You need to interact with Skinner and use your +4 Strength to intimidate him and then go upstairs to find the Pristine Assaultron Body. This will complete Hunter for Hire quest in Fallout 76 Wastelanders. Head down the stairs and follow the rock tunnel into the next room to reach Polly who is sitting on a workbench. Any help finding them is appreciated. The key code for the door will be 88888. This is going to show you a marker that is northeast of The Wayward. After you have completed Hunter for Hire mission you have to go to the Duchess for Strength in Numbers mission. I tune to the station & nothing changes, it just lists off coordinates you can't read on the Map. You have to have completed the game up until the Black... No yellow suitcase in bathtub when filled up? Before the update, she was only mentioned in the game. Scroll down to Transmitter Signal and tune into it. Go down to the bottom floor and look for a set of concrete stairs going down. Use the signal to find Duchess's guards Fallout 76 - YouTube ... Duchess's Guards Location. The location of the Assaultron Body for Polly is the Duncan & Duncan’s Robot Shop inside Summersville. Regardless of how you ended the meeting with the bandit leader, go back to the Duchess. You need to follow the trail which will lead you to the enemies. Once you have the body avoid the lasers which are in the next room and place the tracker on the body. Once you are in the Wastelanders update of Fallout 76, your third mission is going to be Strength in Numbers. Inside the work tunnel, you will find Polly sitting at a workbench. Upon completion of the second missions in the Wastelanders update of Fallout 76 you will unlock a new mission called Strength in Numbers. I've tried a few times now, can't read coordinates anywhere, yet it keeps repeating them. … Updated April 14, 2020. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Just go and activate her so you can grab her head. Mine and continue the quest as normal. Tune Pip-Boy Radio to Transmitter Signal to Find Clue Your email address will not be published. Upon completion of the second missions in the Wastelanders update of Fallout 76 you will unlock a new mission called Strength in Numbers. The mine can be found to the north of where you searched for the clues. You are given a quest icon with their location. With the Transmitter Signal active head to the northeast of The Wayward and explore the circle that appears on your map there. Tell Skinner you are a customer and ask for a pristine Assaultron body. Any help finding them is appreciated. Liberator. Look around for some stairs on the ground floor and descend them once you find them. Make your way to the mine and go inside. But thankfully you can just go to the gauley(?) Am I looking for bodies? Use Strength (4+) or head up the stairs behind the counter to find the Pristine Assaultron Body. Once you read the Gauley Mine Production Log you will receive a new objective to search the Gauley Mine for the Duchess’s Guard. This mission involves rescuing two of Duchess’s guards. Required fields are marked *, Stuff to Do After Beating Watch Dogs Legion, Finding Bagley Photograph Locations – Watch Dogs Legion Guide, Free Prestige Operative in Watch Dogs Legion, Lost in the Process Guide – Watch Dogs Legion, Animal Crossing New Horizons: Mega Dodo Code Thread – Drop Your Code and Find Visitors, NBA 2K18 Neighborhood Guide – Everything to Know. I had the same issue, my quest log wouldn't update after running in to the radio. Strength in Numbers is a main quest in the Fallout 76 update Wastelanders. Inside this shop speak to the robot called Skinner. I've tried a few times now, can't read coordinates anywhere, yet it keeps repeating them. To start the mission you have to interact with the Duchess at The Wayward. As a reward, you will receive medicines, alcohol, food, and almost 500 experience points. Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike. Head back to The Wayward once completed and speak to the Duchess. Before you go back to the Duchess, you would have to fight off a number of Scorched. 2. After the interaction is finished, activate Polly, give her the news and this will end the mission. 29 days ago. Your email address will not be published. Get the head from the inventory and place it into the Moonshine Jug and then go to Duncan & Duncan’s Robot Shop in Summersville to find the Assaultron Body for Polly. Duchess's Guards Location. r/fo76: Welcome to the Fallout Network subreddit for Fallout 76. Close. Activate Polly to receive the head as a weapon. There is also a tracker inside Polly so it is very easy to keep an eye on them. The objective of the mission is to rescue two guards of the Duchess. Go north, towards the mine, clear out the Scorched and then head inside. Enter the tunnel which is where you found Sol and you are going to find a room. First it was at Thunder Plant, today it is at Gnarled Shallows. Go through the tunnel so you arrive in a large mechanical room. Defeat them and then go to the bottom of the mine where you are going to come across Sol. Avoid the lasers and place the tracker on the body. To find Polly simply head to the right of where you found SOL and enter the stone tunnel there. Hey! Here we will give you the complete Fallout 76 Wastelanders Strength in Numbers Walkthrough. Get out of the place once you are done with the enemies and go to the Duchess. Search the corpses for the Gauley Mine Production Log. After the resident has dealt with the Free Radicals, Duchess needs the residents' help to find her missing guards, it is up to the residents of Vault 76 to find them, if they're still alive. Now return back to Wayward and talk to the Duchess. Speak to SOL and give him a Stimpak (if you have a spare). SPOILER. After he is healed he will inform you about Polly who has gone even deeper in the mine and now you have to go after her. SPOILER. Place the head into the Moonshine Jug when prompted to get the next objective to find Polly’s Body. Posted by. Duchess appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update. Once you are through the note, you are going to get an objective to search the Gauley Mine for the Duchess’s Guard. To complete this rescue mission use our Strength in Numbers guide below. To complete this rescue mission use our Strength in Numbers guide below. Defeat the Scorched and return to the Duchess with Polly’s head. After healing SOL he will tell you that Polly went deeper into the mine. We have cherries and oranges and we need peaches. Fallout 76 Wastelanders Strength in Numbers After you have completed Hunter for Hire mission you have to go to the Duchess for Strength in Numbers mission. To do this open your Pip-Boy and select the Radio tab. Interact with Sol and give him Stimpak. Watch Dogs: Legion Review – Taking DedSec in The Right Direction Innit, Torchlight 3 Review – Acceptable But Forgettable, The Invincible Targets 4K With “Smooth” Frame Rates, Uses DualSense Tech For “Complex Interactions”, Haven Dev Discusses Combat, Enemies, & Dragon Ball Z Inspirations, Dirt 5 Designer Talks “Exciting” Post-Launch Plans; New Playgrounds Items In The Works, Horizon Zero Dawn Patch 1.07 Released, Fixes Graphical Issues, Makes Improvements, New Among Us Improvements Coming Soon, Accessibility, Anti-Hacking, And More. In order to find the location of the guards, tune your Pip-Boy radio to the transmitter signal. First, you need to open your Pip-Boy and have to select the Radio tab. Upon activating Polly you will need to defeat a number of Scorched that appear in the room. In the mine follow the tracks and defeat the enemies that appear. At the bottom of the mine you will run into an NPC called SOL. After you speak to the Duchess activate Polly to end the quest and start the next one called The Elusive Crane. We will need to go find her. When you return upon completing the Hunter for Hire mission Duchess will send you out to find two of her guards that have gone missing. In the circle look for a collection of Scorched Corpses. In the circle that appears on your map, look for a collection of Scorched Corpses and once you find it, search the corpses for the Gauley Mine Production Log. She is going to introduce you to Sol and the machine, Polly who are missing and you have to find them. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Welcome to the Fallout Network subreddit for Fallout 76, Press J to jump to the feed. To find the guards you need to tune your Pip-Boy radio to the transmitter signal. This mission involves rescuing two of Duchess’s guards. You will also start the next quest - Strength in Numbers. Then just scroll down until you find Transmitter Signal and tune into it.
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