You, we, they are not old. * to show that something is changing, growing or developing: I usually go to school at 7 Take some coins in case you (need) to phone. "Look at these pictures. USE 1 Repeated Actions He, she, it is not old. subject auxiliary verb main verb The children are growing quickly. It is called "simple" because its basic form consists of a single word (like write or writes), in contrast with other present tense forms such as the present progressive (is writing) and present perfect (has written). * Point at a continuous series or repeating actions. ? 6. Unless you (change) your mind we (not be able) to help you. mereka menonton konser kahitna di Jakarta. 5. + I am French. Example: 7. Hesi and gege bisa diganti dengan we sehingga to be untuk subject jamak adalah are, not going adalah bentuk negative dari going. 1. 2. We can't use any continuous tense (including the present continuous tense, of course) with stative verbs. * Expresses an activity/ activities that is/are true at the time of speaking - to contrast Present Simple and Present Continuous. This is most commonly done when talking about public transportation, but it can be used with other scheduled events as well. Kalimat-kalimat continous tense biasanya dipakai ketika : – sesuatu yang terjadi pada waktu sekarang, ketika seseorang sedang berbicara dan pasti berakhir pada suatu hari nanti. I play football everyday Irregular verb action verb I (take) an umbrella in case it (rain). He, she, it does not like coffee. 2. 4. Can’t you see me walking here? Simple Present Tense * Indicate that a situation is temporary. hesi dan gege tidak pergi ke pondok mereka yang ada di cisarua. Kata Tanya to be nya di letakkan di awal kalimat, kenapa are karena sebjectnya you, dan speaking atau ving karena continuous. 6. There are a few verbs with irregular forms, the most notable being the copula be, which has the simple present forms am, is and are. * Negative – do/does + not + base V Look at these examples with the main verb like: I’m working in London for the next two weeks. Sử dụng : Water boils at 100 degree C infrequently Simpan nama, email, dan situs web saya pada peramban ini untuk komentar saya berikutnya. The climate is changing rapidly. Your English is improving. Student sometimes subject+auxiliary verb+ main verb+object Is digunakan untuk subject he, she, it. ...The present continuous tense is formed from the present tense of the verb be and the present participle (-ing form) of a verb: Use 1. ...SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE At eight o’clock we are usually having breakfast. Dan verb ing karena dalam bentuk present continuous tense. Was/were ‘be’ verb 1. For nearly all English verbs the simple present is identical to the base form (dictionary form) of the verb, except when the subject is third-person singular, in which case the ending - (e) s is added. - Các phó từ chỉ tần suất : always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never * Expresses an activity/ activities that happens/ happen habitually Are you, we, they late? Kata Tanya to be nya diletakkan di depan, kenapa are karena subjectnya they dan jamak, sedangkan ving dari kata kerja drinking karena dalam bentuk continuous. do base 13. Disini subjectnya adalah I sehingga menggunakan to be am dan tambahan ing di kata kerja sebab kalimat ini diubah dalam bentuk continuous. 14. सबसे पहले Subject, उसके बाद Subejct के Person तथा … When I get home the children are doing their homework. He, she, it is French. Dendi disini adalah sebagai subject yang menggantikan he sehingga to be nya menggunakan is dan ada penambahan ving karena dalam bentuk continuous. - to develop Ss' speaking competences. frequently Doubt, think, consider, assume, believe, suppose, find, Know, notice, mean, recognize, understand, remember. 1. * Expresses a fact or general truth. hesi and gege don’t go to their cottage in cisarua. It is not important if the speaker is correct about the fact. ...Simple Present vs Present Continous ...Simple Past Tense No, What is your profession ? Example: To be are ditaruh di depan jika kalimat Tanya, kenapa are karena subjectnya you. - to give students practice in using Present Continuous Tense. Is English your native language ? If the sun (be) red, it is a sign that we (have) a fine day tomorrow. Example: She (relax) after she (hear) the results of the interview. There is a group of verbs that normally are not used in the present continuous tense. * Example : 1. He/she/it – is Example : regularly 3. Speakers occasionally use Simple Present to talk about scheduled events in the near future. usually It is commonly referred to as a tense, although it also encodes certain information about aspect in addition to present time. To be are di letakkan di awal kalimat Tanya dan kenapa are dipakai, karena subjectnya you, dan ving karena continuous. If nothing (go wrong), they (deliver) the furniture today. Put the following sentences into the present continuous tense ! Skills involved: listening, speaking, … I (have) to stop my daughter before she (get) into trouble. Subject disini adalah bubu dan bubu adalah he, oleh karena itu menggunakan to be is dan tambahan kata kerja ing karena dalam bentuk continuous. Disini subjectnya adalah they sehingga menggunakan to be are karena jamak dan juga tambahan ing karena dalam bentuk continuous. There is a group of verbs that normally are not used in the present continuous tense. Michael is at university. 2. These days most people are using email instead of writing letters. Dùng thì HTĐ với ý nghĩa tương lai khi nói về thời khóa biểu , chương trình (ví dụ như đối với việc vận chuyển công cộng, xem film..) We went to Singapore during the school holidays. 1. - to highlight some of the uses of Present Continuous. 9. rarely - I am not old. I hope these examples will help the students to understand this tense better. The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens. 10. Usually, these are verbs referring to the human brain. ...SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE subject main verb laila bermain permainan komputer dengan teman-temannya. bubu is singing ariana grande’s songs in her friend’s birthday party. * for something which we think is temporary: Mischa sebagai subject atau bisa juga disebut she, oleh karena itu to be nya harus is dan kata kerja cooking adalah bentuk continuous. For the verb to be, we do not use an auxiliary, even for questions and negatives. – untuk mengindikasikan suatu kebiasaan yang tidak diinginkan sama sekali. There are three important exceptions: General competence: to interact in spoken communication (complete date, recall the activities done the day before in Present Tense: On Thursdays I wake up at 7 o clock, then I have breakfast. Laila disini menggantikan she sehingga menggunakan to be is.

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