Reflection Questions. Describe an instance or particular encounter that comes to mind. 2. Especially in a way where they could quickly recall sections that they had a strong reaction to later. Question: Rewrite the standard in your own words.How does the assighnment relate to the standard. 08:14 LANCE BALLA: Was there anything e-, that you might have done differently? History; 6th Grade Weebly Portfolio ELA Reflection Sheet. The reflection attempts to demons One skill and/or strength I feel I gained from completing this project was the strength to plan things and, overall, set goals for my future. 6 Simple Questions For Self-Reflection 06/02/2016 12:48 pm ET Updated Dec 06, 2017 "It is necessary now and then for a man to go away by himself and experience loneliness; to sit on a rock in the forest and to ask of himself, 'Who am I, and where have I been, and where am I going?' ... Subject. Giving us great depth answers which was so helpful. Reference Menu. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. STUDENT PRESENTER SOUND UP: 1. English (ELA) Health; Science; Social Studies: US History; World History; Civics Each film recommended by contains lessons on life and positive moral messages. TJ HANIFY: It's very important to have your expectations clear as far as what you want out of an audience member, in particular, feedback. Spread the knowledge, share the post! I too could not stop taking notes. But the one real gap was that I didn’t have an example blog, an example of the kind of online writing I wanted to see. Reflection Questions. CCSS W.11-12.3b. Thanks again for this lesson. 9 Important Student Reflection Questions for the End of the Year. And that can be small group, peer-to-peer, whole class discussion, informal but also formal. With regards to our formal interview, I think us as a group were very shocked. Home ELA > > Math > > > > Science > > > > Technology History > > > VPA > > SLC 8.7 Students analyze the divergent paths of the American people in the South from 1800 to the mid-1800s and the challenges they faced. I wouldn't have to read as I have so little time to do so and watching someone in action makes it more meaningful for me to reflect on my craft. So, tell me a little bit about how did you begin to put all the pieces together? You could use these informally for discussion when you have a few minutes, or, for a more personal reflection experience, take a few of your favorites to use for a survey or as writing/journal prompts. ELA > Algeder 1 Digital Art Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. International School, Bellevue, WA, TEXT: Reflection Worksheet with Discussion. The responses from the students have been amazing, and I have definitely been pleasantly surprised by their answers. Please use any and all reflection questions to guide your conversation around this video. After all, if we come out of this experience with ideas for improving face-to-face instruction, that’s a win. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. Handouts, Assessment, Rubrics. . TJ HANIFY: I think it's also important to give any audience a task at hand so that they stay involved in the activity, that they're not just being polite and quiet while other people present, but that are e-, engaged in each presentation and considering how would I make this better if this was my team up there? In a safe learning environment like yours, the insights gained will astound your learners. Teacher Checkpoints: One article will be used for the teacher to model a reflection using the Big Questions, and the other article will be used for student practice. I was just wondering what is the actual tone like of the first one? This kind of questioning allows students to better understand how they are working or learning so they can make changes and adjustments from there. Why did you pick these animals/mythical creatures, and which characteristics did you use from each animal? See the section titled Digital End of Year Reflection Prompts for more details! The Big Classroom Supply List: Things that Make... Easy Ways to Organize a Virtual Classroom. Subscribe to my mailing list for new blog posts, teaching resources, & inspiration. Evidence & Arguments: Lesson Reflection Transcript. Guiding Reflection Questions. . It's important to really think about how one feeds and builds on another. As an instructional coach, I'm always asking questions, trying new things, and reflecting. CCSS W.11-12.3e. Socratic Seminar Evidence & Arguments: Ways of Experiencing a Text, Lesson Objective: Reflect on a lesson by identifying critical learning opportunities, ELA.RI.9-10.2 | ELA.W.9-10.6 | ELA.SL.9-10.1a. You will notice that for each question, you are to focus on ONE ITEM and one item only. TJ HANIFY: I’m able to get a strong feel for the room so that I know that we’re really ready to move on and have that individual activity of crafting the argument and of writing take place. Get Started. • How does reading affect your life? I was recently going through an old folder of reading reflection prompts and forms, and found a reading log that I called a ‘Self-Guided Reading Response Log’ (whatever that means). I look forward to reading them – both the good and the bad. CA Standard: Assignment: The Giver Exam 1) Rewrite the standard in your own words. So I gave them the specific requirements. 