All werewolves can thank him for their “gift”. Skewsa-Archfey, God of Centaurs: Known as the Forester. Syrune-Hexblade: Prefers the resolute. Michael-Celestial: Seeks the humble. Pact of the Blade not actually required - that just means bonding further with your weapon. Bokrug-Great Old One, Bringer of Doom: A giant scorpion, with the tentacles instead of legs, and the wings of an eagle. There are just a lot of options you likely won’t use much or that are overshadowed by inherent warlock features. Bard: You made a deal for musical and melee prowess. At level six you get Dark One’s Own Luck, which is essentially the ability to inspire yourself like a bard would. Wishes to recreate the world in the form of a swamp. The highlight of this subclass starts with Hex Warrior. One of the highlights is Among the Dead, which gets you Spare the Dying at level one but also gives near-invulnerability to attacks from undead. You are a bard and want a fey patron? Like an archfey is tired of its warlocks all being backline casters? […], Want a new spin on a barbarian? In my view, A Fiend Warlock with the Pact of the Time boon is the best avenue for a spellcaster in this class. It therefore sort of struggles against your curse, battling for control. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. She takes the form of a woman with plant-like skin, leaves for hair, and roots for legs. There you have it. A pseudo-divine being has a nice army of pseudo-clerics in the form of Celestial Warlocks but wants some pseudo-paladins too? the Battlerager might be for you. It should be no surprise then that it is at the top of our Warlock Patrons 5E list? Zaphkiel-Celestial, The Watcher: First of the Archons, leader of the Hebdomad. Serve him well, and he shall reward you. He has gifted you the power required to face his enemies. They seek to kill major demons and they tend to bind lesser demons to weapons. Also, my DM asked all of us to integrate the subrace patron in the story. MToF gave me a good option to apply to those who break their contract in a particularly vile way, the deathlock. Abdiel-Fiend, Lord of slavery: Wants to enslave all. But if your party doesn’t have a dedicated healer and you still want to sling some damage spells, The Celestial might work for you. He opts for a trial by combat. Ungmar’Kulok-Fiend, Dark Prince of the Undead. Other than a few spells, I don’t see a lot of reason to take this as a spellcaster of The Fiend though. For Divine Soul, it could be that your latent celestial powers were dormant and wouldn't have manifested had you not been infused so suddenly with powerful shadow magic. And it's just one moment in a life, a life that could have been a Jesus-figure Divine Soul just as easily as any other. […], Need a Kobold name for your next character? My players have only met one of them, but the hexblades in my game get their abilities from a pact their family has made in opposition to my Strahd proxy. The higher-level features of the subclass are a mixed bag. Keep in mind we only discuss those officially-released subclasses. Sort of an Agent Venom style character. Taking the Fiend as a patron addresses one of the bigger weaknesses in the Warlock spell list: AOE damage. I like to think of it as an hour of darkness pact made for revenge that can never be undone. I could probably go on now that I've started, but that's not really my point…). Dendar-Great Old One, The Night Serpent: Feasts on Nightmares. For the Hexblade itself They draw from the powers of ancient artifacts that take the shape of weapons in the Shadowfell. Tonu’Zin-Hexblade: Your initiation into the Knights of Judgment went smoothly. In return, he asks that you fight against his sister Hilm’sum. 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One of the benefits of this subclass is that it offers more utility than any other Warlock option. I liked the PHB line where it states the weapon is bestowed upon the character as a gift. Silversteel-Hexblade: Prefers the honorable and righteous. A meeting with her is not a meeting to forget. The character was sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit. This is a fantastic subclass, and a case could be made that it is the best. That does not mean that all six options cannot be fun. Pershla-Great Old One: A white-haired woman with three eyes, usually wearing a red cloak. Much like The Celestial, the Archfey has a theme but it isn’t particularly optimal. If you want to be a melee-first warlock, go Hexblade. He wishes to bring strife to all corners of existence. At level 6, Misty Escape is a very powerful defensive tool that can help you avoid a ton of damage. In my opinion, the falloff from second to third on this list is pretty steep. A legendary Fey warrior who's slowly transforming into an Illithid and finds the only way to slow the transformation is to give away his substantial power, but by bit. The Celestial offers a sort of hybrid cleric/warlock option thanks to the addition of a number of cleric spells. As long as it does not equate to addition advantages outside the normal class features. Xinlurgash-Great Old One, The Ever Consuming: A giant worm with the legs of a spider and a gaping maw. Why use False Life when you have Fiendish Vigor? A hero-deity in the old greyhawk books. While I think the two at the top stick out like a sore thumb, your mileage may vary on the rest of the list. You also gain the ability to communicate telepathically with almost anyone within 30 feet of you at level one, which is exceptionally valuable. Fulfill your role, and serve him well. Depends on the world/setting really, but generally I just allow my players to choose any kind of being as their hexblade patron and just fluff their abilities being gained from them. It is entirely different from the Fiend, however. Doing it that way also goes hand-in-hand with the Radiant Consumption ability - the basic Hexblade stuff (only 1 level, so the curse which takes a form of radiant light and some simple spells) becomes like a stage 2 where I draw more from my guide and the light gets more intense. If you want to be a healer, something other than a warlock is probably your best bet. Coinchenn-Great Old One, The Secret Keeper: A humanoid whale with the legs of a chicken. I generally rule hexblades as being no different, lorewise, from any other warlock - it's just that their pact is symbolized by a weapon given to them by (or one they owned already which is now marked by) their patron. The end result may fit thematically, but much of the spells and features of this subclass are very situational. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. For more info, see our How to Level Up DND 5E Guide. Baba Yaga-Archfey, The Queen of Hags and Witches: Travels around in a hut with chicken like legs. Vielot-Hexblade: Prefers the curious and intelligent. This is excellent, as it allow you to build both your spellcasting and melee offense around a single attribute. Remember, your Warlock is what you make of it. He doesnt know what his patron is but i imagine it to be some sort of Reaper like entity from the shadowfel and every enemy he slays with his weapon gets sent to his patron. My Hexblade gets his abilities from a pair of twin sentient blades, called Swiftdoom & Sureguard, which ancestors of his encountered in the distant past. Samael-Celestial, The Venomous: Does what needs to be done; The ends justify his means. The most obvious Hexblade Patron is the Hero's Shards, the site where a famous hero in ancient times died in the Shadowfell, and his spirit and the shattered remains of his weapons and armor lie. Hyniel-Archfey: Serves the Unseelie court. It's also hinted to possibly be the Raven Queen. The six patrons released to date are not created equally. Taking the Fiend as a patron addresses one of the bigger weaknesses in the Warlock spell list: AOE damage.
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