One of the most well-known electric organ manufacturers is Hammond, which is responsible for a variety of model types spanning decades. or Best Offer. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Look underneath the keyboard on the left or right side. Smith is a technology writer currently living in Lansing, Mich. His articles have appeared in online publications including PC World and IGN, where he specializes in mobile apps for both Android and iOS. Look on the back of the organ in the bottom left or right corner for an attached plate with the model number on it. All of that information is here: This entry was posted on Monday, September 17th, 2007 at 3:21 am and is filed under music. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. Wanting to know if that L-100 organ has percussion? There are many model types and trying to tell the type by looking at the organ details is difficult. You may need to remove the back frame on certain console model organs to be able to see the inside back frame and locate the model number. Open the organ top and check the inside of the back organ side. There are many model types and trying to tell the type by looking at the organ details is difficult. Something went wrong. Hammond has chosen multiple places over the years to list the model number of the organ. What information might you be able to supply about a The Blue Book of HAMMOND The Hammond Organ Company 4200 W. Diversey Ave. Chicaco, IL 60639 Tel.
(312) 283-2000 Note 1: Where possible, we list individual models in each series. All of that information is here: Will Sell Fast! I found this web page that lists all of the Hammond Organ and Leslie Speaker models. 13 watching. List of all known Hammond Organ and Leslie Speaker models. ... Vintage Hammond B3 1963 Model SOLD!
Serial number A 30592 Beautiful 1960's Hammond A-102 Organ! joehungry is proudly powered by WordPress Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS). Model E182 Vintage Hammond Organ X66 in good shape includes X66 Tone Cabimet & 920 Leslie Speaker-Sold! Locate this number to verify the organ’s authenticity and help you determine the model type you own. This is the place to discuss the Hammond organ models and their technical aspects. Hammond Organ Service Manual Model T-500 Series 524/546/582/595. John Smith began writing back in 2003. Copyright © 1995-2020 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Slide {current_page} of {total_pages} - You May Also Like. AVAILABLE! Even better, it contains details about each one. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Can customized and add Leslie Speaker! Or, does the Leslie 21H have one or two speeds? Local Pickup. Learn More Hammond Vintage Rt-3 & Tone Cabinet & Leslie Sold! ». $295.00.
$40.00. Vintage Hammond Solovox Tone Cabinet and Keyboard Model K Series B PICK UP ONLY. If your organ is an older model or does not have the model number under the keyboard, continue to the additional sections for more information. $3,800.00. Learn More NEW ARRIVAL! Or, does the Leslie 21H have one or two speeds? This is the location of the model type and serial number for Hammond organs made in the 1970s and later. Wanting to know if that L-100 organ has percussion? You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. There seems to be a problem serving the request at this time, One stop shop for all things from your favorite brand, {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. Even better, it contains details about each one. Locate this number to verify the organ’s authenticity and help you determine the model type you own. Thank you. « The weight of the Rhodes Mark 7 electric piano, Rhodes Mark 7 endorsement from Jeff Lorber? I found this web page that lists all of the Hammond Organ and Leslie Speaker models. Hammond Organ Hammond X-66 Organ with Tone Cabinet Beautiful Condition. Hammond has chosen multiple places over the years to list the model number of the organ. The letter and first digit indicate series and edition; the following lists show meaning of the last two digits: digits: $18.00 shipping. View cart for details.