9th grade portfolio > 10th Grade Portfolio 11th Grade Portfolio Independent Reflection . It’s important to note that creating quality instruction takes time. They hated it. 9th & 10th Grade ELA Teacher TJ HANIFY: Absolutely. Choose your answers to the questions and click 'Next' to see the next set of questions. This is the space where I share my learning with others. Choose your answers to the questions and click 'Next' to see the next set of questions. These questions ask students to analyze different aspects of a given text, including central idea, style elements, character and plot development, and vocabulary. It helps me so much in reflecting the lesson I had done while utilizing the strategy plus I feel like I have just done an inter-visitation to use in my own classroom practice. LANCE BALLA: When they first came to class on that first day, um, what kinds of annotations did you see? What student reflection questions will you use? If I have to read a lot, I should divide the reading to know when to stop and take a break because if I read too much and get tired, I will not understand the meaning of the essay or the book clearly. Show me the thinking notes. PARCC ELA - Grade 10: Reflective & Research Writing Chapter Exam Instructions. See more ideas about teaching, reflection questions, school counseling. 2. TJ HANIFY: Well using the thinking notes the kind of reactions I expected to see were a lot of just sort of tracking their own reactions. Interpretation. It has become my rubric when I am trying to teach a specific skill or a teaching strategy that I would like to use and eventually become a master in teaching. Argumentative Writing Task ... Browse over 120 educational resources created by ELA Seminar Gal in the official Teachers Pay Teachers store. (Be specific.). Teaching “Evidence & Arguments”, TEXT: ELA Reflection English Reflection. The questions above are just to help get you started! Now I am teaching fourth grade reading and writing in elementary school. . I taught middle school Pre-AP (seventh grade English) students for five out ten years. May 18, 2020 3:04pm. So it's very important to ask the best reflective questions possible as we debrief on products and processes. In order to get the type of feedback we need to improve teaching moving forward, we need to think carefully about how we are posing these questions. SI in its purest form ... asking open-ended questions and scaffolding them as necessary. Follow me on Pinterest: Pinterest. Conduct the interview, make records and take notes. TEXT: Ash and Clayton (2004) Ash and Clayton describe a guided process for facilitating and assessing reflection. Part 3: After the Class I get that it’s blunt but is he like, how is it encouraging? 2. Which (insert subject area) concepts do you feel the most confident with after eLearning? TJ HANIFY: An important part of learning how to be an argumentative writer is to understand that real people are going to read and respond to your text. In this case, having some specific questions designed as an entry ticket. If you were going to teach this lesson to the same group of students, what would you do differently? Identify your effort level for (insert subject area) class during eLearning. Simple Ways to Make Teaching Writing Online More... 12 Ways to Build a Virtual Classroom Community. ... 19 Reading Response Questions For Self-Guided Response; image flickr user … We can’t just assume to know. TEXT: Answer:The standard in my own words is to write your own advocacy and what you can do for the school,yourself,and for others. ELA: English Language Arts SL: Speaking and Listening Standards 6-\x80\x9312 9-10: 9th & 10th Grades 1a: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9-\x80\x9310 topics, texts, and issues, building on others'\x80\x99 ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. EFL - ESL - ELD. 4. Get a clear definition of reflective writing through examples. Grades. 02:05 LANCE BALLA: Well, TJ, tell me, um, do you feel like you met the objectives you were planning for today? And so that's an opportunity where you can really tap into those standards that talk about expectations for students. It is an inspiration, I'm sure, to new and older teachers such as myself. Email your final draft to But I also feel like it might have been good at the beginning to like go over exactly like what ethos, logos and pathos were because I know like I wasn’t really clear on it either. 2. For more information about our privacy practices please visit our website. First, sketch the mirror line or the line of reflection using the given equation, and then graph the reflected image across this … Home ELA > > Math > > > > Science > > > > Technology History > > > VPA > > SLC 8.SP.4 Understand that patterns of association can also be seen in bi-variate categorical data by displaying frequencies and relative frequencies in a two-way table.
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