I like masculine middle names for a girl when it's to honor a male relative, and with such a feminine first name, I think it totally works! Timothy in 23 countries. It is a version of the Greek name Τιμόθεος (Timόtheos) meaning "honouring" (Τιμό) "God" (θεος). This action cannot be undone. May 19th '10. Meanings English Baby Names Meaning: In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Timothy is: One who honors God. [1] Timothy (and its variations) is a common name in several countries. See your list. How? clear If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. In the United States, the name was most popular in the 1960s, ranking 13th among all boy's names. Timothy, meaning honoring God, appeared on the charts for the first time in 1955 on position #2318. print. Timothy: Meaning, origin, and popularity of the boy's or girl's name Timothy plus advice on Timothy and 50000 other baby names from the bestselling nameberry experts. We respect everyone’s right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expect’s Terms of Use. Submissions subject to our Terms of Use. This discussion is archived and locked for posting. Timothy - A very unique female name. First name will be Vivian. Timothy is a masculine name. What about just Vivian Charles? Popularity #22,586. in 2018-2,138. from 2017. Those people are now 46 years old. Copyright © 2020 SheKnows Media, LLC, a subsidiary of Penske Business Media, LLC. We currently have Claire as a frontrunner, as that begins with C and so did my dads middle name. Just so you know, What to Expect may make commissions on shopping links on this page. What to Expect has thousands of open discussions happening each day. In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Timothy is: One who honors God. Az Adatvédelmi irányelvek közt és a Cookie-szabályzatban olvashat bővebben arról, hogyan használjuk fel adatait. TTC since Aug 2007; Sydney, Australia 3950 posts . In Greek Baby Names the meaning of the name Timothy is: God's honour; God fearing. is a unique search site with 100,073 names collected from 2,336,610 family trees, containing 115,373,489 people. 250+ Vintage, Chic, and Popular French Names for Girls. Girl names derived from timothy Cheyenne!! Folksinger Holly Near has a sister named Timothy, btw. Timothy (and its variations) is a common name in several countries. My father passed away a few years ago and I'd LOVE to honor him. Our baby girl is due in a few days and I still haven't committed to a middle name. Save to list. © 2020 Everyday Health, Inc. If this is your name, or the name of someone you know, tell us about your experiences with this name. We keep them up because there are a ton of great conversations here and we believe you deserve to see them all. Those people are now 46 years old. This action cannot be undone. Charlotte is the feminine form of Charles. May 19th '10. Any suggestions for middle names that would honor him? My father passed away a few years ago and I'd LOVE to honor him. Timothy is a very popular first name for men (#27 out of 1220, Top 2%) and also a very popular last name for both adults and children (#11763 out of 150436, Top 8%). Archived discussions are usually a bit older and not as active as other community content. Source: BabyCenter user data. Are you sure you want to delete your discussion? Your Guide to the First Trimester of Pregnancy, Your Guide to the Second Trimester of Pregnancy. His name was Timothy Charles. group Ha engedélyezi a Verizon Media és partnerei részére, hogy feldolgozzák az Ön személyes adatait, válassza a(z) Elfogadom lehetőséget, ha pedig további tájékoztatást szeretne, vagy kezelné adatvédelmi lehetőségeit, akkor válassza a(z) Beállítások kezelése lehetőséget. I think it's cute for a girl. – Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. Between 1880 and 2019, 1,172,977 boys and 1,765 girls were born with the Name Timothy The country where the first name Timothy is the most common is: United State of America Gender of first name Timothy : Boy 99.85% The greatest number of people were given this name in 1970, when 141 people in the U.S. were given the name Timothy. Nicknames, cool fonts, symbols and tags for Timothy – timothicc, Tim, Timmy, Timtam, Timbo Slice, Tim-Tim. It's Timothea, but if you were looking for a name to give a girl to honor a man named Timothy, some other variation or a close name, like Tammy, might be good. I do think Charlotte is a beautiful name. If you enter John into Magic Baby Names, Mary will appear as a suggestion. Oct 24,2020 Abigail Adams, Editorial writer. See the boy version of this name. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States. Submit your funny nicknames and cool gamertags and copy the best from the list. Simply enter names you like and let this genius technology inspire you to find the perfect name. Mouse, a character from the 1941 Disney film, This page was last edited on 27 September 2020, at 01:37. Share your experience with the name "Timothy": Compare Timothy's history as a girl's and boy's name. Girl names derived from timothy. Popularity for the name has since declined, with its latest rating of 110th in 2009. In this article you'll learn the history of this name, statistics, see famous people named Timothy and more. reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. Create an account or log in to participate. First name will be Vivian. Last edited on 27 September 2020, at 01:37, BabyNameFacts.com - popularity of the name Timothy, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Timothy_(given_name)&oldid=980530531, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page or section lists people that share the same, Timothy Leslie Templeton, a character in the 2017 movie, Timothy Q. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. TTC since Aug 2007; Sydney, Australia 3950 posts . His name was Timothy Charles. DEMOGRAPHICS) Timothy reached its apex position of #13 in the U.S. during the years 1960-1969, and is at #165 currently. These names will give any girl an aura of elevated sophistication and beauty. What about Charlotte as a form of Charles? Mi és partnereink cookie-k és hasonló technológiák használatával tárolunk és/vagy érünk el adatokat az Ön eszközén annak érdekében, hogy személyre szabott hirdetéseket és tartalmakat jelenítsünk meg Önnek, mérjük a hirdetések és a tartalmak hatékonyságát, és információkat szerezzünk a célközönségre vonatkozóan, valamint a termékfejlesztéshez. For a number of years, the name Timothy has been spiralling downward in popularity. What is the correct way to say this name? We work hard to share our most timely and active conversations with you. A(z) Yahoo a Verizon Media része. Magic Baby Names uses the family trees from Family Echo to learn which names often appear together. But you don't need to trawl through long lists of baby names any more!. Simply enter names you like and let this genius technology inspire you to find the perfect name.How? Charlotte was on our list as well, we just weren't sure if it flows well. Thanks ladies. In recent years, continuing the trend, the number of babies given the name Timothy has dropped. Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. Do people often pronounce or spell it wrong? We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. You could just name her Charlie. Minimum width and height is 100 pixels. Click the ♡ next to a name to add it to your favorites. The greatest number of people were given this name in 1970, when 141 people in the U.S. were given the name Timothy. Like Timothy? Reply. The name has been used for girls, having a peak in 1968, ranking 908 in the United States, and has declined since, making it a very rare name for girls. In American Baby Names the meaning of the name Timothy is: God's honour; God fearing. Create good names for games, profiles, brands or social networks. Timothy is a masculine name. That could work as a mn. Are you sure you want to delete your comment? Magic Baby Names is a unique search site with 101,270 names collected from 2,529,788 family trees, containing 124,911,945 people. Our baby girl is due in a few days and I still haven't committed to a middle name. sort Here is a comprehensive list of traditional French names as well as the most popular names for girls in France and Canada today. For example, John and Mary are common names for a brother and sister. A few facts about the girl's name Timothy: Records indicate that 634 girls in the United States have been named Timothy since 1880. The biblical Timothy was the young Christian to whom Paul wrote. I went to school with a girl named Timeena. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy.

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