The new Gary Numan album, entitled Savage, is due for release in August through the BMG label. Bringing you up to date with the latest progress on the album before I leave again for the (R)evolution tour tomorrow. He is also known for his distinctive voice and androgynous "android" persona. This update is around a quarter of an hour and includes other news on tour and album release concerns due to the virus plus another explanation of what Intruder lyrics are all … This one plays part of the piano demo of a new song called The End Of Dragons, plus some other bits and pieces I've been putting together for ideas and possible film work in the future. At times it will go well, at other times it will be incredibly difficult and stressful, and it's always daunting. To learn more, please review our, Please buy a qualifying product to access these updates, A Question Of Faith WHITE LABEL VINYL TEST PRESSING 7", Absolution (Picture Disc Version) White Label Vinyl Test Pressing 12", Back Catalogue Hand Written Lyric Sheets - Signed, Call Out The Dogs White Label Vinyl Test Pressing 12", Dance LP White Label Vinyl Test Pressing 12", Dark Light EP White Label Vinyl Test Pressing 12", Dream Corrosion (side E/F) WHITE LABEL VINYL TEST PRESSING 12", Dream Corrosion (sideC/D) WHITE LABEL VINYL TEST PRESSING 12", I, Assassin White Label Vinyl Test Pressing 12", Images 4 (side A/B) WHITE LABEL VINYL TEST PRESSING 12", Images Disc 9 White Label Vinyl Test Pressing 12", Like A Refuge White Label Vinyl Test Pressing 12", Machine & Soul White Label Vinyl Test Pressing 12", Machine And Soul 2 White Label Vinyl Test Pressing 12", Music For Chameleons White Label Vinyl Test Pressing 12", Music Notation & Lyric Proof Sheets (Warriors Album) (Style 2), Music Notation & Lyric Proof Sheets (Various), Music Notation & Lyric Proof Sheets (Warriors Album - Style 1), Music Sheets (Original Ink) - Various Songs, Numa Records Year 1 White Label Vinyl Test Pressing 12", Signed New Album Hand Written Lyric Sheet, The Fury White Label Vinyl Test Pressing 12", We Take Mystery White Label Vinyl Test Pressing 12", White Noise (Side C/D) WHITE LABEL VINYL TEST PRESSING 12", White Noise EP (Promo) White Label Vinyl Test Pressing 12", MM. I am, as always, so very grateful for your interest and your support. For me it's not working but I wanted you to hear it so you can see where it goes to after this. Gary Numan joins Mark Radcliffe and Stuart Maconie on 6 Music. I'll let the video bring you up to date on everything.I hope you're all safe and well.Gary. 2. The Lost Chorus (Part 1 of 3), MM. This update explains where things are at with all that and it's especially useful for people that like t ... A 17 minute update that includes a clip of working out a keyboard melody (and why it's boring to watch). This new album will be released in 2020.

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