How to Order . Finished duck is approximately 2 … carver. We use Eastern white pine and now tupelo to create our carvings. Since 1987, we supply the finest quality decoys and carvings to carvers and painters around the world. Most heads are left unattached to allow for maximum creativity by the carver. Chainsaw Carving. 2 X 7 Linden Tillia Basswood Craft Wood Blanks Duck Decoy Turning Resaw Carving . 3M SCOTCH-BRITE Radial Discs / Bristle Wheel Brushes, 1/4" Kutzall original Silver / Gold Coarse, SABURR TOOTH BURS, Fine, Coarse, X-Coarse and Supreme 1/4" Shank, 3/32" Green / White Fine TEXTURING STONES, Habitat Supplies, Bases-Branches-Manzita-Burl-Brass-and-Realistic Water, Brass, Aluminum & Copper Foil Sheets & Rolls, PATTERNS, Pat Godin, Jerry Simchuk, Dennis Schroeder, Duck, Fish, Song Birds, Animals, Dennis Schroeder Competition Series Waterfowl, Parts, Foredom Maintenance Kits and Parts, Parts, Automach Maintenance Kits and Parts, Parts, WeCheer Maintenance Kits and Parts, Cut-outs, Song Birds, Ducks, Fish and Birds of Prey Blanks / Tupelo / Basswood, Cut-outs, Tupelo by Dennis Schroeder Competition Series, Smoky Mountain Woodcarvers Basswood Cutouts, Smoky Mountain Woodcarvers Basswood Rough-out, Smoky Mountain Woodcarvers Staffs / Walking Sticks & Hardware, Beginner Carving Cutout & Study cast Kits, Dennis Schroeder Competition Series Complete Kits, Kits, Bird Carving Jeffrey Moores Complete Kits W/Rough-Out, Kits, Bird Carving Jerry Simchuk Complete Kits W/Cut-out, Kits, Bird Carving Jerry Simchuk Complete Kits W/Rough-Out, Kits, Bird Carving W/Cut-out, Eyes, Feet and Pattern, Tohickon Glass EYES #135 Series Blue Gill, Tohickon Glass EYES #135 Series Large Chinook Salmon, Tohickon Glass EYES #135 Series Large Mouth Bass, Tohickon Glass EYES #135 Series Rainbow / Cutthroat Trout, Tohickon Glass EYES #135 Series Sm Mouth Bass, Tohickon Glass EYES #135 Series Stripped Bass, Tohickon – GAME BIRD, ROADRUNNERS GLASS EYES, OFF WIRE GLASS EYES Tohickon #112 HAZEL / TOAST FLAT BACKS, OFF WIRE GLASS EYES Tohickon #112 BLACK FLAT BACKS, OFF WIRE GLASS EYES Tohickon #112 Dk BROWN FLAT BACKS, OFF WIRE GLASS EYES Tohickon #112 Dk RED FLAT BACKS, OFF WIRE GLASS EYES Tohickon #112 MED BROWN FLAT BACKS, OFF WIRE GLASS EYES Tohickon #112 PALE YELLOW FLAT BACKS, OFF WIRE GLASS EYES Tohickon #112 RED FLAT BACKS, OFF WIRE GLASS EYES Tohickon #112 YELLOW FLAT BACKS, OFF WIRE GLASS GLASS EYES Tohickon #112 LT BROWN FLAT BACKS, Tohickon – OFF WIRE GLASS SHORE BIRD EYES, Detail Tools, Dental style wax carvers and Spatulas, Sandpaper, Scotch-Brite Sheets / Rolls / Wheels, 3M Sandpaper, Scotch-Brite Sheets / Rolls / Wheels, Study Bird Heads Birds of Prey by Tony Finazzo, Study Bird Heads Game Birds by Tony Finazzo, Study Bird Heads Song Birds by Tony Finazzo, Study Bird Heads Water Birds by Tony Finazzo, STUDY CASTS Ducks, Jerry Simchuk / Dennis Schroeder, COLWOOD POLISHED Complete Wood Burning Pen, Cords Replacement / Adapter Wood Burner Cords, OPTIMA Complete Heavy Duty Wood Burning Pen, Fish and Snake Scale Razertip Complete Pens, RAZERTIP Feather Formers Ridiculously Fine, Wood & Gourd Burners, Power Units and Sets. 2 X 7 Linden Tillia Basswood Craft Wood Blanks Duck Decoy Turning Resaw Carving, Duck Decoy Blanks, Book Or Both - Basswood Woodcarving Wood Carve Mallard Bird, Lot 3 Ad 5x3 Bass Wood Linden Tilia Lime Tree Carving Blocks Duck Decoy Blanks. We are showing some of the more