Colours: Brown or Grey is the most commonly seen colour, White: all white with orange bill, knob and legs. Elizabeth Duck. The compact size makes the Magpie Duck a good table bird as well, with its meat considered gourmet quality. The meat is purportedly flavoursome but the carcass difficult to clean due to the black feathering, which is why the Cayuga was overtaken in meat popularity by the Pekin. It is hardy and forages well, but may become destructive in confined conditions. The fluff is dull black. Hi there – unfortunately we do not currently sell female mallard ducks. What do you want your ducks for? Your email address will not be published. Read our Cookie Policy. The primaries are barred black and white and the secondaries are alternately crossed with parallel black and white bars. An off white cleanly cut ring encircles the neck. Tufted Variety Photo courtesy of Wayne Paternoster, Colours: Similar in colour to the Mallard, White variety also acceptable. For example, your duck will be judged on its stance and posture as well as the colour of its feathers amongst other features. Well you're in luck, because here they come. Marc Glover…& Nathan. Origin: a little clouded but appears to be Southern Holland and over the border in Germany. Female: Fawnish-buff with the brow crown strongly grained with dark brown.Sharp white division between neck and upper breast colour. You've already signed up for some newsletters, but you haven't confirmed your address. One of the most popular breeds available in Australia is the Indian Runner duck. The only problem – ducks are very messy! The hen lays white eggs, which is unusual for a bird with red ear lobes. Colours: Salmon, Ermine, White, Buff, Cuckoo, Black, Blue, Birchen, Egg Colour: Tinted, Light brown to Pinkish. Legs and webs are: duck - bronze, drake - orange. 2. is adaptable to variations in its surroundings e.g. What a wonderful farm experience. The plumage is tight and sleek on the body, the neck plumage is smooth, like velvet. Which other breeds are in the mix is a little foggy but the Pekin is suspected to be one, due to the shape of the head, which was unknown in Europe before the Pekin arrived. Facts: One of the oldest breeds and a giant amongst its peers, the Malay Game is fierce and lean with a characteristic cruel expression. Mallard ducklings for sale February to November. A pond is essential as the heavier breeds find breeding more difficult out of water. The Buff and Blue versions were likely to have emerged after 1894. Thanks! It is a very large bird with a reasonably upright stance, its head held high and proud. Comb: Single, medium size, erect and set firmly and evenly on the head. Do you have any for sale. They’re pretty commonly found at local poultry auctions though. Research our price guide with auction results on 37 items from $112 to $1,680. The breed is largely due to the efforts of Monsieur Rene Garry between 1910 and 1920 who selected and crossbred the Rouen ducks, using the lighter ground colour from the farms in the region. Despite the difficulties in producing the perfect colourings, the breed is easy to keep. Some people enjoy showing birds at fares across the state or country. When the wings are closed there is a heart shaped mantle of black feathers formed over the back. Or perhaps i will need to hatch my own? Colours: Grey, Buff, Male and Female colour markings are the same They should have pinkish-red bill, reddish-orange legs and blue eyes. Today, duck products are still very popular and remain in strong demand, particularly in Asia. They are known as being much calmer than their relative the Khaki Campbell and are hardy to most climates. Things are going great for us down here – plenty of demand for top quality duck eggs. The breed tends towards seasonal reproduction when the males will vye for territory but for the rest of the year they will live together in relative harmony. The tail coverts are as for the tail with a wide edging of light steel-grey approaching white. Unfortunately breeders began to place more emphasis on breeding for the white face and a loss of hardiness was observed. The legs and feet are pinkish red. The breed is an active forager, happily searching for grass, seeds, insects and aquatic life. The Welsh Harlequin is an attractive breed. One of the best groups that I have found is this one. Generally Red, Grouse coloured and Red-Wheaten females, Grey, Spangle, Black, White, Duckwing and Pile. Facts: Houdans have small earlobes and wattles, a backward facing crest, five toes, and facial feathering consisting of a beard and muffing near the ears. Facts: The Shamo is a Japanese breed originally inported from Thailand in the seventeenth century. Uses: Originally a fighting bird, Exhibition. With its fast growth and large size it is ideally suited to the table and is also used in commercial meat production. This happens when two pure Crested ducks are mated together, along with other possible issues such as twisted necks and the brain growing outside the skull. Probably your best bet is to keep an eye on Gumtree or alternatively check in with your local poultry clubs. Colours: Birchen, Black Red, Black, Blue Red, Brown Red, Golden Creel, Silver Creel, Blue Creel, Cuckoo, Golden Duckwing, Silver Duckwing, Blue Duckwing, Ginger, Lemon Blue, Pile, Spangled, Silver Blue, Self Blue, Wheatens, White, Comb: Single, small, upright, fine texture, evenly serrated. The plumage of the breed is sex linked and the sexes can be distinguished on hatching. Thanks for your comment – your best bet is to visit the agricultural shows in your region and connect with the quality breeders there. Historically it is thought these tiny chickens were selectively bred because peasants were only allowed to keep chickens that laid small eggs with the larger eggs having to go to the landed gentry. The chicks grow vigorously and mature quickly but do not gain their characteristic black and white markings until after their third moult. The Crevecouer was imported into Australia in 2014 by AVGEN. The stern, paunch and tail are white and the tail has a broad band of white across the centre. The eyes are brown-black and the beak is also black. Colours: Black, Buff, Chamois or Buff Laced, Cuckoo, Gold Laced, Lavender, Silver Laced, Splash, White, White Crested Black, White Crested Blue, White Crested Cuckoo, White Crested Splash Frizzled Polish, Comb: Horn type and very small if any.
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