I gave up on SDL2 for graphics after looking at the code that would be necessary to apply the simplest OpenGL shader. SDL does have a few other nice things like audio support and text rendering, which you'd have to figure out separately with GLFW, but to each their own. legacy glut does not allow loop control, but freeglut does. On the Input note, which are you more comfortable with? There are plenty. It was very easy to use. I highly recommend you (and anyone else interested in this) start here: http://www.learnopengl.com. Avoid SDL 1.2.

glfw doesn't seem to have a function to draw teapots though, which should really rule it out as a serious contender.

As for alternatives, SFML is pretty great if you're using C++. You need this before you can use OpenGL. Maybe I am able to find a clean way to use them both. You can use it for the former. So for example, if I press A and W at the same time, would it do what A and W does?

It's a pain to me since I already printed out the whole GLFW user's guide, and I kind of like it. OpenGL: Basic Coding. Some of these libraries provide support for cross platform input and sound stuff as well. SDL2 does a lot more than that.

SDL does have a few other nice things like audio support and text rendering, which you'd have to figure out separately with GLFW, but to each their own. All things related to game development, programming, math, art, music, business, and marketing. What would be the best solution? That is what GLFW is for. Although it seems nice, as I was searching for some good GLFW tutorials, it also seems it's having some difficulty with some math.

Freeglut locks you in to OpenGL instead of other rendering APIs. You'd still need a window and the ability to handle input.

A good software library consists of three parts: A clean and consistent API, a good documentation that clearly defines every state and behaviour and finally a clean and robust implementation that behaves like the documentation states. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I read it is because SDL_Renderer also works internally with OpenGL, I managed to pass SDL_surface to OpenGL Textures, but it is more OpenGL code than SDL2. The only annoying thing is that some core parts are missing like VAO, but they should be added in 5.1. Some people do not. This has bugged me for a long time.

You'll need it or another library which does similar things. Some people do not. Hey guys, this is really a question of the differences between SDL and GLFW, I was gonna make the title SDL vs. GLFW, but that would make it seem like a flame war. News, information and discussion about OpenGL development. Here is a video about opengl3.3+ and qt5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYa5DLV6ADQ. Also, how does GLFW handle input, with OS messages or direct connection to the device (as with directinput). With SDL I found that their drawing primitives are too limiting for my needs, and if you want to do any custom drawing at all, you need to abandon their drawing primitives entirely and just write GL codel.

Like another guy on here that posted about wanting to get into OpenGL development with C and C++, I am slightly confused.

Implementing GLEW to your code shouldnt be more than including the header and calling GlewInit(); So how would using GLFW + GLEW differ from using something like SDL2 + GLEW? I see GLEW, GLFW, GLU, etc, etc thrown around quite a bit. GLFW is lightweight in comparison, and it also has an excellent specification. I'm a newbee, so sorry, if … It really, really makes low-level cross-platform development easier. These packages contain the GLFW header files, documentation and release mode static libraries, DLLs and import libraries for Visual C++ 2010-2019, MinGW-w64 and plain MinGW.

When comparing Allegro vs SFML, the Slant community recommends Allegro for most people.In the question“What are the best 2D game engines?”Allegro is ranked 15th while SFML is ranked 27th. You can use opengl and sdl2. GLEW has something to do with OpenGL extensions.

They are both great for opening a window and creating an OpenGL context in Windows/Mac/Linux. Since OpenGL support is implementation specific and constantly updating, these loaders query which OpenGL specs and extensions are supported by the drivers installed, or which you want to use, and provide you a way to access that OpenGL functionality. GLFW is a framework for creating an OpenGL window and handling input while SDL is its own thing with the ability to render using OpenGL as opposed to SDL itself. A few days ago I discovered QT and it is really amazing and … The error is in the render, the project use the render of SDL2, but when mix it with OpenGL there is a conflict. Both are excellent and more than capable. [1] http://www.antisphere.com/Wiki/tools:anttweakbar If you're the kind of person who would use SDL or GLFW and wrap everything with RAII types before getting started, just use SFML instead. SDL2 does a lot more than that.

Replace the SDL_Delay() with your game loop, and you should be all set. IIRC it's consider outdated now and has bugs. Dont freeglut support controls or audios etc? I am working on a project that is initially with SDL2, but when I mix the project with OpenGL, I have a bug, so I think that changing all the code from SDL2 to GLFW. Basically, GLFW will make a OpenGL window for you that you can use; however, it is not responsible for loading OpenGL extensions (functions that allow you to do modern OpenGL stuff like using shaders or FBO/VBO etc. banachtarskion June 5, 2019 Yes but SDL supports mobile and consoles and with either one, you can get an OpenGL or vulkan context pretty easily. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I'm pretty sure GLFW3 does if you compile yourself, but doubt SDL2 has it. Found one of many solutions to go about it. I would use GLFW with some additional small libs for small projects and QT for UI-heavy stuff (editors etc.). Getting multi-monitor setups up and running is harder. I dont mean to interrupt in your guys' discussion, but which do you think handles input better? They are both great for opening a window and creating an OpenGL context in Windows/Mac/Linux. March 17, 2019, 10:03am #1. SDL2 has much better support for Android though. Like I said, I really like GLFW, but I just want to make sure there isn't much of a drastic change.

I want to create a very small grahpics/game engine for my upcoming bachelor exam and I am currently collection information. Just create your window with the OpenGl flag and then create an appropriate OpenGL context. (for example move up and left at the same time). Nice documentation as well. So I can write everything in QT. SDL is not so good supported anymore. Binaries for Visual C++ 2010 and plain MinGW are only available in the 32-bit package. I use SDL2 because it also has audio support more-or-less built-in. Sure it can be quirky in some places but its built from over a decade of experience in the matter by a lot of great developers. I chose to use GLFW over SDL for just that reason.

The project will not stick to SDL anyways, the idea is to use it as a high level API, not to build a game with SDL. The idea was that I can start building an editor where I can directly access the game. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. The alternative path for C++ is SFML, which has sensible abstractions for most of what you need. As for alternatives, SFML is pretty great if you're using C++. I dont like how SDL requires tons of things to get it working.

[1] http://www.antisphere.com/Wiki/tools:anttweakbar Anyways, I'd like to know what you guys think. I’ve used Qt extensively fr the past years and it’s quite good for GL stuff. The transformations page for example contains a lot of Math Processing Errors.

If you plan on a Steam release down the road, you may a bit of time by using SDL2 because it is a first class citizen in SteamOS and Sam Lantinga is working for Valve. Anyway, sdl2 is very straightforward and well supported. GLFW is well supported, runs good on MacOS as well as Linux and Windows and lets you create debug contexts. I am targeting OpenGL 4.x.

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