Pro Line 4™ to Pro Line 21™ Upgrade Program for Falcon 50/50EX . Pro Line 21 systems are flying on aircraft delivered from the factory and are also available as aftermarket upgrades. Contacts Find a customer service engineer Find a dealer. �.�mU�?VqK#NO)EJ�59���|V�VӢ����M�~?/��euڍ����P�e�x�s���oZ This Falcon 50-4 is equipped with newest generation Collins Proline 21 avionics and has been upgraded with advanced Honeywell TFE731-4-1C engines. Cat 1 like approach minimums as low as 200’ and half mile visibility. Pro Line 4™ to Pro Line 21™ Upgrade for Falcon 50-50EX and Falcon 2000-2000/EX Pro Line 21 brings integrated display and situational awareness to the flight deck. �����ׁ�x��+Aܾ��l�`��΂5[YnW�q��֎v. endstream endobj 2697 0 obj <>/Metadata 63 0 R/Pages 2694 0 R/StructTreeRoot 82 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 2698 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 2694 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 2699 0 obj <>stream These cookies do not allow us to identify you. %%EOF Falcon 50EX Pro Line 21™ With the Pro Line 4 to 21 upgrade, Rockwell Collins proposes new functionalities and improved capabilities based on customer and marketing feedback while meeting new regulations and operational changes. Falcon 2000 owners face many challenges ahead, from CRT obsolescence, to the need to comply with looming airspace mandates, all while completing the mission on time. These cookies do not allow us to identify you. h�bbd```b``� �u �����Is�M0;L*�I]0�&����d̕�3m@��� ��Xb+���_2012p���e``�?Ï�W �d this cookie banner appear just once. Our Pro Line 21™ integrated avionics system is designed to enhance a wide range of business and commercial and military aircraft. Pro Line 4™ to Pro Line 21™ Upgrade for Falcon 50-50EX and Falcon 2000-2000/EX, Pro Line 21™ Advanced Upgrade for Challenger 300 and 605, Pro Line 21™ Upgrade for Beechcraft King Air ®, Pro Line 21™ Upgrade Options for Hawker 750/800XP/850XP, Meets equipage requirements for domestic DCL/Data Comm, Works with your current FMS control display units, Active departure and arrival runway can be depicted on the display, Seamless integration with the Collins Aerospace FMS, Significant Meteorological Observations (SIGMETS), Gain unprecedented access to more airports, and more runways. Falcon 2000 owners face many challenges ahead, from  CRT obsolescence, to  the need to comply with looming airspace mandates, all while completing the mission on time. © 2020 Collins Aerospace, a Raytheon Technologies company. h�b```�VI!af`��0p4p9p0p8��t����Q{�� �砃��F���a�@�,��n\�NN���Nΐ:�Û�-�t�M�+A��@ ��M �� �@,��PF�`���%@��~ i! �z0�K��n��[0��m|���l����#�8I� Ͳ��C���(����L:�Li�G���&$�H�LG�b�E� d�CA�d�hI:�� zPh@ ��� Dassault Falcon 50 Jets for Sale The Dassault Falcon 50 is a super mid-sized, 3,200nm-range aircraft and Dassault's first tri-jet, featuring three TFE731-3-1C powerplants. Our Pro Line 21™ integrated avionics system is designed to enhance a wide range of business and commercial and military aircraft. Click ACCEPT to consent to the cookie, number of visits to the site. this cookie banner appear just once. For efficient aircraft operations you must get the most from your aircraft. Display of the NTSC video on the MFD are compatible with: Automatic Dependent Surveillance, version DO-260B, makes your Falcon 2000 fully compliant with both US and European mandates for 2020. Avionics Integration and Certification (STCs), Embraer Legacy 450/500 with Pro Line Fusion® Avionics and Head Up Guidance Systems, Gulfstream G280 with Pro Line Fusion® and HGS™, Pro Line Fusion® for Bombardier Global 5000/6000 and HGS, Pro Line Fusion® Upgrade for Beechcraft King Air®, Pro Line Fusion® Upgrade For Citation CJ1+, CJ2+ and CJ3 Aircraft, Aircraft Data Loading Products and Services. Z���8�9[�|0���ލ��M]d��|�W.1�I�͋�A9��L��쾋 �M��6_|�0�S�F A Banner Cookie, which does not track or identify you, but rather makes otherwise this banner will continue to