Mark HennJames Young JacksonRune Brandt BennickeAnthony Wayne MichaelsTom GatelyMonica MurdockMi Yul Lee Fa Zhou makes a few cameos in House of Mouse. Firework: Disney in the Stars • Disney Movie Magic • Happily Ever After • Hurry Home: Lunar New Year Celebration • Harmonious • Ignite the Dream: A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and Light Mulan presents him with Shan Yu's sword and the Emperor's crest as gifts to honor the family.

After praying he bumps into Mulan, who is carrying a teapot and cup on a tray causing her to drop them but he catches the teapot using his crutch and she brings out a spare teacup telling what the doctor told him: he needs three cups of tea in the morning and three at night. Character information Soon-Tek Oh He speaks briefly with Shang, when the captain attempts to see Mulan under the guise of returning a helmet. Traditional, prideful, understanding, kind, fatherly, brave, concerned, proud, intense, wise Fa Zhou is a supporting character in Disney's 1998 animated feature film, Mulan. Video games His other known family members include Fa Li (his wife), and Grandmother Fa (his mother). Fa Zhou sets the gifts aside before hugging Mulan, proclaiming that his 'greatest gift and honor' is having her for a daughter. Halloween: The Disney Villains Halloween Showtime, Sequel: Sha-Ron • Ting-Ting, Su, and Mei • Lord Qin • Prince Jeeki Fa Zhou is the father of Mulan. Characters in the Disney animated features canon,, Though he does not appear physically, Fa Zhou is mentioned more than once by Mulan in. Fa Li asks him to go after Mulan, fearing that she could be killed in the war.

Out of stubborn pride, he doesn't take up the crutch again, and attempts to practice with his old sword in preparation for war.

Background information The Zhou coexisted with the Shang dynasty (c. 1600–1046 bce) for many years, living just west of the Shang territory in what is now Shaanxi province.

After that, however, he says to Mulan that she "dishonored" him when she was trying to help him. Fa Zhou reappears in this film, but plays a minor role.

His other known family members include Fa Li (his wife) and Grandmother Fa (his mother). "I will die doing what's right!" He is seen sitting under the cherry blossom tree when Mulan returns home after the war.

When Chi-Fu, the emperor's consul, arrives to distribute conscription notices, Fa Zhou, as the only man in the family, puts aside his crutch and walks to accept the scroll. Dishonor, procrastination Tzi Ma (2020 film) He is a retired war hero and the father of Fa Mulan. He loves his family but hates when his pride to fight in the war is taking away from him.

Fa Zhou appears in the remake with his last name changed to Hua Zhou. When Mulan and Shang are called to perform a task for the Emperor, he advises them that they must work together like sun and rain. Video games

Fa Zhou makes a few cameos in House of Mouse. With Fa Zhou's approval, Mulan invites Shang to dinner.

Global Detective Force: Rise of the Vanguards, Characters in the Disney animated features canon,

Fa Zhou's live action counterpart lacks the mustache/goatee combo his animated version has. Summer: Mickey's WaterWorks His other known family members include Fa Li (his wife), and Grandmother Fa (his mother). Source. Retired war hero His wife remarks on how he did not gamble, to which he replies that he considers gambling with his mother to be an investment rather than gambling. Portrayed by He is shown as being fairly traditional, putting family honor before many other things, including his own health, which strains his relationship with Mulan at first. When Mulan steals both the conscription notice and his armor to join the army in his place, Fa Zhou attempts to call to her, but he collapses as he runs. Feature films Fa Zhou reappears in this film but plays a minor role.

Fa Zhou then tells Mulan that she should be in town and wishes her good luck. Slender, fairly middle-aged, medium gray hair in a top knot, dark brown eyes

At the time of the film, he is at least middle aged, and limps using a crutch due to a leg injury sustained from that war.

Character information At the time of the film, he is at an advanced age, as well as limps using a crutch due to a leg injury sustained from that war. With Fa Zhou's approval, Mulan invites Shang to dinner. One of the Zhou ruling houses devised a plan to conquer the Shang, and a decisive battle was fought, probably in the mid-11th century bce. Fa Zhou returns in the New Series revealed to have a young son named Djarin. He was notably present during Mickey and Ludwig's bet in "Ask Von Drake".


Background information He was a war hero of a previous, unnamed conflict, and was known to the extent that Shang mentioned his name with awe when it appeared on Fa family's conscription notice.

Likes Fa Zhou appears in the remake with his family name changed to Hua Zhou to make it close to the original story. To uphold his family's honor

Appearance Personality

Animators The original poem was originally a short fable, designed to show gender equality, but in the following centuries it was developed until Hua Mulan became a legendary figure. FatherDad (by Djarin) Despite this, he is shown to be understanding, as he comforts Mulan after her failed meeting with the Matchmaker by comparing her beauty to a late blossom on the family's trees. Despite this, he is shown to be understanding, as he comforts Mulan after her failed meeting with the Matchmaker by comparing her beauty to a late blossom on the family's trees.

