I also love Naiads, I have both. I have unlocked post-game so some of the familiars I am using can only be found after the main story line is finished. People will tell you that Demoliceros is too slow but that is not how you use him. Anthony Accinelli of RealSG writes, 'There are an absolute ton of Familiars to be found in Ni No Kuni. My party consisted of: Oliver: Dynamite, Catastroceros, sugarplum sprite, Esther: Electrongo, Puss in bouts, Greater naiad, Swaine: Destructeros, Steam man, Kill-o-the-wisp, As you can see i paid little to no attention to genuses ETC. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Oliver: Puss in Boats, Dragamuffin, Toko Esther: Fluorongo, Fountainhead, Umbralynx Swaine: Aye-Aye Catcher, Paleolith, Sugarplum Sprite. But honestly, none of this matters since Catastroceros just steamrolls every enemy I've come upon so far. For Esther, I can't really find for her a familiar with a good Attack stat. Not sure if it gets any better later on as I only evolved it once. Also, late bloomers are not an issue since I can just farm Tokotocolds all day. Flutterby last metamorphosis is either Wind or Light IIRC. Who would you suggest replacing them with? For Oliver I am using Demoliceros (Catastroceros is one of the ugliest things I have ever seen in this game), Mahanaja (because the Najapatra has boobs for some reason), and Scrapdragon. (: For Esther, I liked to use the Buncher line but later switched it for a Wildwood. Scrapdragon is a well balanced familiar that acts as my tank. Twinkle Twinkle off its 500+ Magic Attack also does excellent aoe damage. | English; limit my search to r/Ni_no_Kuni. For Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "What should I evolve my girlfiend into (serious discussion only) ? Swain: Neolith, Bone Baron, Clankityclank Mk2 (not evolved). Couple that with their accuracy and you'll see the same problem I saw. As well as the Monolith line for him too. I'm now training a Mandragorer to replace Puss. Umberwood is also a good choice for Esther as it is a solid physical wall but its weakness to Fire is kind of off-putting. And may I ask how did you not pick puss in boats first time round? What's his special field? At the moment mine are Oliver: Puss in Boats, Big Horn and Dinoceros Esther: Fluorongo, Hymnpaler and Sugarplum Sprite Swaine: Aye-Aye Catcher, Iron-Man and Toko. I really liked Bone Baron on Swaine! For Oliver, I used Catatrosceros (spelling? I also recommend getting Dinoceros and Lumberwood from the tickets you get post-game since you can soft reset them until you get good stats and the right celestial sign. My midnight flutterby is lvl 99. Ive also just downloaded the Draggle and Golden Hurly tickets off psn. I want a Dinoceros at somepoint as I hear good things about them. ". Cookies help us deliver our Services. It has pitiful Magic Defense though so I only feed it sundaes. 99% of enemies and a boosted Haymaker makes most boss fights a joke.

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