We recommend initiating your request for corrections through Credit Karma and the others who alerted you to this hard inquiry. I'm signing up for FiOS internet online, and they ask for your SSN and permission to run a credit check. Please delete this off my credit report!! If you go with their AllSet pre-paid service , they will not run any credit check. I’m merely asking for assistance that would be more personalized than someone out of the blue just disputing it on their credit. the amount of inquires can be as high as 9 and cause no drop in credit scoring. My apologies if this isn't in the correct place, but I don't know where to go for this. I'd really like this issue personally addressed. Hard check from verizon to my equifax credit report, Re: Hard check from verizon to my equifax credit report, Unable to find your answer here? And i found my self credit report being hard checked twice by verizon EAST. I had no idea my account was not current, nor has anyone called me. You cannot dispute credit inquiries that you actually had requested service from. is it standard practice at Verizon to report to Credit bureaus for unpaid TV accounts? I feel this is erroneous and would respectfully ask that Verizon delete this hard hit from my credit and let Equifax (that seems to be the company that got the hit on me from Verizon) know to remove it. A: Verizon will do a hard check on your credit if you sign up for any of their post-paid plans. I should not have to pay. How about that? The credit application process starts with browsing Verizon’s selection of smartphones, tablets or other devices and selecting the one that fits your lifestyle. You don't get to choose to do it a different way because you feel like you are somehow different than anyone else with the same grievance. Does any one have ideas of how to dispute and solve this issues? Here is the link to the Verizon Residential forums which would be more appropriate to this particular question. Comcast is not even this bad. We can alert your credit department that deals daily with disputes etc. I have had awful service and it has got to the point where Verizon is in breached of our agreement. Not Landline/Fios. We’ll be glad to point you in the right direction regarding this matter. On the employment front, some employers will do a background check without pulling credit. If you do have a poor score, it’s important to shop around for insurance because I’m pretty sure not all insurers use credit as an underwriting criteria. Not customer support. Yea, that’s it, my credit was denied...twice. Not Verizon landline/Fios Credit dispute. I called customer service who was friendly enough but once they transferred me to collections that's where my experience trailed off. and this would stay on my credit for 2 years when it's false. All Verizon has to say is NO and then I can no longer dispute it and will have to pursue contacting you all in writing and get legal assistance etc. I have disputed a hard inquiry, and I did it the way ALL companies require this-- through the reporting agency which gets routed officially to the originator of the credit check. Verizon will not simply remove my random dispute of a credit check simply because I dispute it. Verizon Forums – Welcome to the Verizon Fios® Community. My fiance and I are finally moving back to where Verizon FiOS is allowed and I went to search if my future address was eligible and it was. It affect my application of creditcard and my credit card account is closed because of so many hard check. I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. there’s a generic way to do this and then a personalized way. You COULD also call over to 1-800-VERIZON and go through the phone tree as that is for the Fios portion of Verizon-- you are currently posting on the wireless site which has nothing to do with landline services. I can only type but so much in the dispute box. I am at my wits end as I am working on a mortgage at the same time and this ridiculous account is affecting my ability to refinance. They don't want to hear your 6 page explanation of why you think it shouldn't show up or have been reported-- this is why you are limited to 140 characters. are a danger sign to potential lenders especially if there are no trade lines to match the inquiries. Or you could post to the correct forums, if you prefer.... By the way, you DID cause this by consenting to having your credit checked and when it was and denied 2X. After a second or two I saw a red alert box pop up saying that there was a system error and to please try again later (something to that effect). I open Fios internet last month. Beware. To assume I don't know what I am talking about and haven't disputed this is about as ignorant as your response to me. However repeated requests for credit cards etc. Verizon Wireless has fairly stringent requirements, although their security deposits do not start as high as AT&T. If my response answered your question please click the “Correct Answer” button under my response. I asked for a supervisor who called me from Egypt and told me that it was my fault and as a result they would not delete it (which I admitted, I said this is an oversight and I even apologized). I just found out Verizon reported me to the credit bureau for an account I terminated in February with the final bill from April!!! When there is any kind of error in reporting on a credit report, the right place to challenge that is the credit reporting agency. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. I open Fios internet last month. 1-800-VERIZON will get you to them! You are on the COMMUNITY FORUMS for VERIZON WIRELESS. As this is a peer to peer support forum, you will need to contact Verizon directly for assistance. They are very quick so have the phone near by or on you. That is the process regardless of the company that ran the check or how much you disagree with the process and want it "personally addressed". So I gave it a few minutes, and tried again, same error. Give them a valid phone number to contact you. Verizon did. They have full authority over Verizon and they will have your service issues and billing issues resolved with you and Verizon executive escalations department. You have yourself a wonderful, fantastic evening! Not Verizon landline/Fios Credit dispute. If they call and send you dunning notices then you still refuse to pay then I would say that is a good chance they will report it. Not Landline/Fios. I asked the supervisor for a list of how they attempted to contact me and she refused!! I then proceeded to try and order Verizon FiOS service. I just started to get my credit back under control, etc. Every reply by a verizon rep is useless. and have them send over a delete credit inquiry to Equifax or report it or whatever and it's gone. Try searching, Verizon Fios Community Terms of Service and User Guidelines. And if this is on the wrong forums, I’ve asked for it to be moved. The VZW reps on this community forum aren't able to help since this is a Fios issue and not a Wireless issue. Failing to provide the name of the person or entity that provided the credit score “or credit profile upon which the credit score was created” The plaintiff claims he first engaged with Verizon in September 2016 to inquire about the availability of its FiOS cable and Internet service. Thank you, but the concept around the credit check is universal to Verizon. We understand the value of working hard for your credit score, allenandreas. I hope this information is beneficial. The credit check might be separate since the Fios side and the Wireless side are run as TWO separate businesses and might not share the same system for credit checks. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. OR you can have some empathy and read what I’ve written, give someone the benefit of the doubt that maybe they’ve been through this before (as detailed as I was) and go...yea...maybe there’s another way. If you do go this route that is your option, but they will likely refer you to the reporting agency who alerted you to the hard inquiry as well. You can get offended that some random new person joined these forums, made a post and seems pompous coming in here asking for a personalized solution etc. This is primarily peer-to-peer. 1-800-VERIZON will get you to them!

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