", Peter looked up, his beady eyes focusing on Sirius and giving him a fake smile, "I'll probably spend some time with my mum and dad. ", "Come and see, it's probably ready by now.". Canon until OOTP. Healer Smith and the young healer left the room and closed the door to give them some privacy. Harry had managed to get her to agree. The gifts kept coming and coming. Seems to me that you'll be having one of each Mrs. Lupin-Black. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. She cried for her husbands who were trying so hard not to cry for their children. Their daughter could go home when Hermione did, in two days, but their son would have to stay for a few more days to make sure he could keep his oxygen levels up with no help. Turning back to the group, she said, "We found a house in Godric's Hollow. "You got the job?" SHE'S PREGNANT! She asked. ", James backed up. "No, he's not!" Ginny nudged Harry toward Sirius and then went over to Remus and wrapped her arms around him. Hermione just sat there on a floor in front of the floor until Ginny came out of the kitchen to investigate the noise, saw her sitting there, and rushed over. Her nights had been spent either studying for N.E.W.T.S or in the Room of Requirement with Sirius and it was starting to catch up with her. "Miss Lupin…I'm very sorry, but it seems you have a lot of dark magic residue-". The author would like to thank you for your continued support. "Everything," she whispered low enough just for him to hear. Darkish Dramione. Harry glanced at her. With the ice broken, Lily and James began telling the group about the home they were going to purchase and how excited they were. "Those weird sounds were these two whimpering. When they say it takes a village, they really mean it. He patted his head. "It doesn't matter who donated the genetic material, both of those children are equally all three of us. ", "It normally helps if you just come out and say it," he nudged, giving her a wolfish grin to cover up the turmoil he was feeling inside. Remus and Sirius both rushed to her side and asked her what was wrong. If his cousin and best mate were happy, he wouldn't stand in their way. "So Hermione you are pregnant?" "Thank you Ron's hot side kick's, hotter god father! "I know a thing or two about her, I know she'll only make you cry. Sirius said quietly. Lily laughed and kissed James lightly, "You're horrible with news, you know." She was led over to one of the two rocking chairs in the room and everyone gathered around her, bringing gifts. Hermione is in for a roller coaster ride as she discovers her true family, and meets some new people along the way. Honestly, why he thinks us moving in is a big deal, I'll never know.". Took Harry almost the entire meal before he asked why we were eating all the baby food. Fred tapped his chin in mock concentration. ", 8 May 1978 – Hogwarts – Room of Requirement. The ginger haired witch's mouth dropped open as she read through the papers. Fred practically squealed, as he was too manly to actually squeal, and George walked over. I missed this. At that moment, she felt like the luckiest mom in the world. "Why do the hot ones always die?" And she was exasperated so she would sigh and groan.". His expression started out confused. Hermione yelled. The medi-witch said when she saw the grins on all three's faces. Hermione is packed off to Britain to live with her adopted father’s only remaining relative, Sirius Black. Hermione blushed, dropping the biscuit back into her bag and focusing on her homework instead. She motioned toward her neon pink skirt, before plopping down in Won-Won's lap. "No one other than Ginny is pregnant. Hermione didn't ask them for much, and she was very gracious for everything that they did for her. The losses of the 2nd wizarding war were immense. Harry walked up to the nearest healer and demanded to see Hermione. She sat on the bed watching them, breastfeeding both babies at the same time. "I'm not sure if I can apparate home.". They both went to her sides and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Her only hope of surviving is to become pregnant with a Death Eaters' baby. He longed to see her swollen with his child and he reminded her of that every chance he could. Both Remus and Sirius spent all of their free time making sure she didn't need or want for anything. "Professor Slughorn said that you've been improving with your potions," Hermione said, looking at James, "You've been studying with Lily, right? in a world where Sirius lives and there is a portrait of Regulus Black in the Library of Grimmauld place and where things go so wrong that nearly all hope is lost, Hermione goes back in time with a sex ritual they find in the Black Family Grimoire. I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters. "MY TWIN IS PREGNANT! "And second of all NO! He placed his hand on her stomach and continued, "I can't believe that we're going to have two little munchkins in this house in 26 weeks. Ginny burst in, less dramatically then Lavender. she warned. After about 15 minutes Healer Smith came back into the room and began to explain. AN// Just to clear up a few things from reviews and PMs, I do have a bit of knowledge about preemies because my son was born 7 weeks premature. ", She sighed, trying to breathe through the pain as her cramps grew, "I thought…I might be…pregnant.". Saying nothing, the matron raised her wand once more and conducted a new set of spells with her lips