A clear example of conventional view: A lot of people use the terms like “Demand and Supply“, “profit”, “economic growth” etc. It only requires a person to be lucky being born in a rich family. It is unacceptable” (Daily Graphic, June 17, 2018). Martin Luther King Jr. Share F. More Quotes on Ignorance. How to use conscientious in a sentence. If the output is shared according to the efforts invested by various people, no one would be able to get extra ordinarily rich. However, the reality of the situation is far from humorous. The corporations are owned and managed by humans after all. He accepted small sums as buy-outs for his work. This reminds me of a Buckminister Fuller who said; “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. The same properties were later on gifted by the so called “landlords” and the royal families as token of appreciation for subservience, adding up more names in the list. Let them eat “austerity” and excrete hope. ‎ 1 hour ago, Election 2020: We Won’t Accept Intimidation In The Name Of N... Take the example of the mainstream view regarding “climate change”. A single individual does not own the infrastructure therefore cannot manage all that. Read more quotes from Martin Luther King Jr. Share this quote: Like Quote. Nana Akufo-Addo Will Lead Npp To The Slaughterhouse In 2016! Martin Luther King, Jr. famously announced that “nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity”. They can only be shaken by the simple development of the contrary qualities. Synonym Discussion of conscientious. Asante Region May Be a No-Go Area for Galamsey-Promoting Candidate Mahama, Bawumia Is a Better Security Expert Than Kwesi Aning, Nana Frema Busia counsel's Akufo -Addo on Agyapa fallout, Redevelop Our Dam: Residents of Kpalwega Appeal to Government, NGOs, Road To Parliament: Hajia Humu In, Karbo, Others Uncertain; Youth Activist Predict, Kayan Community: Nine-year-old Elizabeth Uses Tippy Tap to keep Safe in the Era of COVID-19. The lack of geographical knowledge is troubling in itself, but more so is the reluctance to simply admit to not having heard of the place and instead opting to just assume that it should be bombed. Those words have never seemed more apt than when Public Policy Polling (PPP) released the results of a report on Friday which stated that 30% of American Republican primary voters said they supported the bombing of Agrabah. The next phase comes the pretext as if Ghanaians have learned any useful lesson from the preventable auto deaths that can seriously lead to motivate the moral consciences of the nation to institute far-reaching measures to minimally control the barbaric accidents unfolding on the dangerous traffic routes in Ghana. For them, profit is not bad, but the same individuals enjoy criticizing corporations and banks when they use strategies like “leverage” to create monopolies, multiply profit and use it to increase their assets including land and resources, in order to maintain a constant growth or in other words “growth on top of growth”. Is Ghana Parliament Turning Into Public Bullying Chamber? Firstly, that international awareness and geographical knowledge is critically important, and yet seriously lacking in many parts of the Western world. Conscientious means “to be ruled or controlled by your conscience.” They cannot see beyond these “isms” because they have lost the ability to think. For how long we will keep debating and fighting on non-issues created merely to divert our attention from real issues and keep us busy fighting for survival according to the terms and conditions defined by those who are on top of the pyramid? No doubt, most of the road fatalities are the result of unpardonable human errors, all of which appear to be grounded in “sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity” that the late American human rights legend once used to bemoan why people choose to do immoral things in the face of righteous deeds. Here is Osagyefuo Amoatia Ofori Panin in his own words: “If cars are passing one another at 130 kilometers per hour, it is a recipe for disaster. and they fully support the idea of getting rich through talent. So, President Akufo-Addo Creates The “filths” At The Ec? 2. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. It’s designed to be right for the top 0.1% and the next 0.9%, but “wrong” for the bottom 99%. In the end, Tesla was living in poverty, while royalties for his life’s work went to Edison and Westinghouse. What we do not learn from is what we shall repeat, shown in our own individual experiences, history, and lives. All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners. In one of his thought-provoking speeches, Rev. “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” » Martin Luther King, Jr. “There are two things which cannot be attacked in front: ignorance and narrow-mindedness. When so many people are ignorant enough to blindly throw their support behind violent intervention in a place that they have never even heard of (let alone a place which isn’t even real), foreign policy is in serious trouble. After over 60 years of self-rule from the Union Jack, what moral, rational, or socioeconomic justification can any serious Ghanaian make regarding the non-development of well-paved dual highways, at least connecting all the major or the regional capitals in this country? Ghanaians dislike taking responsibility of their actions; yet many of us know better and capable of doing the right thing, but the question is when? Such hypothesis has got nothing to do with the ground realities, rather it represents a small percentage of global population that has access to the resources, while completely ignoring the vast majority of “have not’s”, suffering from hunger, poverty and starvation. There was no demand for iPhones and iPads until they were invented and marketed using PR. 130+3 sentence examples: 1. 