Keep your face well away from the spider so that urticating hairs cannot get into your eyes if they are kicked off. A little over 3 inches DLS. As a terrestrial species, enclosure height is of less importance. = rect.width + 'px'; It is most likely that everything being sold as Grammostola pulchra is actually Grammostola quirogai. In captivity the species seems happy to sit in a hide all day, but less likely to try and build a burrow than many other species. Enclosures for Brazilian Black Tarantulas, The enclosure should permit suitable ventilation, as, Lee's Kritter Keeper, X-Large Rectangle w/Lid(Assorted colors), REPTI ZOO Glass Mini 8 Gallon Reptile Terrarium 12" x 12" x 12", Samll Habitat Cage Breeder Enclosure for Gecko Frog Spider Tarantula Young Lizard Insects, Top Screen Ventilation & Feeding, Pterinochilus lugardi / Fort Hall Tarantula Care Sheet, African Praying Mantis (Sphodromantis) Care Sheet, Rectangular Kritter Keepers have self-locking lids with hinged viewer/ feeder windows, Capacity: 5.90 GAlarge. Following these basic rules the tarantula keeper can enjoy handling this species regularly. Brazilian Blacks are opportunistic eaters. Diet/Nutrition: Brazilian Blacks are opportunistic eaters. Life span: Males: 5-6 years, Females: 20+ years Attitude: The Brazilian Black tarantula is active and … Please add  to your ad blocking whitelist or disable your adblocking software. Another recommendation for the Grammostola Pultra, Shikurer hobby, … A water bowl should always be available for juvenile and adult specimens. = ''; Thanks to their even temperament, most specimens can be gently scooped up, or nudged gently onto a flat hand. Be aware that this spider does have urticating hairs like some other species, and that these can cause irritation in some circumstances. Over central Brazil rainfall is more seasonal, characteristic of a savanna climate. An adult Brazilian Black tarantula requires an enclosure of around 12 inches by 10 inches (30cm x 20cm), though of course bigger is generally better. White Hat got a beautiful new pitch black coat. There is very little for dry seasons, and it is mostly wet. = ''; Most of Brazil has high annual average temperatures, above 22°C (72°F). Email a suggestion or correction to, or leave a comment below! window.onscroll = function() { Keeping Exotic Pets is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. If, however, the temperature drops, you may need to consider some artificial heating. Compact and flat-packed design mini reptile tank with top opening to prevent escape and easy feeding. As a juvenile in captivity, this species tends to burrow when given the opportunity. Common name: Brazilian Black Tarantula Scientific name: Grammostola pulchra Appearance: Brazilian Blacks get their name from their rich, black velvety hair. Temperatures average 25°C (77°F). Handling: Very calm and tolerant of handling, however one should always be careful when handling any tarantula. vitag.videoDiscoverConfig = { random: true, noFixedVideo: true}; (vitag.Init = window.vitag.Init || []).push(function () { viAPItag.initInstreamBanner('vi_29048051') }); if (window.innerWidth > 900){ As the common name would suggest, Grammostola pulchra hails mainly from Brazil, though it may also be found in northern Uruguay. = ''; Alternatively a plant pot, laid on it’s side and partially buried is also suitable. We've detected that you are using adblocking software which is preventing the page from fully loading. Bite danger: Relatively mild venom, but care should be taken since the fangs of an adult are large enough to do mechanical damage. Grammostola Pulchera is a very terrible liquid stem and it is also opportunistic. Traditionally, spider keepers have used pieces of curved cork bark, and this still works well to this day. For spiderlings, I gently mist one side of the tub with a houseplant mister, so they can drink droplets from the sides. This makes it ideal for moderating humidity in your tarantula’s tank. You can join me on. Grammostola pulchra. It would help if you put the banner on to tell us which continent you're on. Alternatively, purchase one or two spiderlings and be patient as they grow. Juvenile unsexed 2" $180. = '2147483647'; Size: 15 3/4-inch large by 9 3/8-inch width by 12 1/2-inch height, Kritter Keepers have well-ventilated lids in assorted colors. to enjoy basking near light (15 watt florescent lights should work). Other suitable substrate options can include topsoil or potting compost, though always check it is free from any chemicals. var adElem = document.getElementById('vi-ad'); Care should be taken to avoid a “soggy” cage, which can lead to health problems. The Brazilian Black tarantula, Grammostola pulchra, is one of my favourite tarantula species of all. And if you’d like more free spider tips, sign up for my weekly tarantula newsletter or subscribe to my tarantula YouTube channel! Attitude: The Brazilian Black tarantula is active and docile. These spiders are original because you can already predict, even in Brazil and Uruguay. Rainfall averages about 2,200 mm (about 90 in) a year. I hope you found that helpful! A dry cage with a water bowl therefore tends to work well. It is found commonly in the grasslands of South America in places such as Argentina. All the general tarantula-handling rules apply here. Here rainfall averages about 1,600 mm (about 60 in) a year. © 2020 Commonly known as the Brazilian black, mature specimens are almost entirely black. } else { Spiderlings and youngsters can be fed twice a week, while an adult specimen will be fine on weekly feedings. Their venom is not as irritating as many other species of tarantulas. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Alternatively a range of plastic containers intended for household use – such as plastic cake tubs or Really Useful Boxes – may be used effectively if suitable ventilation holes are added. If you’re considering getting your first Brazilian Black tarantula then read on for my detailed care sheet revealing everything you need to know…. At its most basic a Kritter Keeper can be used, though these can prove challenging to heat properly in winter due to the extreme level of ventilation they provide. As mentioned earlier, the Brazilian Black tarantula is slow and is very docile, making it ideal for keepers who want to hold their pet. Hold the spider low over a soft surface, so that a fall won’t harm your spider. Brazilian Black tarantulas will happily eat any live insects that it can subdue, which normally means anything up the the overall body length of your spider. The first of these are hides. They thrive on mealworms, crickets, roaches, and other small insects. This is most easily provided by heating one end of the tank with a heat mat, attached to the side of the cage. }; Spiderlings regularly sell for around $100, while adult males go for around $150 and adult females fetch well over $200. And be certain to thoroughly wash your hands – ideally in a reptile-safe hand wash or gel – after handling. Many keepers find that this matches the ambient temperature in their home, in which case no artificial heating is required. Good ventilation should be maintained at all times to avoid this. Media information. Life span: Males: 5-6 years, Females: 20+ years. We don't have any banner, Flash, animation, obnoxious sound, or popup ad. I've been keeping and breeding exotic pets for over 20 years. Barks recommends at least three inches of substrate for these species of tarantulus. Defensive behavior: Brazilian Black tarantulas tend to be docile, fairly tolerant to handling and usually don’t bite but keep in mind every tarantula is different. Size: Legspan can get up to 8 inches. = ''; The second critical element is some form of substrate to line the base of the cage.

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