Meaning: The Allies Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Meaning: Youthful, Downy The name Ellie has no meaning in Hebrew, but it's very close to the Hebrew word "eli" which means "my God". Baby names that sound like Ellie include Elee, Elley, Elly, Aly, Eilidh, Elah, Elie, Ellee, Elli, Elo, Eloo, Elue, Ailee, Ailey, Aili, Ailie, Ailli, Aillie, Aily, and Aley. Origin: English Learn to read Hebrew in 120 Minutes | Online Hebrew Dictionary, Read the Bible (Tanakh) -- in Hebrew | † Pronunciation for Ellie: EH as in "ebb (EH.B)" ; L as in "lay (L.EY)" ; IY as in "eat (IY.T)". 1. Origin: Latin Ellie derived as a nickname for names beginning with El-, such as Eleanor, Ellen, and Elizabeth. Meaning of the name "Lia" Give your Friends or Yourself a Personalized Gift. Origin: Native American 1. Meaning: Feminine Form Of Julian It is pronounced EHLiy †. What does gsh stand for on the Chicago Bears jersey? Gender: Female el-lie, ell-ie ] The baby girl name Ellie is also used as a boy name, though the use for girls is more popular. Origin: English Online Hebrew Classes | Conversational Hebrew. Transferred the use of Irish surname from Gaelic Mac Coinnigh (son of Coinneach). Prominent variation forms of Elie appearing in the Top 2000 are Eleazar (#1270 LAST YEAR), Eli (#58), Elias (#67), Eliezer (#1052), Elihu, Elija, Elijah (#7), Eliot (#1085), Elis, Elliot (#162), Ellis (#317), Eloy, Ely (#1950), Elyas (#1472) and Lige. Meaning: Son Of Kenneth E : 5 L : 12 L : 12 I : 9 E : 5, ELLIE Numerology Analysis; High ability of Persuasion , Patriotic , Helpful. Ellie is a common name in its own right, especially in England. What does Elie mean? Send us will publish it for you. Meaning: Born In June Hebrew equivalent for the name Ellie, written with Hebrew vowels (nikud). The name is derived from the Latin Juno, goddess of marriage and queen of the gods. Another form of the name is the English and Dutch spelling variant Elly. Origin: English 1. She made her first steps on the stage at the time of the German occupation of Greece. We wrote the NATO (Military) phonetic alphabet, U.S. States, Caountries for you; Hasn’t added the name of any famous person for ELLIE. Put this Hebrew name on your site or blog! © 2019 Name Meaning, Baby Names, Meaning and Origin of Names, The Most Popular Names. Brooke's name is the name of a girl of English origin meaning "small stream". Also in 1967, Greenwich recorded her first solo album, Ellie Greenwich Composes, Produces and Sings, released in 1968, producing two hits, "Niki Hoeky" (# 1 in Japan) and "I Want." Gender: Female According to a user from Georgia, U.S., the name Ellie means "Bright shining one". Origin: Italian Gender: Female Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? Nhấn vào "Gửi đến Messenger" và kiểm tra phần tin nhắn Facebook của bạn để theo dõi Lặng Nhìn Cuộc Sống ngay nhé. It is used in England starting with the poem "The Giaour" by George Byon (1813). Origin: English 1. Shelena (African American), Helena, Helene (Ancient Greek), Zabel (Armenian), Elixabete (Basque), Elisabeth, Elisheba, Elizabeth (Biblical), Elisabet (Biblical Greek), Elisheba (Biblical Hebrew), Elisabeth (Biblical Latin), Elena, Elisaveta (Bulgarian), Eleonora, Elizabeta, Helena, Jelena, Elena, Jela, Jelka (Croatian), Alžběta, Helena, Izabela, Alena, Eliška, Lenka (Czech), Eleonora, Elin, Elisabet, Elisabeth, Ellinor, Helena, Helene, Isabella, Eli, Elise, Ella, Else, Lena, Lene, Lilly, Lis, Lisa, Lisbet, Lise, Nora (Danish), Eleonora, Elisabeth, Heleen, Helena, Isabella, Isabelle, Betje, Elise, Ellen, Elly, Els, Else, Elsje, Heleentje, Ilse, Isa, Lies, Liesbeth, Liese, Liesje, Lijsbeth, Lisa, Noor, Noortje, Nora (Dutch), Eliisabet, Helena, Leena, Liisa, Liisu (Estonian), Eleonoora, Eleonora, Eliina, Elina, Elisabet, Helena, Eliisa, Elisa, Ella, Elli, Elsa, Heleena, Heli, Leena, Liisa, Liisi, Noora (Finnish), Eléonore, Élisabeth, Hélène, Isabel, Isabelle, Babette, Élise, Lili, Lilian, Liliane, Lilianne, Lise, Lisette (French), Bet, Lys (Frisian), Sabela (Galician), Elene, Elisabed, Eliso (Georgian), Elena, Eleonora, Eleonore, Elisabeth, Helena, Helene, Isabel, Isabelle, Alena, Bettina, Elisa, Elise, Elli, Elsa, Else, Ilsa, Ilse, Isa, Isabell, Isabella, Lena, Lene, Leni, Leonore, Lies, Liesa, Liese, Liesel, Liesl, Lili, Lilli, Lisa, Lisbeth, Lore, Nora (German), Elene, Eleni, Elisavet (Greek), Helen, Helena, Helene (Greek Mythology), Elikapeka (Hawaiian), Elisheva (Hebrew), Eleonóra, Erzsébet, Heléna, Izabella, Bözsi, Erzsi, Lili, Liliána, Liza, Nóra, Zsóka (Hungarian), Elísabet (Icelandic), Eilís, Eilish, Isibéal, Léan, Sibéal (Irish), Elena, Eleonora, Elisabetta, Isabella, Elisa, Elsa, Isa, Leonora, Liana, Liliana, Lisa, Lora, Lorita, Nora, Norina (Italian), Helēna, Jeļena (Latvian), Bet, Betje (Limburgish), Elena, Elžbieta, Elzė (Lithuanian), Elena, Elisaveta, Veta (Macedonian), Ealisaid (Manx), Ibb (Medieval English), Isabel (Medieval Occitan), Eleonora, Elin, Elisabet, Elisabeth, Ellinor, Helena, Helene, Isabella, Eli, Elise, Ella, Else, Lena, Lene, Lilly, Lis, Lisa, Lisbet, Lise, Nora (Norwegian), Aliénor, Isabèl (Occitan), Eleonora, Elżbieta, Helena, Izabela, Izabella, Eliza, Lena, Liliana (Polish), Helena, Isabel, Leonor, Belinha, Elisa, Elisabete, Isabela, Lena, Liana, Liliana (Portuguese), Lílian (Portuguese (Brazilian)), Elena, Elisabeta, Ileana, Isabela, Isabella, Lenuța, Liana, Liliana (Romanian), Elena, Elizaveta, Yelena, Yelizaveta, Alyona, Lena, Liza, Lizaveta (Russian), Ealasaid, Eilionoir, Elspet, Elspeth, Iseabail, Ishbel, Isobel, Beileag, Eilidh, Lileas, Lilias, Lillias (Scottish), Jelena, Jelisaveta, Jela, Jelka (Serbian), Alžbeta, Helena, Alena, Eliška, Lenka (Slovak), Elizabeta, Helena, Jelena, Alena, Alenka, Elena, Jela, Jelica, Jelka, Špela (Slovene), Elena, Ileana, Isabel, Leonor, Ysabel, Elisa, Iliana, Isa, Isabela, Liliana (Spanish), Eleonora, Elin, Elina, Elisabet, Elisabeth, Ellinor, Helena, Helene, Isabella, Elise, Ella, Elsa, Lena, Lilly, Lis, Lisa, Lisbet, Lise, Nora (Swedish), Olena, Yelyzaveta, Lesya (Ukrainian), Elen, Elin, Bethan (Welsh), Your email address will not be published.
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