3. Mass production requires skilled labor which is not the property of that person, rather it is provided by others. Not everyone can be the winner, however the media, the society and the social engineers have given everyone a dream and hope of winning. conscientious. Knust Saga: Ghana Must Stop “pampering” Public University St, Mr Mahama Is Living Up To His “manipulator-In-Chief” Credent, The Gitmo Detainees’ Drama Isn’t About Ghanaian Hospitality. This essay is a m Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. In his 1963 sermon, “Strength to Love,” Martin Luther King wrote, “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” Be conscientious and make a good job of publishing. But again, if one is a winner and can rig the game, who cares about the bottom 99% losers; after all, they’re losers. The truth is that no one can get rich on his own. Political Ideology Essay “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” –Martin Luther King Jr. Both Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse were ruthless businessmen who took credit for Tesla’s work. Look at the case of Nicola Tesla a Serbian scientist. We are living in a state of denial and a sincere ignorance towards the fact that division of properties has already taken place centuries ago when imperial forces claimed ownerships over the lands and natural resources, defining rules to protect their rights of ownership. They will not bear discussion.” An Online Discussion of Ecological Economics Among Friends, Federal funding of small modular reactors (SMRs) must be put on hold, Chandler Davis: Science for Peace in Perspective, CANADA’S ROLE IN SUPPORTING NUCLEAR WEAPONS, The Politics of a Just Transition to a Green Economy, 2020-2050, Science for Peace Symposium on Working for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons: Global Efforts, Making the Impossible Possible: Coalitional Movement Politics in the Decisive Decade, Israel Unbounded – Securitization, pacification, and nuclearism in emergent global alignments. What you believe to be true, is it true? All we see is fake intellectualism and absurd theories. Getting rich is more like a game of chance and the cases of individuals becoming rich through talent are very rare. Church Stop Living in Ignorance! —Strength to Love, 1963. Perhaps even smaller percentage of people are able to even think about buying things like iPhones, laptops and other expensive things. Elsewhere you can only hear of that number of deaths with airplanes. . For how long we will keep acting as pawns on this game of chess being played? To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”, Pingback: The Road To Enlightenment Is Paved With Dead Fools | Joe For America, Pingback: Pastors Stop Milking the Church! In a winner-take-all game, the top 0.1% winners rig the game so that the 99.9% are losers, while sharing enough of the plunder with the next 0.9% so that they think they are winners when compared to the bottom 99%. America Has Sneezed: Will Ghana Catch A Cold? Or do you just believe that it is true because you were taught that it was true and you never looked any further? Same applies to the “leftist” VS “rightist” agendas or “government control” VS “Freedom and Liberty movements” or let’s say “Capitalism” VS “Communism”, where both the sides are being supported by NPOs and think tank representing various corporations and elite businessmen (once again the top 0.1%). and they fully support the idea of getting rich through talent. More so, how serious and smart are we as a nation with zero ambitions and lip services to world-class roads but we have insatiable appetite for Bentleys, Roll-Royces, Maseratis, and other exotic vehicles. What’s the point in leading from two opposite ideologies or let’s say “thesis” and “anti-thesis” and why are the 01% spending all their money on that? Surely, one can argue about the frequency as well as the severity of these accidents under a particular government. But, still, the prevailing gory reports of Ghana’s auto accidents do not change the age-old reality that one of the existential threats bedeviling this nation over the decades is a culmination of willful, or call it “sincere ignorance” and “conscientious stupidity” parasitically sucking the blood of rationality out of millions of Ghanaians, especially when some of us get behind the steering wheels.

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