First, darkened areas, containing fog, do not show prizes hidden within the fog. Next is the Daily Special, which is obtainable from all given Pumpkins for 24 hours at a time, before changing. It looks more like a storage tent. Note: Where the word "some" appears in the quest text below, the amount differs depending on the Age the player is at. However, it doesn't clear those tiles which are Travel Cases. The player will need Stars to open presents - 10 stars for 1 present. They are: Rewards remain the same until midnight server time or until the "Shuffle" is found in a present. Collect 10 Lock Picks and you can open a previous days box that you could not find a key for. During this Event some Players will find that their local time will change (e.g. "Shuffle All" resets all the presents. New for Winter 2020! As usual, every second Grand Prize is a step towards the main prize of the event, in this case an upgrade kit for the House of Horror. Second, after cleaning up a fog tile, the prize does not automatically fall into your inventory. The player can activate the found toy's respective quest line in the Circus. Players who think about whether it’s worth using a candle for each pumpkin, or whether it’s better to skip one in favor of more light bulbs and dolls, should take the hint that the friendlier the pumpkin looks, the better the chance of getting a good reward, i.e. On the 10th day this daily special was available again. Reindeer are not collectable when all the slots are full. After completing that, the player will then immediately receive 5 quests without any delay and after that, one quest per day. The Fall event arrives soon! Discovered prizes will then automatically fall into your inventory. From level 6 on you get a defense bonus for the attacking army and for level 7 you have the choice: More goods, more forge points or attack bonus for the attacking army. Like last year it comes with Daily Quests as well as the Main Quests that can be completed straight away, to collect much needed Event Currency.And includes a minigame where you will find all the Rewards and Prizes. There are also special awards hidden among the presents, which are as follows: The purpose of the City Lights is to award the Grand Prize once 20 lights are lit, using Matches, where matches are obtained through opening presents. You use a candle to illuminate a single field, with a flashlight you can clear a whole column and the lantern then removes the fog around all the neighboring fields. Collect Reindeer by finding the Daily Special. One must remember that depending on the situation, one might have different preferences for the tool required to be used.

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