popular unfinished decoys and blanks used for signature decoys. Feet & Eyes are sold detail. We can supply your class or seminar. because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Carving guide lines are marked on several different faces of each blank. Feather Etcher Woodburner and Parts . Thank you for your interest in Dux’ Dekes Decoy Company. Sort By: Page of 1 : 4x7x36 balsa List Price: $143.68. Full Size Blank. Study Sticks; Reference Bills; Bottle Stoppers GOLDEN Interference Fluid Acrylic colors 1 oz. Bruce Burk ranks among the master bird carvers in the country and is responsible for getting thousands of other carvers started. Our team has compiled an expansive catalog of duck decoy blanks. These blanks include major feather groups as well as head and bill detail. Basswood Rough-Outs; Tupelo Rough-outs; Tagua Nuts and Slices; Reference Castings. The details in all of our decoys are fine-tuned, accurate, and precise. Decoy Blanks are used for carving model ducks, commonly used for hunting or competition. Thank you for your interest in Dux’ Dekes Decoy Company. We use Eastern white pine and now tupelo to create our carvings. Blanks … DUCK DECOYS : $15.70 : SP-RB153 SCHROEDER PAT/BOOK : $34.05 : SP-RB983 ANTIQUE STYLE DUCK DECOYS : $20.90 Our wood carving supplies will directly supplement your decoy painting and carving needs, and our Nancy Baur's easy to follow instruction packets are used by beginners, as well as advanced painters. as well as head and bill Carving Wood; Laurie Truehart Carving Kits; Rough-Outs. High quality tupelo rough out When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission. Since 1987, we supply the finest quality decoys and carvings to carvers and painters around the world. Feet & Eyes are sold separately. $45.80. Complete Waterfowl Studies. Basswood Decoy Duck Carving Blanks . Japanese Songbird. Information on safety, carving and finishing are included with each kit. blanks for the carving Wood Carving Tools, Decoy Carving and Art Supplies. Duck Decoy Blanks, Book Or Both - Basswood Woodcarving Wood … Unfinished Blanks. Acrylic Color Tubes, Winsor & Newton Artisan Water Mixable Oil, Speedball Opaque Fabric Screen Printing Inks, Drawing, Pads, Rolls, Sheets, Tracing, Oak Tag. Decoys hand carved and painted by Bernie and Gail Corwin. Having trouble finding duck decoy blanks? Olson Bandsaw Blades, Flex Back Band Saw Blades These heavy duty, durable, commercial grade band saw blades are for industrial woodworking, diy and professional craftsmen. Fish Carving Reference. Home > Basswood Decoy Duck Carving Blanks > Full Size Blank. Decoy Blanks are glued up with waterproof glue and are made with balsa wood. Most heads are left Liquitex BASICS 4 oz. A cast scale model of each carving is included so that you can see what the finished carving looks like. Carving Reference. Decoy Painting Reference. Tupelo Rough Outs Duck Decoy . Shows . Since 1987, we supply the finest quality decoys and carvings to carvers and painters around the world. Duck and shorebird decoys artfully carved from tupelo carving wood available for sale from the carvers' website, Blue-winged Teal Decoy Blank… Our Price: $116.44 . $42.00. Duck Decoy . Christmas Books. There are many important celebrations throughout our lifetimes: weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, baby showers, retirements.

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