Soon, at a shallow depth, the workmen struck the largest oil deposit found at that time on the North American continent. The apostle Paul also saw the best in every situation. Ephesians 3:19 This chapter is parallel with Colossians 2. Jude was the half- brother of Jesus, though he never mentions that in the text. Prepare your messages on God Is Able with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series. Worrier Or Warrior? of earthquakes and tonadoes, when we behold ills like insanity that fall on individuals even at birth, when we are forced to experience the grim tragedies of war and man’s inhumanity to man, we find ourselves asking, why does all of this exist if God is able to prevent it.6 This morning we are not able to go into the “whyness” of evil. The other is that God exists, and that his existence accounts for the idea of God in man's mind. What is your response to God's love? Hinduism called it a conflict between reality and illusion; Zoroastrianism a conflict between light and darkness; Platonism a conflict between spirit and matter; traditional Judaism and Christianity a conflict between God and Satan.” A central element of Zoroastrianism, a religion founded in Persia as early as 1000 BCE, is the constant struggle between the evil spirit of darkness and the god of light and goodness. A similar thing happened when Jesus fed 5,000 with 5 barley loaves and 2 small fish (John 6:1-14). He knew he would not be disappointed by the substitution. The philosopher asked for a day in which to deliberate, and then for anodier, and then for another, and another, and another—and at length confessed that he was not able to answer, that the longer he deliberated, the more difficult it was for him to frame an answer. Because God never throws His babies away and His Word never returns to Him void. December 3, 1997 1. But even the man who asserts that he is an infidel is an argument for the existence of God, for before he could deny that there is a God he had to have the idea of a God in his mind. But Paul saw himself as a prisoner of Christ. Jennifer had just heard a disturbing report about an increase in cases of depression among women. Though this life has many tears and disappointments, many failures and discouragements. Such a venture would require another sermon altogether. Probably the only way to know the love of Christ is to begin to show it. I have just received a book that I have been anticipating for some time. Tempers flared. With medical help and the love of his wife, he learned to live with his illness and later won the Nobel Prize. They contain the priceless revelation of Jesus Christ. google_ad_height = 280; Find God Is Able Sermons and Illustrations. As Christ's love through you broadens, lengthens, deepens, heightens, you will know the love of Christ, not intellectually, but experimentally (1Jo 4:11, 1Jo 4:12; 1Jo 4:20, 21). It proceeds under two forms: first, open and avowed atheistic propaganda, or the worship of No-God; second, and much more dangerous and subtle, the cowardly compromise with unbelief on the part of religious leaders of our day. To every Christian, the value of the New Testament letters is not their cash value, but the wisdom they bring to an open heart—wisdom from God Himself. You can see a jet coming, but it has passed you before you, Many of the commercial airlines are now ordering jets. "According to your faith, so be it unto you." Job is a really good man. How are you so contagiously cheerful and able to always praise the Lord?" Thinking It Over Faith is the lily’s root, and love is the lily’s bloom. He's Waiting You probably don't have any correspondence from Mark Twain, but chances are you own a priceless collection of letters. Yet Xn insist that in the long struggle between good and evil, good ultimately emerges as the victor. There are times that I get despondent, and wonder if it is worth it. When God gives an assignment, it comes with His enablement. God is most certainly able. Ordinary correspondence from the author of Tom Sawyer usually brings $1,200 to $1,500 a page. You know the syndrome, tomorrow, tomorrow I will start saving money, tomorrow I will go on a diet, tomorrow I will clean that closet. How measureless and strong! This is where Satan enters into our story, the master of destruction.... How do you deal with the tension of being a follower of a culture that doesn't respect God or honor God? There are some reading these words that God has blessed abundantly. This is ultimately the hope that keeps us going. Once we were able, and now we're not. It will die because God is againt it. Powerful pumps draw the materials out of the barrels, but the workers must carefully regulate the force of these pumps. So this morning I say to you we must continue to struggle against evil, but dont wory, God is able. Begin by talking to God about whatever is hindering your prayer-life. Just as He was able to deliver The three Hebrew children from the fiery furnace, just as He was able to deliver Daniel from the hungry lions jaws, just as God is able to make all grace abound toward us , just as He is able to save to the uttermost those that come to Him. The fiery Tertullian, the early Church Father, eagerly seized upon this incident and said it was an example of the world's ignorance of God outside of Christ. The author, Carl Boberg, relates that he had been invited, with other men, to a meeting of women who came together to sew for the benefit of missions. No. He has also provided deliverance from the powers of darkness (Col 1:13) and the forgiveness of our sins (Col 1:14). (1 John 4:16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21). Faith is like a kaleidoscope and as you look it from different perspectives, you see different aspects of faith. It is broad as humanity, "for God so loved the world"; the length God's love had no date of origin, and shall have none of conclusion. The word does not imply that there is no solution, but that the solution has not yet been communicated. Or are you pushing on in your own strength? In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul wrote, "By revelation He made known to me the mystery … of which I became a minister" (Eph 3:3,7). She put on her coat, then reached for her gloves. About linking ourselves with an omnipotent God with whom nothing is impossible. And I've made the most important discovery of my life. Are you weary with burdens that are crushing you? This sermon illustration is available to members only. We will be completely satisfied in heaven, and yet we will continue growing, for there is no end to the love of God. Teach us with all saints to know more because we love more. For three days they traveled in the desert' without finding water. For work He bids you do; Be not afraid, thou canst not ask in vain. He lifted up the cross, and extolled the Son of God who bled thereon. The world and we are all made so, and the boy who sees it clearly and lives accordingly is best off.". Ephesians 3:17 and truly it is love that “passeth knowledge.” O let this love fill our hearts with adoring gratitude, and lead us to practical manifestations of its power. It has been truly observed that Job's rebellious moods arose when he thought that God was afar off, but there was a difference when he realised that God was suffering with him. … when they … saw him [Peter], they were astonished. Let's ask the Lord to develop our inner strength so that when life's blows and burdens press upon us we will not cave in. November 29, 1999 The owner, knowing how the church had prayed, sued them for dam-ages. Read and meditate on His words and deeds in the Gospels. In the clip I used we saw three shells and a crab. Now this is one of the most important things we can ever settle in our minds. So should the Christian feel the sweet influence of Jesus; Jesus must be his sun, and he must be the flower which yields itself to the Sun of Righteousness. The company explained, "We are sorry we do not have the article in stock which you ordered. With a sweep of His hand He could obliterate the world and spare His Son from the agony of the cross. Pray not for a life free from trouble, but for triumph over trouble. September 30, 2002. PRAYER - O Lord, I open my nature, and since my capacity is small, I pray that by love and faith, by patience and suffering, Thou wilt enlarge my heart, that it may be filled with all the fullness of God. —Cockrell The cemetery is sometimes spoken of as the "Westminster Abbey of Nonconformity.". My friend told me that he often walks by the old place and looks at the trees his neighbor planted 25 years earlier. Eternal life is made possible by God's eternal love. The Spirit works to strengthen us and renew our minds as we read God's Word and pray. The amazing thing, though, is that the untapped riches were there all along. There had been plenty of places to stop and get a fillup. At the center of the Christian faith is the conviction that there is a God of power who is able to do exceedingly abundant things in nature and in history.

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