All sinners plunged beneath the flood There was a problem loading your book clubs. I’m adding this review for the benefit of church leaders who might be reading it and here’s what I want to tell you as a previously (and long time) unchurched nonbeliever: Andy has got it right. Ezek 47:1-5. Hmmm and hmmm He has taken the time to lead his team through the hard work of defining mission, vision, model, and programming and unified them under a clear vision. He is a tremendous communicator. Let it flow This is a brilliant book. Hmmm and wide You are involved in church leadership? Isn't that the point of reading, anyways! 12-13, 16). Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 1, 2014. However, if you are looking at the title of the book, it seems a little unbalanced: 2/3 of the book is about the church going "wide," while only about a third or less deals with going deep. Please try again. A place to get Tamil Christian Songs & Tamil Bible, Deep and WideDeep and wide Deep and wide I don't think that's what he means. While the particularities may not be applicable in all setting, the generalities certainly are. Deep and wide I am not even a member of the church I attend. I've been watching North Point Church services through my Roku for nearly a year now. Andy wr With surprising candor and transparency pastor Andy Stanley explains how one of America’s largest churches began with a high-profile divorce and a church split . Since chapters 3 and 4 are misguided so is the rest of the book. Some of the ideas presented may not be so effective in more secular areas. It also prompts me to "think like energy" in a way that I intimately connect (without the separation that material objects have) with God and Christ. That laser-like focus is something all churches can learn from--whether we agree with Stanley's foundational premise or not. Christ is sensed in the intermediate depth zones and flowing into my life on the outmost surface of the "fountain." [Chorus] Hmmm hmmm hmmm Astonishing that this book has been getting such great reviews. The Wonder Kids - Deep and Wide Lyrics. The book starts with an autobiographical section to set the stage for the changes Stanley made from his father's church. Hmmm and hmmm Hmmm and hmmm Little Passports Reading List; Stability on the Road; Turning Two: A Traveler’s Travails; We’ve Been Featured: Matador Network; Family Travel: What about children learning to work? Straight from Your heart to mine I found this a somewhat difficult book to read. I presently serve as pastor at the Anglican cathedral in Madrid. Refresh and try again. There's a fountain flowing deep and wide And his discussion of corporate worship and preaching is thought-provoking. J-O-Y. perhaps that used to be true and maybe it still is in the south. There’s a fountain flowing deep and wide, Hmmm and wide If you are a church leader this is a book you will find useful regardless of your tradition or your opinion of Stanley. September 18th 2012 Mariah Carey Is Telling Her Own Story (and Recommending Books). The book is faithful to unpack the implications of those two chapters. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 17, 2020, Helped me immensely as I'm dyslexic and found it hard to read this book on time for the course I'm studding. Chapters 3 and 4 set the stage and trajectory for the rest of the book. A must-read if you love the local church. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Deep and wide / Deep and wide / There’s a fountain flowing deep and wide He has taken the time to lead his team through the hard work of defining mission, vision, model, and programming and unified them under a clear vision. There is a fountain filled with blood Let if flow Use this book alongside the available web resources, be prepared to ask yourself and others the rigorous and tough questions Stanley poses and, just maybe, you will find many of the tools you need to achieve purposeful, effective leadership and the kind of change which is both deep and wide. This book is geared toward pastors and church leaders, which I am not specifically. I for one think he has laid out a helpful thought-guide for the church. My wife and I have been in full-time Christian ministry for some 14 years now. They know who they are, why they do what they do, and how they're going to accomplish it. There are times when it seems like Andy is saying the SOLE purpose of the church is to be a place unchurched people love to attend. Please try again. For too long church has been aimed toward "Christians", but church is God's vehicle to change the world, not a vehicle to "feed his sheep" (although that should and will happen as well). Diese äußerst wertvollen Informationen können wir mit speziellen Technologien, unseren Expertensysteme zu Ihrem Vorteil auswerten. Learn how you can lead lasting change in your church or organization. He certainly made me think about my responsibility and what He has called me to do. Few prove this fact better than the ministry of Andy Stanley, who has grown North Point Community Church on purpose and with passion. I've been thinking a lot lately about liturgy and worship, and Northpoint provides a unique and different perspective. While using this "autogenic" technique (of seeing and feeling a fountain), God is sensed in the deepest flow portions of the fountain. My main work has not been as a congregation pastor, but I've done a lot of teaching at churches throughout the USA and other countries as well. Today, NPM consists of six churches in the Atlanta area and a network of more than 90 churches around the globe that collectively serve nearly 185,000 people weekly. There’s a fountain flowing deep and wide Your flowing wounds supply Deep & Wide is Andy's magnum opus. Using real stories of a non-Christians confronting Christians, A Cult Challenge to the Church explores why people don’t want to be part of the church. There are numerous gems just like this one! Hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm flowing hmmm and hmmm, Hmmm hmmm hmmm I was both challenged and inspired by this book.”, - Bill Hybels, author of Just Walk Across the Room, “The most common question I get from pastors is, ‘How do I get the people in my church to be open to change?’ From now on my answer will be, ‘Read Deep and Wide by Andy Stanley’. Andy Stanley's book was recommended to me by a good friend and my wife and I have read it from a Kindle on several car journeys and every page has something to challenge, encourage, action - a brilliant book written by someone who has been there and got the T Shirt. I've been thinking a lot lately about liturgy and worship, and Northpoint provides a unique and different perspective. If you are a church leader who wants to be challenged and inspired in creating a greater single-focused alignment of your church with its Biblical mission around a compelling vision, this is a must read. There's a fountain flowing deep and wide. For the first time, Andy explains his strategy for preaching and programming to “dual audiences”: mature believers and cynical unbelievers. I've Got the Joy In My Heart. This is what Jesus came to Earth for." More often than not as described by Stanley it was the head scratching. Dr. Günther Josef Fritz17. "Deep and wide" can also refer to appending with all the saints (as they flow the Living Water) the dimensions of Christ (Please See Ephesians 3:18-19). I picked this book back up for both practical and academic purposes. but I imagine most already see this (unless you. It makes the song make so much more sense and ties it into John 4:14 and yet it still parallels the Zechariah passage about stream of living water. Andy Stanley is the senior pastor of North Point Community Church, Buckhead Church, and Browns Bridge Community Church. [Verse 1] Hmmm and hmmm Got my kindle to read it to me :-) The book is a fantastic guide to leadership too. If your team is more concerned with who you are reaching than who you are keeping, the expanded edition of Deep & Wide will be more than a book you read; it will be a resource you come back to over and over! This is very autobiographical, Andy tells his own story as well as the story of North Point Community Church. Wir haben Erfahrung mit Forschungs- und Organisationsprojekten und können gemeinsam sehr gut abschätzen, wie effektiv & effizient unser Beitrag für Sie sein wird. They Say He’s Wonderful. Hmmm and wide Hmmm and wide There’s a fountain flowing hmmm and wide Hmmm and wide Hmmm and wide There’s a fountain flowing hmmm and wide. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Previous page of related Sponsored Products. We don’t share your credit card details with third-party sellers, and we don’t sell your information to others. I think that just as God creates each of us with different areas of passion and focus, all within the scope of God's heart, so He establishes churches with a variety of missions and approaches, all within the scope of the Gospel.
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