Cloddogran Fathier stable master in Canto Bight on Cantonica in. Bounty hunter, chosen by Count Dooku to serve as the template for all the clones who made up the Republic's army. [68], Hutts are portly, grotesque, slug-like creatures native to Nal Hutta. She is confronted by Obi-Wan Kenobi when her starship is taken by Ziro and his girlfriend Sy Snootles. Looking to free his associate, A Yarkora seen in the background at Jabba's the Hutt's palace in the film, Gran podracer at the Boonta Eve Classic in, Former Imperial sharpshooter and a member of, A young survivor of the Nighsisters clan on Dathomir, following their massacre at the hands of General Grievous and the Separatists army during the Clone Wars. He partners with R2-C4 to knock out the droid control ship's shield generator in. More than half of the company was killed when General Grievous and his droids boarded the Venator-class Star Destroyer Steadfast, the others evacuating to safety in escape pods. Lom is forced to tell the truth behind the death of Sifo-Dyas to the Jedi, as well as the Pykes' involvement, though he offers his prisoner Silman in return for amnesty. He is later killed with a poisoned drink by his personal aide, Lolo Purs, who held him responsible for bringing the war to Rodia. [1] The Company was deployed in 22 BBY, and was placed under Jedi General Eeth Koth and Captain Lock. She and her sister, Chi, are kidnapped by the Trade Federation following a trade blockade of Pantora. The final remaining trooper, who had been initially injured, rose up and shot it in the head. In the Legends continuity, Dengar is portrayed as a successful swoop bike racer and a relatively unsuccessful bounty hunter. Prior to the Empire's occupation of Mandalore, she participated in the Siege of Mandalore under the command of Bo-Katan Kryze. A criminal and Han Solo's mentor. Some famous Hutts, such as Jabba the Hutt, are crime lords. Although all were slaughtered, save for one, this trooper saved Koth by destroying the commando droid which was going to kill the general. Aqualish Senator who became a member of the Separatist Council, representing the Hyper-Communications Cartel. He accepted Imperial bribes to prevent rebels from traveling through his system, but later ordered his men to permit rebel passage to keep the Empire away after being captured by Sabine. A vision of him appears to Cal five years later, in a cave on Dathomir, helping Cal overcome his guilt for his role in his death and complete his Jedi Training. Togruta work well in large groups, and individualism is seen as abnormal within their culture. Togruta are species from the planet Shili. He is eventually betrayed and killed by Captain Phasma, as part of an assassination plot with his son. He is the main antagonist of the first season of, Inquisitor: Second Sister (Trilla Suduri), Female Inquisitor and former Jedi Padawan and apprentice of Jedi Knight Cere Junda, who was captured and tortured by the Empire after Cere betrayed her location under intense interrogation. Female Mandalorian and member of the Death Watch, second-in-command to Pre Vizsla and sister to the Death Watch's political enemy, Duchess Satine. Personal aide to Chancellor Valorum, who accompanied Sifo-Dyas on his mission to Oba Diah. Upon meeting Padawan Cal Kestis, he attempts to tempt him to the dark side, but is defeated by him, and buried alive by the Nightsister Merrin. He is also the father of Boba Fett, whom, despite being another clone, Jango considers to be his "son". He seemingly dies in the episode "Cat and Mouse" of, Deformed Artiodac cook at the castle of Maz Kanata in. He was made a captive of Gar Saxon, but is rescued by his family and the rebels. [2], Lock hesitated before complying and led the remainder of his men to the escape pods on the frigate. He rediscovers the Blue Shadow Virus and attempts to weaponize it for Separatist use. Later retreating somewhat into married life, Dengar's activities become more sparing, but he does encounter the offspring of his enemy Han Solo in the Legends novel Young Jedi Knights: Delusions of Grandeur.[11]. She replaces Jar Jar Binks as Senator of the Chommell Sector. Snake-like Anacondan that helps Darth Maul survive on the junk world of Lotho Minor. However, following the Clone Wars he ends up in the Seelos system with fellow retired clones Rex and Wolffe, and is shown to have developed some eccentric tendencies. The Magna-droids continued to fight Koth until he was forced to surrender. He leads Savage Opress to his long lost brother, before being brutally killed by him. Later, Maul escapes and challenges him to a duel to determine who shall rule Mandalore. Ziton then does so and helps the Collective in overthrowing the government of Mandalore. Breha is also featured in the short story "Eclipse" and in the 2017 novel, Officer who commands the First Order's legions of stormtroopers in. She opposes Vizsla's alliance with Darth Maul and Savage Opress, and later leads members of the Death Watch loyal to her against those who remain loyal to Maul and his criminal allies. Short humanoid with protruding jaws and short fangs, based on a. Phidian CIS commander who serves as the warden of the prison known as "The Citadel" on the planet Lola Sayu. A widowed farmer on the planet Sorgan who provides lodging for the Mandalorian during his stay on the planet. She is the main antagonist of, Female masked Inquisitor who is alluded in the novel, An Inquisitor of an unknown species who appears only in novels, most prominently in, The first introduced female Inquisitor and a. Star Wars humans are mostly biologically