appear. If you object to these anonymous cookies. %PDF-1.5 %���� Multiple video sources may be selected via an external switch. Dassault Falcon 50EX. With Pro Line 21 in your aircraft, you are assured of always flying with the best. Click ACCEPT to consent to the cookie, And it’s designed to support the latest standards and support the upcoming ADS-B Out mandate. Pro Line 21™ Integrated Avionics System For efficient aircraft operations you must get the most from your aircraft. h��mo�8���>n� Over 4000 LPV approaches in the US, growing by several hundred per year. Collins Aerospace Pro Line 4™ to Pro Line 21™ Collins Aerospace Pro Line 4™ to Pro Line 21™ The Collins Pro Line 4™ to Pro Line 21™ upgrade is a LCD flight deck display upgrade for the Falcon 50EX, Falcon 2000, and Falcon 2000EX Pro Line 4™ equipped aircraft … Google Analytics Cookies for aggregate, anonymous statistics on the A Banner Cookie, which does not track or identify you, but rather makes Google Analytics Cookies for aggregate, anonymous statistics on the Pro Line 4™ to Pro Line 21™ Upgrade for Falcon 50-50EX and Falcon 2000-2000/EX, Pro Line 21™ Advanced Upgrade for Challenger 300 and 605, Pro Line 21™ Upgrade for Beechcraft King Air ®, Pro Line 21™ Upgrade Options for Hawker 750/800XP/850XP. 2716 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<6EB71B9CC117D944A7C8B797209114B9>]/Index[2696 45]/Info 2695 0 R/Length 102/Prev 1020070/Root 2697 0 R/Size 2741/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Using initiative technology, a Collins Aerospace Pro Line 4 to 21 upgrade solves all challenges and more. Dassault Falcon 2000/2000EX. 9���V>`(�$����A�����-����컒�Ys��9ԝZ��$�f�R�xN�A�.��f`X~�eG���A&�m� �Ed Especially for an aircraft purchase in 2020, with the new CARES ACT, you may be able to take advantage of a 100% business tax deduction. Customer support Increasing situational awareness by providing the pilot with graphical presentation of the outside world. Large-format LCD displays: delivering information, awareness and safety, ready for Synthetic Vision, electronic charts, and more. 2740 0 obj <>stream If you object to these anonymous cookies. Chartlink™, an application that automatically updates and reconfigures IFIS chart information when the FMS flight plan is loaded or modified. number of visits to the site. endstream endobj startxref Retrofit packages have also been developed for many aircraft to give you a modern "glass cockpit" and add value to your aircraft investment. Video sources may be EVS, surveillance, or information cameras. otherwise this banner will continue to appear. XMWX Satellite Weather is a continuous broadcast weather service offered in the Continental United States (CONUS): The display of video, in an NTSC format is presented on the lower half of the MFD. �$CE=| &J�)�*�_A�S�����sU/�9 �e���ۏ�m�槧�4/�یA�4�yٲ`�5�.���B�Q������9��8��N���|���P��v8�� qoϏ[Ҹz^�s There are 4 (new or used) Falcon 50 aircraft for sale listed in the current Market Place. Continuous improvements to existing Pro Line 21 systems bring new capabilities to you as operating requirements evolve. Additional FANS platforms. The average asking price for a Falcon 50 is $1,045,000. © 2020 Collins Aerospace, a Raytheon Technologies company. The baseline Pro Line 4 to 21 upgrade is the prerequisite for FANS 1/A, which includes Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract (ADS-C) and Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) functionalities. With large, crystal-clear LCD displays and state-of-the-art functionality, it expands aircraft capabilities and improves situational awareness at every phase of flight. 2696 0 obj <> endobj TRADE-IN CREDIT 1) A trade-in credit will be issued against the purchase of Falcon 50ex Pro Line 4 to 21 Upgrade baseline equipment package at the special program price upon Rockwell Collins receipt of the existing removed avionics equipment. 0

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