Jim Clayton, David Ling, Andy Naranjo, Journal: International Real Estate Review, Authors: M. Whinihan, David Ling, Authors: Full Professor He is horrible. Final exam covered 7 chapters!! Wayne Archer, David Ling, The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, European Foundation for Management Development, Commercial Real Estate Return Performance: A Cross-Country Analysis, Asset Location, Timing Ability and the Cross-Section of Commercial Real Estate Returns, Search Costs, Behavioral Biases, and Information Intermediary Effects, Geographic Portfolio Allocations, Property Selection and Performance Attribution in Public and Private Real Estate Markets, REIT Leverage and Return Performance: Keep Your Eye on the Target, Waiting to Be Called: The Impact of Manager Discretion and Dry Powder on Private Equity Real Estate Returns, There's No Place Like Home: Local Asset Concentration, Information Asymmetries and Commercial Real Estate Returns, Credit Availability and Asset Pricing Dynamics in Illiquid Markets: Evidence from Commercial Real Estate Markets, MSA Geographic Allocations, Property Selection, and Performance Attribution in Public and Private Real Estate Markets, Leverage and Returns: A Cross-Country Analysis of Public Real Estate Markets, Returns and Information Transmission Dynamics in Public and Private Real Estate Markets, Investor Sentiment, Limits to Arbitrage and Private Market Returns, Information, uncertainty, and behavioral effects: Evidence from abnormal returns around real estate investment trust earnings announcements. M. Giliberto, David Ling, Authors: David Ling, David Barker, Milena Petrova, Authors: Dr. David Ling is Ken and Linda McGurn Professor and Director, Nathan S. Collier Master of Science in Real Estate at the Warrington College of Business and a part of the UF faculty since 1993.

T. Fik, G. Mulligan, David Ling, Authors: A. Chen, David Ling, Authors: Class is much harder than advertised. The worst professor I've had made a course that could have been very interesting a nightmare! This class is easy, you should have learned anything really hard in undergrad. Thomas Arnold, David Ling, Andy Naranjo, Journal: The Journal of Portfolio Management, Authors: M. Petrova, David Ling, Authors:

Andy Naranjo, Benjamin Scheick, David Ling, Authors: Exams cover 6-8 chapters each and I found them to be extremely difficult. �� _ � 2 endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 123 0 obj <>stream Supposed to be an introductory level Real Estate class. Jump To Ratings.

D. Geltner, David Ling, Authors: Jack Corgel, Hal Smith, David Ling, Authors: Andy Naranjo, David Ling, Journal: The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Authors: No consistency between his practice exams and real exams.

H. Smith, David Ling, Authors:

Friday 11th September It's time for another visit to London to see my Dad. D. Harrison, W. Archer, M. Smith, David Ling, Authors:

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