identical to real-life humans. He leads the forces at one of the Battles of Mon Calamari, and is killed by a bomb. He is the team's brains, having genetic mutations that make him more intelligent and skilled with technology than other clones, but also leaner, fairer, and younger. The Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, who is ousted from office in, Trusted aide to Grand Admiral Thrawn in the novel. Elite, red-helmeted and red-cloaked stormtroopers who serve as Emperor Palpatine's personal bodyguards. New Republic soldier stationed on a prison transport that is infiltrated by the Mandalorian and, Red Nikto crime lord who heads a dangerous cartel based on the planet, Coruscant police inspector during the Clone Wars era, often displaying a pompous attitude. He is taken back to custody after his plot is thwarted. This may include fixing photos, sections, templates, and overall content. These horns grew at puberty in varying patterns and signified that the time of their rite of passage was drawing near, both Darth Maul and his brother Savage Opress were Zabraks. Deformed clone trooper and member of Clone Force 99 (dubbed the "Bad Batch"). She participates in the bombing of the Jedi Temple, and is later betrayed and killed by Barriss Offee, the mastermind of the attack. [144], In the Legends continuity, Dodonna became an Imperial officer with the rise of the Galactic Empire.[153]. Minister of the Pyke Syndicate during the Clone Wars who joins the Shadow Collective and participates in the attack on Sundari with his criminal allies. Organization of Force-sensitives, which follows the rule of two. A criminal partnered with fellow outlaw Tobias Beckett during the reign of the Galactic Empire. He is one of the few clones to have removed his inhibitor chip and, as such, was not forced to carry out Order 66. Anakin Skywalker's second-in-command and captain of 501st in. Statura also appears in the, Imperial officer aboard the Death Star in, Skakoan Foreman of the Techno Union and Executive of Baktoid Armor Workshop before and during the Clone Wars. Jedi librarian killed by Darth Vader during Order 66. In The Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy, he kills his own father to take over the Bounty Hunters Guild, recruiting Boba Fett as a member, before being double-crossed and finally defeating Fett on Tatooine. She is killed in the destruction of Alderaan. Their armor also bore the mark of a horn of most of the troopers' chest plates. Former Jedi Master, leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS), and, Dark Lord of Sith and sculptor, who appears in the novel series, Former Jedi Temple Guard and leader of the Inquisitorious. One of Baron Papaoida's two daughters who serves as a representative for her home world of Pantora. During the Clone Wars, he meets Captain Rex, and the pair eventually come to trust one another after working together to defend Cut's family from Commando Droids, with Rex deciding not to report Cut. Cerean Jedi Master and Jedi Council member in the prequel trilogy. Female Neimoidian that serves as both pilot and communications officer on the Trade Federation ship, Delphidian pirate, with a distinctive red Kaleesh mask. He enlists Han and Chewbacca to assist with the theft of shipment of coaxium from Vandor; he later betrays and is killed by Han. Mandalorian warrior of the Imperial Super Commandos who serves Tiber Saxon. However, there is actually no real consensus on the issue; according to releases from the official site, the ancient human home world has simply been lost to history. In 'Solo', Lando's Aurra Sing Reference Explains Bossk", "A Guide to All the Old Star Wars References in The Rise of Skywalker", "Breaking Down That Shocking Rey Reveal in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker", "Alden Ehrenreich Introduced As Han Solo Stand-Alone Pic &, "Meet FN-2199, a.k.a. Deformer clone trooper and member of Clone Force 99 (dubbed the "Bad Batch"). During the Galactic Empire era, she encounters young Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis, whom she eventually befriends and accepts his offer to join the. He has appeared in the set 7964 Republic Frigate and in the game LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. A masked Terellian Jango Jumper Inquisitor who is dispatched to hunt down Maul, eventually tracking him to Malachor. By the time the hyperdrive was invented, humans were already present on a few scattered worlds throughout the galaxy; according to the New Essential Chronology, the humans of Coruscant managed to send out a number of 'sleeper ships' between the fall of the Rakatan Infinite Empire and the invention of the hyperdrive. Clone Commander serving under Jedi Nadhar Vebb. He is eventually captured by Kenobi, who then assumes his identity in order to uncover a plot to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine. Known twi'lek include Jedi master Aayla Secura; Mission and Griff Vao from the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic; and Oola, a slave dancer in Jabba the Hutt's Palace on Tatooine. He is the protagonist of the video game, Master who sits on the Jedi Council in the prequel trilogy, regarded as one of the best swordsmen in Jedi history. He is killed by Imperial Range Troopers during a failed Coaxium heist. Cybernetically enhanced human, able to assume other clones of himself once his current form has died. Humans are native to many different worlds and are characterized by multidimensional complex personalities, that are both individual and unique.
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