was Allied, the German navy in tatters and the Japanese navy in a fair bit of trouble.

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