pursed. This is the story of Hermione and Fleur, starting early in Hermione's pregnancy, and through the years of parenting two smol veela that seem instant on giving both their parents grey hair early, along with their uncle Harry and aunt Susan... Draco Malfoy is going to be a dad, but his wife finds a small advert for a governess. Sirius murmured, brushing a stray curl behind her ear and dropping his lips to her neck. "The blue one's manlier. He cut her off by getting behind her and gripping her hips tightly as his cock brushed against her clit. A young healer came in and told them that she was there to take the three of them to visit their babies, and that a neonatologist would be waiting for them to explain everything to them. Hermione, Sirius, Harry, Ginny, and Remus were sitting in the kitchen after breakfast. NOT bashing. "Ithinkimpregnant," she rushed out, averting her eyes to look at her feet instead. "Miss Lupin!" Remus spoke first. She made it to the master bathroom when she heard Sirius' motorbike come to a stop in the backyard. Ginny snapped. Sirius went to take care of the bill while Remus helped Hermione from her chair and walked her to the door. Her jaw dropped open as she saw everyone and everything in the room. he said eagerly. All the Weasley women were there, as were all of the women in Hermione's family that knew she was a witch, plus Remus' sister and Sirius' cousins Andromeda and Tonks. Or is that the signal? It was wonderful not having to avoid her friends to stay away from Sirius and she was happy to be included once again. "They tossed us both out and took her in for a c-section." Just chop up Fred, pull out the baby, and tape him back!". When he was alone, he picked up his daughter and sat down with her in the rocking chair next to her crib. "Hey beautiful," Sirius said. She had woken up to a sharp pain in her abdomen and her body was covered in sweat. She pulled Ginny to the side and sent her to get Harry and go to St. Mungo's to check on Hermione and the babies. "Let's take a walk through Hogsmead and then up to the castle. How could they ignore when the three students have consequently faced danger in two years? "Thank you for all the tutoring, Mia," James said, smiling the same lopsided smile that Harry had given her so often, "I actually have confidence in passing my potion's N.E.W.T.! "That's nice dear- WHAT?" ", Ron, who was dozing off, immediately sat up, his eyes bulging out of his head, so very normal. Your son's expecting! Read Sirius Black- Pregnant (c) from the story Harry Potter One Shots And Imagines by -Clint_Barton- (Charlotte) with 10,703 reads. "You were in their room? ", Harry ignored them and turned to Hermione. There were dozens of different creatures, both magical and non-magical around the meadow. As soon as they opened the door, they saw Sirius and Remus pacing back and forth across a baby themed waiting room, worry evident on their faces. "If you're supposed to have kids then it'll happen. "We need to talk," she whispered, glancing at the couple in front of them, "Without extra ears. When they got there, they saw a medi-wizard telling Sirius the same things that Remus had just learned. They collapsed in a pile of sweaty limbs, him on top of her, and she sighed happily before closing her eyes, his cock still nestled inside of her exhausted body. "I hadn't had a period in a couple of months, but that's nothing new for me, but I've been super tired so I finally went to a medi-witch today. ", "Alright, congratulations to Ginny and Harry, and now we're ending off the game," said Hermione. Neither of them realize they've bonded, but Hermione does realize something's not right with her close to two months later. "He's not! "It's all up to you.". Sirius joined them just outside and he took Hermione's other arm, and together the three apparated home. Once they reached Minerva's office, they took the babies out of the stroller and left it at the bottom of the spiraling staircase. "What have they said?" ", The room was quiet as they slowly absorbed that Lily was now part of their secret. I like to imagine you are, though. She is cast back to the Marauder’s Era where she is Hermione Potter, the pureblood fraternal twin sister of James Potter. This will be a 2 shot. ", Hermione gave them all an exasperated look, while Fred and George exchanged grins. he said, his eyes lighting up. "I'M NOT PREGNANT! Deciding to play along, Hermione grinned. She didn't have the energy to fight him. Twins Hermione! Sirius came back a few minutes later, telling him that Hermione had fallen sound asleep, but only after being given a calming draught and a sleeping potion by one of the healers. Oh and twins! "Our miracle," he confirmed. 2 reluctant nurses yanked him into one of the rooms as he protested loudly. Hermione’s pregnant— and she’s freaking out. A couple of mini marauders running around this place. "Leave her alone," Remus said a bit sternly, seeking to protect his pack. Setting a hand on the girl's shoulder, she softly said, "I'll need to give you a potion to prevent infection, but you'll be as good as new by morning.". Hermione was the first to smile, "I hate hiding things from you.". Work Search: Surprise!". Ginny and Harry arrived at St. Mungo's about thirty minutes after Sirius, Remus and Hermione. ", Ginny rolled her eyes. Sometimes he really did look like a rat. I'd say you've got two healthy little ones in there Mrs.
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