May 18, 2011 #4 DonnaBelle True BYH Addict. Because you can’t tell the good from the bad mold just by visual appearance, the best rule of thumb is to throw out any moldy hay you find. Very funny! They mearly stink other times of the year. You may not like the odor a… Wether goats (castrated male goats) also have almost zero smell. Alix's comment is cracking me up.... LOLBuck funk. A Pygmy cross at that!B-a-a-a-a-d! Each person is different in that way. Goats can be a lot like dogs, and I truly treasure the bonds I have with my favorite herd members. We’d love to hear your stories! I keep saying I must have been born to be a goat farmer. I'm not sure what you mean by goat smell because the males smell like urine. He Loved people and he thought he smelled good!LOl Well needless to say the town kids all petted the buck... Then thought to ask Does This WASH OFF???? Irate camelids can and do throw a mean spit ball — be it at a pasture mate that is out of line or a veterinarian simply trying to do her job and give a vaccination or dewormer. Goat By this I mean they will turn their noses up at high-quality feed but find a cardboard box in the recycling and tear it to bits like it’s a prized snack. Oh boy! It’s phenomenal that one animal can provide so many services in a small affordable package. I consent to Backyard Goats collecting and storing the data I submit in this form. Does goat milk taste bad? On the other hand, although wethers can get big, they are the sweetest of all goats, they don’t stink, they make great pets and pack animals, and they don’t go into heat and make a ruckus like does or bucks. Bart's(our Nubian wither)papa had this smell. Lol!! I thought only bucks had the goat smell, but my doe has the stench too. Molasses? Learn something new everyday. And doing this will help to keep the buck’s smell away from your herd. Thankfully, goats have been used historically to control poison oak, ivy, and sumac, and the urushiol oil doesn’t affect animals the way it does humans. . When my son went though puberty I used to compare the scent of his room 'goat smell.' lol! along with corn and blended beans. Our does don't smell bad. Poultry Turkey, About Us Milk or meat, this is something everyone will have to decide on their own. Required fields are marked *. JavaScript is disabled. Leslie - Thanks for stopping by! :). They stink with a peculiar odor. We recently put a buck, which we lease every year, in with our does. I used to love putting my nose right into a doe's flanks while milking . Also, if the goat owner tests their goats for Johne’s disease, they should be aware that, if their chickens contract the avian version of Mycobacterium and pass it to the goats, it won’t make the goats sick but will show up on a blood test as a positive result for Johne’s disease and may mean the owner cannot sell that goat. Also, I’ve heard that goats and chickens are good companions. Hay, particularly alfalfa hay, has such a sweet smell it’s like perfume — seriously. I love this article. Do female goats have horns? I guess there is some sort of scent glands. This is helped by ensuring your goats have enough living space, giving them play areas and things to do, and frequently assessing your fencing. This stuff has a unique smell that some describe as “garlicky” but you wouldn’t think Italian restaurant if you smelled it in a barn. In the words of Granny Clampett, "ya'll come back now,ya hear!!!". Does (female goats) have almost zero smell. One of the biggest factors in ensuring your goats stay home is having the correct fencing. Alright, so on to Myth #1: Goats stink, right? Fish Thanks for this, now I know why that goat had such a strong odor. The lil buck is about 9 months old, a purebred Boer...he seems awfully small to me. His only desire during this time of year is to let all the lady goats know he is around and ready to fulfill their procreative wishes. I repair and replace fencing as needed, and every now and then I still get to witness the goat parade of celebration when they find a way out. Pricilla - I joke about it but it doesn't bother me either. The fragrance is come and get me, darling. Do female goats have horns? If you want to keep some bucks in your herd for breeding purpose, keep them separate from the herd. Contact Us, Goat Housing: How to Make A Shelter For Your Goats, How To Milk A Goat by Hand: Hand Milking Guide For Beginners, Fainting Goat Farming: Business Starting Plan For Beginners, Effects of Goats on A Pasture: Goat Pastures Considerations, Can Pygmy Goats Live Inside: How to Keep Pygmies Inside As Pets, Raising Goats as Pets: Beginner’s Guide for Raising Pet Goats, How To Attract A Goat When it Escape: Catching the Escaped Goat, Dates Farming: Date Palm Cultivation For Beginners, Sunflower Farming: Start Sunflowers Cultivation For Beginners, Potato Farming: Commercial Business Plan For Beginners, Pineapple Farming: Business Starting Plan For Beginners, Kiwi Farming: Kiwifruit Cultivation Guide for Beginners, Dogo Argentino Dog: Characteristics, Origin & Temperament, Doberman Pinscher Dog: Characteristics, Origin, Temperament & Lifespan, Poultry Farming For Beginners: Guide For Starting A Poultry Farm, Turkey Breeds: Best Breeds For Turkey Farming Business, Poultry Farming: Complete Business Guide For Beginners, Pigeon Farming: Step-by-Step Guide For Pigeon Rearing Business, Goat Farming Business Plan For Beginners (Complete Guide), Classification of Poultry: Class, Breed, Variety & Strain of Chicken, Body Parts Of Chicken: All You Need to Know About Different Body Parts.

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