located at 4580 E Dynamite Blvd, Cave Creek, AZ 85331. Luke 10:17 Does the Skinwalker phenomenon have anything to do with this? The course along Route 163 took them through the Navajo Indian Reservation and through the town of Kayenta, just south of the Utah border and the magnificent Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park. The other friend held a spotlight which he was scouring the desert with and the third drove. I read several reddit stories where Skinwalkers were killed by rituals performed by medicine men, I also read stories where invoking the name of Jesus or the Lord’s prayer drive out skinwalkers. It’s a phenomenon where the muscle paralysis that keeps us from moving about while we dream persists for a little while after we wake up. X, I just find out today about skin walkers . He went on to say he knew I probably wouldn’t believe him and that I would think him to be just another drunk Indian or something, but he said that when this happened he was too young to drink and he and his friends know what they saw. Sure, I’m very inquisitive and I said: Why? This being said, Skinwalker phenomenon is most prevalent in the Navajo culture and are known in their native tongue as Yee Naaldooshi. I really found this fascinating. players Could there be a collective psychic battle occurring here, something akin to mass prayer perhaps? They didn't reappear. One has only to scratch the surface to uncover a nearly endless list of personal accounts, and testimony pointing to a phenomenon that is not yet fully understood. Is there any difference between a Hopi Skinwalker and a Navojo Skinwalker? It’s almost as if there is a balance at work here, and it seems to me that the Navajo culture actually cultivates them to some extent. Did an Arizona family encounter a skinwalker on an eerie, deserted highway through Navajo country? She was not asthmatic, was in good health, and after the incident never had another episode. Or maybe it’s as simple as mob justice. Period. Yet despite its monstrous appearance, whatever this thing was, it wore a man's clothes. And from that moment, time itself seemed to slow down for Frances. We'll probably meet them in Kayenta when we stop to fuel up. As his friend raced up behind it in the truck he took aim and shot it square in the back, which slowed it down considerably. I believe so. The trip was a vacation to visit with friends in and around their old hometown. Apologies for going off subject but do you know anything about Dogmen? I made a head shake an stepped off the trail into the under growth. One of the young men told me that they were there collecting energy to be used as medicine later during healing ceremonies. in the mid-1980’s. I would encourage you to do research on what the Bible has to say about them. "Even my friend, a Navajo, warned us of traveling through the reservation, especially at night.". The entire area is completely unnerving to me. We know we all have one! July 22017.UK: fascinating. Two friends & I saw one. Frances didn't know what was happening, but one hand instinctively reached over and held down the button for the door lock, and the other tightly grabbed the door handle. In fact, they found nothing out of the ordinary. Three times I went to Monumental Valle from Phoenix, the first time we were a friend and I, more than 20 years ago and we went to a restaurant in Kayetan and the waiter a native of there told us kindly that if we were going to sleep in the city and We told him no, then he told us, it is not good that they drive at night in Indian territory, so if they plan to leave, do it already so they arrive in Flagstaff. The tennis courts are lighted. Grovers Basin** 17447 N. 20th St. He said, “These energies flow like the blood in our own veins and when it stops the earth will die too.” He said that some of these energies are beneficial to us humans while others are disruptive – not good or evil mind you – there is no judgment one way or the other in these matters. It was a moonless night on this lonely stretch of road — so pitch black that they could only see just a few feet beyond the headlights. It took me a moment to realize what was happening, but it was apparent that she couldn’t breathe and was understandably panicking. Could calling aloud the name of a Skinwalker for all to hear be a simplified remedy, explaining that once the identity of this creature is known all the psychic energies become turned its way and it becomes ill and dies? As for the experience your Norwegian friend had; do look into sleep paralysis. registered at Dynamite Park. So today I am back with another video and today's video is Paranormal America Season 2 Episode 5 which brings us to Arizona! Dynamite Park is a public tennis facility located at 4580 E Dynamite Blvd, Cave Creek, AZ 85331. And consider the following…this area was once a hub of military activity. – Think cousin It, or a short Sasquatch. ", LiveAbout uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. The creature jumped off of him and took off running again. These 8 Urban Legends In Arizona Will Keep You Awake At Night. Whats more, there is a crosscut of over 750 million years of sandstone and limestone stratification opening up caves and allowing springs to emerge along the canyon walls as well. The trail is primarily used for hiking and running. You can contact this tennis facility at 602-262-6862. I have some theories! There is no way of knowing. Ephesians 6:12 She told her father that the car should have crested the other hill again, but hadn't. I felt like I was going to throw up and I was panicking through the whole ordeal. Skinwalkers start out as witches, and these witches sometimes start out as a medicine man. "They must be going to either Flagstaff or Phoenix. All those nice homes sure are spectacular. The elders said she was quite old but nobody knew exactly how old and none of them were about to go up there and get rid of her as they were all scared. A number of people were invited including myself and some guys from a road crew who happened to be working in the area, these men were Navajo. It could be a sheep Camp, it could be Tourists, The Hunting Party, researchers, Anything is Possible. A very intelligent individual I spoke with recently regarding this phenomena, related that this area is very sick on a psychic level and went on to say some thing about the Van Allen belt, or something like that. His practice and bad works will become increasingly become evil as he pushes the boundaries and becomes corrupted by these energies which feed his selfishness. Well, they take them quite seriously indeed. An older friend of mine who was born in the Big Sandy Valley later told me all this made sense as he has seen them off and on for years but was never aware as to what they were doing. The first one told me he was from Cameron, AZ and that to the west of the town up in the mesas lived a woman who everyone knew was a Skinwalker, his mother had told him to stay away from the area and if he or his friends ever saw her they were to run away. I asked him how the Hopi knew to come all the way down to the Wikieup to do this and he said that the Big Sandy Valley has always been a sacred place to the Hopi and that they had been coming here for generations to collect energy. "It looked like they were trying to climb the fence, but couldn't quite manage to bring their legs up high enough and swing over," Frances says. Part of the deception of the enemy of our souls is disguise the evil activity in the spiritual realm and have us operate in powerless fear towards the attacks. I made the most of this opportunity and asked him everything I could think of. 4550 E. Dynamite Rd. I was told later I had seen a skin walker. While perhaps the most common variety seen in horror fiction by non-Navajo people, the yee naaldlooshii is one of several varieties of skin-walkers in Navajo culture; specifically, they are a type of 'ánti'įhnii. The power is in the quantum of Jesus Christ, The Lyon of Judah who came to set the captives free.

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