When Mulan fails, he is saddened, but comforts her while sitting underneath a cherry blossom tree, by drawing a comparison between Mulan and a late bloom on the tree. He is seen sitting under the cherry blossom tree when Mulan returns home after the war. Though he does not appear physically, Fa Zhou is mentioned more than once by Mulan. Tzi Ma (2020 film)

Disney Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Out of stubborn pride, he doesn't take up the crutch again and attempts to practice with his old sword in preparation for war. He speaks briefly with Li Shang, who has arrived to see Mulan under the guise of returning a helmet that belongs to Fa Zhou (which Mulan had left behind earlier). Although he usually doesn't gamble, he makes a bet with Grandmother Fa, which he wins: Grandmother Fa bet that Shang would propose to Mulan before sunset, while Fa Zhou bet that he would propose before noon. House of MouseDjarin Television programs Quote He speaks briefly with Li Shang, who has arrived to see Mulan under the guise of returning a helmet that belongs to Fa Zhou (which Mulan had left behind earlier). As little contemporary evidence exists other than the poem, it is unknown whether she was a real or fictional figure.

China Good Fa Zhou shocks Mulan when he sets them aside, proclaiming Mulan to be his greatest gift and honor. Later that night, before going to bed, he is seen talking with his wife in silhouette trying to comfort her and she too runs off in tears, knowing that he will not survive the war. Chi Fong, Jin Weng, Meili Chang, Yuen, Mushu He is seen sitting under the cherry blossom tree, when Mulan returns home after the war. Dislikes Little Brother (dog) Mulan presents him with Shan Yu's sword and the emperor's crest, as both an apology and a gift to honor the family. Fa Li asks him to go after Mulan, as she could be killed in the war. Soon-Tek Oh In the 2020 live-action version, he has a younger daughter named Hua Xiu. Fa Zhou is first seen praying that his ancestors will aid his daughter Fa Mulan during her trip to see the Matchmaker. Books: The Art of Mulan • Disney Princess Beginnings • Reflection (A Twisted Tale) • Kilala Princess Feeling Their Age: Though Fa Zhou retains his sword skills, his old age, bad leg, and an implied heart condition prevent him from performing as he used to, as shown when he collapses doing basic exercises. Mulan Parade The greatest gift of all is having you for a daughter. Slender, fairly middle-aged, medium gray hair in a top knot, dark brown eyes

Fa Zhou sets the gifts aside before hugging Mulan, proclaiming that his 'greatest gift and honor' is having her for a daughter.

After that, however, he cruelly says to Mulan that she "dishonored" him when she was trying to help him. He was a war hero of previous, unnamed conflict, as well as was known to the extent that Shang mentioned his name with awe when it appeared on Fa family's conscription notice, even referring to him as "THE Fa Zhou." Amanim/Do U Guys like how Maile did Boruto or do u guys like how Amanda Miller did Boruto? After praying he bumps into Mulan, who is carrying a teapot and cup on a tray causing her to drop them but he catches the teapot using his crutch and she brings out a spare teacup telling what the doctor told him: he needs three cups of tea in the morning and three at night. At the time of the film, he is at least middle aged, and limps using a crutch due to a leg injury sustained from that war. Pets Fa Zhou is the father of Mulan. Mulan then runs off in tears, but Fa Zhou ignores her and sits down to continue eating. Fa Zhou is the father of Mulan. Fa Zhou's live action counterpart lacks the mustache/goatee combo his animated version has.


Grandmother Fa (mother)Fa Li (wife)Fa Mulan (daughter)Fa Djarin (son)Li Shang (son-in-law)Fa Family Ancestors † Having seen him practice, Mulan argues with him, stating it is unfair that he has to die for honor.

He is shown as being fairly traditional, putting family honor before many other things, including his own health, which strains his relationship with Mulan at first.

Disney Princess Majestic Quest Source. After that, however, he says to Mulan that she "dishonored" him when she was trying to help him. Later that night, before going to bed, he is seen talking with his wife in silhouette trying to comfort her and she too runs off in tears, knowing that he will not survive the war.

His sword He is a retired war hero and the father of Fa Mulan. Enemies Having seen him practice, Mulan argues with him, stating it is unfair that he has to die for honor. Fa Zhou

Mickey, Donald and Goofy: The Three Musketeers,

Mulan's happiness and well-being, praying to his ancestors, honor, blossoms, tea, gambling Portrayed by However, it quickly becomes apparent that he will likely die if he goes, due to his age and injuries in the past.

Zhou Yu (pronunciation) (175–210, Chinese: 周瑜), courtesy name Gongjin (Chinese: 公瑾), was a Chinese military general and strategist serving under the warlord Sun Ce in the late Eastern Han dynasty of China.

He was notably present during Mickey and Ludwig's bet in "Ask Von Drake". Fa Li asks him to go after Mulan, fearing that she could be killed in the war. When an emergency calls for the aged Fa Zhou to return to battle, Mulan secretly takes his place under the guise of a man.
Likes Fa Zhou angrily yells at her that Mulan needs to learn her place, as he has learned his. When an emergency calls for the aged Fa Zhou to return to battle, Mulan secretly takes his place under the guise of a man. He sadly notes that if Mulan is revealed as a woman, she WOULD be killed, as Chinese law states that women are forbidden to serve in the army. Chow Yun-fatSBS(born 18 May 1955), previously known as Donald Chow,is a Hong Kongactor known for his collaborations with filmmaker John Wooin the actionheroic bloodshed–genre films A Better Tomorrow, The Killer, and Hard Boiled, and in the West for his roles as Li Mu-bai in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragonand Sao Feng in Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. Fa Zhou is a supporting character in Disney's 1998 animated feature film, Mulan.

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