Season 2, Episode 10 TV-PG
You know Doctor Trevor Grant, who they brought from the past? Meanwhile, Artie is confused by the energy flows going on in the warehouse. Syfy Channel is developing a spin-off of its highest rated original drama, Warehouse 13, The Hollywood Reporter has revealed.. Good times. Meanwhile, Artie examines the security breach at the warehouse. HD
Season 2, Episode 2 TV-PG
While Pete and Myka go to Toronto to investigate an invulnerable hockey player, Steve helps Artie track down stolen artifacts while Claudia meets with Mrs. Frederic to discuss her future as a Warehouse guardian. You can forgive the producers for going with some very attractive camera-friendly leading roles, and stereocasting Saul Rubinek as a modestly nutty Head Librarian. CC
appear and noone would be the wiser. SD. The two leads are great because their is absolutely no romantic chemsitry between them, they don't get bogged down with the cliched love storyline and they bounce off of each other with humour and insulting banter. "Crossing Over" was the fifth episode of the fourth season of Eureka, airing on the Syfy Channel on 6 August 2010. Thus real Hugo's literally having lost half his marbles. This is supported by a number of cross-over episodes, namely Warehouse 13 S2E5: 13.1, S3E6: Don't Hate the Player, and Eureka S4E5: Crossing Over. It only takes a minute to sign up. Pete and Myka get sucked into a 1940s detective noir novel in search of an artifact. Warehouse 13's own resident computer geek, Claudia Donovan, works with Fargo to get the update up and running. The team have no time to mourn a fallen comrade as they go after the person responsible, the nemesis that has been stalking Artie since he used Magellan's Astrolabe to save the world. Good Series, Gone Too Soon, Maybe Warehouse 14 will replace it some day on the tube, Reviewed in the United States on June 1, 2016. She's cool. She gets more than she bargained for when seemingly random objects begin appearing around town. Do I still need a resistor in this LED series design? While Claudia and Steve attempt to infiltrate a Civil War reenactment to recover U.S. Grant's flask, Pete and Myka must deal with Pete's ex-wife... who has been stung by an artifact bee that has turned her into a human queen bee. A U.S. Marshall becomes the sheriff of a remote cozy little Northwestern town of Eureka where the best minds in the US have secretly been tucked away to build futuristic inventions for the government which often go disastrously wrong. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 9, 2012. Warehouse 13 returns for its second season, picking up from season one’s finale cliff-hanger episode. Working together, the team fights to regain control of the Lehmann Fornax before the entire Warehouse goes up in flames. Now the pair — off-the-cuff Agent Pete Lattimer and by-the-book Agent Myka Bering — must chase down reports of supernatural and paranormal activity in search of new objects for their eccentric new boss, Artie Nielsen, to safeguard at the Warehouse. H.G. HD
This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. Artie makes contact with the outside world and Pete meets the four-color resistance. I'll admit I was already planning on watching Warehouse 13 but after watching the Eureka episode Crossing Over, I started watching Warehouse 13 to see the actress. Fargo's arrival directly started the plot rolling. It also analyzes reviews to verify trustworthiness. Out-of-universe, it's a common scenario in Sci-Fi to have actors appear in other series - aside from Keen-mentioned StarGate crossovers, there's the (in)famous "Jason X"/"Andromeda" one. race to long-lost Warehouse 2 in Egypt in an effort to save her. Awesome! Meanwhile, Jane reveals the full extent of her plan but one agent will lose their life carrying it out. Artie gets questioned by the Regents and Mrs. Frederic. Explanations are always found wanting, but then this series doesn't try to be clever in any way, it just wants to be entertaining. yikes!) Are Warehouse 13 characters Pete Lattimer and Steve Jinks Alphas? Created by Andrew Cosby, Jaime Paglia. 4* To me the show feels like how I always felt Buck Rogers should be played. Sail Rubinek who plays Artie in WH13 Also plays Carl Carlson in Eureka who was absorbed into the Artifact, long before WH13 was introduced I to Eureka. HD
Eureka is much more consistent, well acted, and a plot that gets it cues from the drama part. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. In amidst the "eh", Fargo and Claudia still provided some fun, getting caught in a mine field yet still kind of making out while potentially about to get blown up. How can I trick programs to believe that a recorded video is what is captured from my MacBook Pro camera in realtime? Season Marc Alaimo, best known for his portrayal as Gul Dukat in DS9, not only played a different Cardassian in TNG, but 3 other characters in TNG as well. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! They aren't trademarked to Warehouse 13 specifically. While created deliberately as a bridge device, Eureka's authorities decided it was too dangerous to be kept in town. Myka and Pete encounter two secret service agents that force them to question their own relationship, while Artie attempts to show Claudia the truth about her sister. In the season two premiere, we pick up right where we left off. HD
