I’m looking at the Triforce cards with these things in mind: As I create the deck at each level, I’ll also be looking at three other attributes to make sure we can do our thing! I feel like this card is here for later levels or in case you’re playing alongside a Dark user. It can’t beat lava eruption for potential but it’s reusable! } A fantastic card for a different build. Maybe you like playing humans, maybe you like stabbing enemies for big numbers or maybe you like the color green. Ice Spikes will be an absolute staple in your hand. While the abilities deal low damage, when that damage is multiplied by the number of hexes or targets affected by the spell, it actually amounts to quite a lot. })(window,document,'script','https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); Because it’s a Loss and we have a hand limit of only 10, we don’t want to play it too early and exhaust ourselves. I love the idea of a little ball sprinkling elements around and the really late initiative is awesome to guarantee going last. Vengeance to consume Ice and Dark and take down 3 more monsters. Say you activate Smoke Bomb, but the boss moves or teleport's somewhere else so you lose your opportunity to attack it. EmilyHi, I’m Emily, the tabletop gamer behind My Kind of Meeple. We can of course boost it with any element which does give us some nice flexibility but even maxed out it’s a hit for 4, range 4. Granted, at low levels, you don’t really have much choice in this. We can use Light on the top of Formless Power to boost it. The bottom ability is a great booster and can add up to a decent amount of extra damage. Use second Stamina Potion to get back Vengeance and Obsidian Shards into hand. @media (max-width: 640px) and (min-width: 481px) { .bg-photo {background-image:url(\/\/1.bp.blogspot.com\/-u3nxB5mMkGU\/Xyzaudwl1-I\/AAAAAAAAras\/KP_fHVsx300gCPnQEMtp5ewr_UajwN6QgCK4BGAYYCw\/w640\/bg.jpg);}} So let’s see what Eternal Equilibrium replaces. Hi! You can pull off 3 Flanking Strikes in a row by combining this with a Stamina potion. So for the most value, we generally want to enhance abilities that will be with us for a long time and are reusable. Ice or Air? We’ll miss the Stun, but we gain Pierce as an upgradeable option. It says something about a Move 3 with Retaliate. This is the enhancement you really want! But does that make it boring? ), the only other way of adding extra target figures (added hexes) is clearly exempt from the general rule. To make the most of it, you’ll need those element modifier cards coming from your deck pretty regularly. But it speeds up as we get better at that and our deck has more synergy. It works great for the most part. All cards in Gloomhaven can be good, depending on the circumstances, party composition and class build. But you’ll still need to make sure there’s an element to consume every time you want to use it. No deal. Winged shoes (Item #2) can help you navigate stages with high obstacle counts. May your road events be peaceful. A base Move 3 is still pretty good for us even at level 6! Same with the bottom ability. It’s got reliable element generation for us, and a decent base damage ability. Another perfect ability for an Elementalist that’s on the front lines regularly. body#layout .page, This Elementalist guide follows this structure: This guide does not contain campaign spoilers or items beyond starting items. This ticks a lot of boxes for us. Is it ok if we’re on a first name basis?As a relatively new GH player, I’m loving your character guides. Hopefully you’ll find them yourself so you don’t need to buy them back from the shop if your team mate sells them on! The order for which perks she benefits from, becomes quite straightforward. display: inherit; Overall, it’s not amazing. Even if each monster was only affected by Wound for one turn, that’s 14 damage. How do we play to make the most of our Triforce? It’s just so powerful. Not many strong options for damaging multiple targets. This is described in the rule book on page 44: Choice: If your party can generate Dark consistently, then I would take, Minor spoilers ahead!! Nice to see another Fire generation, though, Light less so. Both primarily melee attackers and naturally position themselves for your Flanking Strikes. left: inherit; Then you start again with the next two turns, generate, then consume. Or is it? But no worries, we have a decent bottom ability we can use in the meantime. Whaat?! We can also boost our damage, Push or make 2 target (though, 2 targets of 1 damage is still only 2!). Two elements for a Loot 2 boost seems like an expensive trade to me. The Elite archer below has immobilized your friend, the Mindthief. Level 9 – Kuba decided to take Chimerie Formula over Lethal Injection. Gloomhaven Guides to help you run through difficult scenarios and defeat challenging monsters. The scoundrel benefits from a consistent modifier deck because it helps her confirm kills (and consequently dead enemies can't attack her back!). Both actions we can take with no problem at all. The key to winning scenarios on higher difficulties in Gloomhaven is effective crowd control. It’s ok. Fire! © Valve Corporation. But we will want to add some elements in too. There are no unique card types in the Elementalist’s deck that you won’t find in any other classes’ deck. It’s a valid choice for an AoE Elementalist if your group lacks heals. Not only can we reposition the enemy to get our. And that’s the beauty of this one, it can use any elements you throw at it. It’s really nice. You’ll most likely use it for the Move over the damage, but it’s helpful to have the option. For example during Boss Fights where you want to make sure you land your double damage Smoke Bomb combo. Prosperity 2 opens up this interesting gem. Of course, we may just want to take both until better options come along. Just move out the way! At first glance this looks awesome. That way you're still killing enemies, even if you aren't pushing forward through the scenario. We don’t want to be taking damage to deal it. I'd suggest keeping the Cloak of Invisibility as invisibility is always useful for keeping you safe in dangerous positions. The same element balance stands here. As we level and our Elementalist powers grow, we start to dabble in Dark and Light. It may feel like we’re leveling slowly to begin with because a lot of our experience comes when we use element boosts. When boosted with Earth and Dark, we’re looking at a 6 x 3 damage of 18. For Air, we use it for the same pierce on Winter’s Edge and the +1, Push on Tremulant Cyclone’s top. This card doesn’t work well for this build. And all because of a non-loss card too! A Move 4 with a buff that’s a bit more useful for us. When you add elements into the mix, that damage of course increases! width: 55%; Save up for it in advance so you don’t retire before you can afford it! Bottom of Formless Power to allow us to consume any extra elements we create through modifiers for +1 damage to the whole action. #Item 17, Empowering Talisman.
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