Virtual conferencing tools make it easier to stay connected while practicing social distancing during the spread of coronavirus. Zoom has been used in more academic settings as schools operate remotely during quarantines. @AcademicChatter #phdchat The Hogwarts Express background from Pexels captures the scenic train ride Harry took to Hogwarts. If you aren't familiar with how to change your virtual background on Zoom, here are the details. While there has been little good to come out of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, this has allowed us to get a glimpse into our colleagues’ personal lives and see how they live. This tweet about interviewing prospective students on Zoom offers another excellent option for a pop-culture-inspired background. All aboard the Hogwarts Express! To get their sitting room for your own, just take a screengrab and upload it to your Zoom. If you’re anxious about the virus’ spread in your community, visit the CDC for up-to-date information and resources, or seek out mental health support. Many people are using Zoom to tune into their workplace or classroom and stay on top of things this spring. Head to Diagon Alley for a quick break like the students of Hogwarts. This Diagon Alley background from Unsplash captures the bustling shopping district. Apr 8, 2020 | Zoom Background | 0 comments. Once you select the Meeting tab, you can find the Virtual Background option and upload an image or video of your choice to spice up your backdrop. From Platform 9 3/4 to the Great Hall, there’s a lot of magical settings to choose from. Facebook The Great Hall is undoubtedly one of the most important meeting places in Harry Potter. Harry Potter Hogwarts Zoom Background #1. Here are the 10 best Harry Potter Zoom backgrounds to sprinkle some magic into your day. Download this Hogwarts background from Pixabay to chat with friends or coworkers in front of the iconic campus. A couple of Twitter users inspired this version, and there are lots of variations on the original meme too. Get your need-to-know To set your custom background on a computer, navigate to the up arrow next to the "stop video" button in the bottom left corner of your Zoom screen. If you’re an account member, go to Meeting Settings, but if you’re an account administrator, go to My Meeting Settings. Both Trump and Biden are claiming Pennsylvania before official count, Michigan set to announce result TODAY, as Trump leads by 1.4%, Headstones vandalized in Jewish cemetery with ‘Trump’ and ‘MAGA’ graffiti found on the day of the president’s final campaign rally in Michigan, International Media Fixated On Still Undecided U.S. Presidential Election; UK, German, Russian Politicians Weigh In, Twitter flags Donald Trump's tweet about 'surprise ballot dumps', Melania Trump wore a $4500 Gucci dress & no mask to vote in-person in Florida, Kris Boyson and Bianca Gascoigne reveal baby plans as they open up on ‘passionate’ relationship, Joe Biden Declared Winner in Wisconsin in Presidential Election, DaBaby’s Older Brother Glenn Dies at 34 Due to Gunshot Wound, These Tweets About A Blue Texas In The 2020 Election Are So Hopeful — UPDATE, Lori Loughlin Is a ‘Wreck’ While Serving Time in Prison, Kanye West Accused of Failing to Pay His Staff in New Lawsuit, The truth about Chris Christie and Donald Trump’s relationship. Once you select the Meeting tab, you can find the Virtual Background option and upload an image or video of your choice to spice up your backdrop. The 10 Best ‘Harry Potter’ Zoom Backgrounds To Add Some Magic To Your Hangouts. For example, this picture of Elon Musk and Grimes at the Met Gala functions well as a custom Zoom background because your head, which will generally be in the middle of the frame, doesn't cover up either person. Read the latest updates:Coronavirus news live. If you're seeking the custom background of your dreams, find images that don't have a lot going on in the middle. Automation. You can download this particular setting from this tweet. If you’re a huge Harry Potter fan, you’re in luck. To get started, make sure your PC or Mac systems are running at least a version of 4.6.0 or higher of Zoom Desktop Client. Download the Hogwarts Express background from Pexels to enjoy a view of the scenic train ride Harry took to Hogwarts. Following the UK’s nationwide lockdown, many of us have found ourselves working from home, only seeing our colleagues through sporadic Zoom calls. This Platform 9 3/4 background from Pixabay features the iconic gateway to the magical school. If you think you’re showing symptoms of coronavirus, which include fever, shortness of breath, and cough, call your doctor before going to get tested. If you're an account member, go to Meeting Settings, but if you're an account administrator, go to My Meeting Settings. latest news, feel-good stories, analysis and more, The platypus is even weirder than we thought – it glows in the dark, Major structural changes in the lungs could explain ‘long Covid’, Virgin Media rolls out gigabit broadband in London, Hunter-gatherers were way more advanced on equality than modern humans, Mysterious ultra-bright flash of energy detected in Milky Way for the first time, Concern over Zoom video conferencing after MoD bans it over security fears. Make your dreams come true with that lucky letter from Hogwarts. That means you can easily replace your messy bedroom with something more visually pleasing while hopping on that important call. Download this Wands background from Pixabay to transport yourself to Ollivanders, where Harry got his custom wand. We and our partners use cookies on this site to improve our service, perform analytics, personalize advertising, measure advertising performance, and remember website preferences. If you’re looking to add a personal flair to your video calls and impress your coworkers, you can add a unique backdrop to your conference room. Using Zoom’s virtual background feature, you’ll be able to swap out whatever background you’d see during a video call with a photo or video of your choice. Here at Pericror, we strive to produce content that provides value through thought leadership and technical instruction. If you are looking for other backgrounds, be sure to check out our full list of Zoom backgrounds. The first time I went to the Warner Brothers Harry Potter Studio Tour was in 2015, just after they had added the Hogwarts Express and Kings Cross set to the tour. Download Zoom background image here. Using Zoom’s virtual background feature, you’ll be able to swap out whatever background you’d see during a video call with a photo or video of your choice. This Wands background from Pixabay will transport you to Ollivanders, where Harry got his custom wand. Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle Zoom Background. There you have it. Download. Some Twitter users have filmed themselves looking attentive and used that as their Zoom background, allowing the real-life them to slip out of the frame and have a snooze. Your journey to Hogwarts begins at Platform 9 3/4. Here are the 10 best Harry Potter Zoom backgrounds to sprinkle some magic into your day. Every witch and wizard needs a wand. You can find all Elite Daily’s coverage of coronavirus here. Required fields are marked *.

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