Pete and Myka hunt down a malevolent artifact-wielding Santa Claus and come to the aid of a businessman. Actors commonly play multiple roles. The second season consists of 13 episodes and started airing on July 6, 2010. Back on point, the start of the crossover finds Douglas Fargo being loaned out to Warehouse 13 to update the warehouse's out of date computer system. Please try again later. SyFy's crossover event started with Douglas Fargo paying a visit to Warehouse 13. When did Warehouse 13 reference John Ringo’s novels? HD
But it would have been funny for her to mention it to the Eureka crew and watch them all crap their pants that their secret had been leaked. Nerdy Douglas Fargo wouldn't seem to be a threat to her relationship but... they are sort of kindred spirits. A U.S. Marshall becomes the sheriff of a remote cozy little Northwestern town of Eureka where the best minds in the US have secretly been tucked away to build futuristic inventions for the government which often go disastrously wrong. I don't think there's a real "in-universe" explanation. Pete and Steve search for an artifact that makes a horseless chariot and a life-size chess piece come to life; Claudia combines artifacts in a desperate attempt to revive her sister. and both shows share a similar light comedy/adventure tone. Sold by amazingwildcat and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. Whilst Warehouse 13 does suffer from some cheesy dialogue and shaky special effects it is a vastly entertaining show that you can't help liking. While the artifact-generated chaos continues, Claudia and Artie race to the Gooery - the site of the second artifact power source - to try and shut it down before the entire Warehouse is flooded with purple goo. CC
Say Hello to Peacock! SD. also in the alpha's episode dr calder was wearing the trademark purple gloves from wh13. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. They have shown up in procedural cop shows too. They yadda yadda over that by saying this property in him has been slowly building. The agents are responsible for the collection of every supernatural and unexplained item that the U.S. Government has ever collected. Pete, Myka, and Claudia set off to rescue their loved ones when Brother Adrian sends them deadly artifacts. Douglas Fargo (Neil Grayston) from Eureka appeared in the August 3, 2010 episode of Warehouse 13, while Claudia Donovan (Allison Scagliotti) appeared on Eureka on August 6, 2010. Prime members enjoy FREE Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and Kindle books. Now, a typical Eureka plot starts with strange things happening and the gang having to figure out exactly what science project has gone wrong to cause the problems. Pete descends into the sewers to track Claudia's ghoulish captor. Pete and Myka capture Paracelsus but not before he makes himself immortal. What spectral type of star has an absolute magnitude of exactly 0? There was an error posting your review. Wells track Joshua's Trumpet, an artifact that has eluded three generations of Warehouse agents, which now may pose a threat to a packed baseball stadium. Wells's time machine to travel back to the year 1961. CC
13.1 Season two marked the first crossover event with fellow Syfy series Eureka. That said, Jack Carter's wits and common sense day in and day out end up saving the town citizen's from themselves and their scientific screw ups. my explination would be that, becuase of the time dialations and time travel in Eureka, you could, in theory, have the same person (but not actually the same person?) So it really made me sad that the Eureka half of this crossover... was pretty eh. That said, Carter has had his experiences in time travel. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. To stop the earthquakes generated by the Anubis Shrine, Leena and Trailer must risk their lives to stabilize this mega-powerful artifact before it tears the Warehouse apart. Season two also features special crossover episodes when Warehouse 13's Allison Scagliotti visits the town of Eureka and Neil Grayston of Eureka visits Warehouse 13. While Pete and Myka go after someone using an artifact to induce Alzheimer's, Claudia goes on her first case as a full agent with Steve to track down Typhoid Mary's knife. Only he's been in the present for quite a few episodes... and he just starts attracting this crap now? She reports directly to The Regents, a mysterious group who oversee the Warehouse. Click here to return to main Crossover List. Meanwhile, Charlotte Dupres makes her move with the help of her inside person. Was Sheriff Carter recruited to come to Eureka? Eureka, Warehouse 13, and apparently Alphas, all exist in the same universe. As Artie fights to save Claudia from drowning in the Gooery, and Pete and Myka set out for the third artifact power source, Leena and Trailer's search for the diorama artifact takes an unexpected turn when they discover the Warehouse is on fire. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. This is definitely a no brainer compared to the American version at significantly higher price. Pete and Steven take on a new case in Denver, while Artie, Claudia, and Leena deal with a deadly pair of statues at Warehouse 13. A masked vigilante with an artifact is cleaning up the mean streets of Detroit. Meanwhile, Claudia wonders about her future with the Warehouse team and Pete must choose between Kelly and the mission. Claudia is also in the middle of a rough patch with her boyfriend. Meanwhile, Artie, Claudia, and Steve interrogate a dog that witnessed the theft of an artifact. HD
Meanwhile, Claudia digs into Todd's past and finds some disturbing information. Myka and Pete deal with a plague of zombies in Ithaca, while Claudia deals with a new romance, a prophecy of death, and a rejection from a friend.
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