$5,099.00, 1911 COLT 38 SUPER - "Flower & Leaf" Design, 24K Gold Plated with Diamonds, Sale price With an extended front sight, it has a sight radius of 7 7/8" and has an adjustable rear sight. Since then, all new production .38 Super pistols headspace on the case mouth, as with other cartridges in this class. This gun is in excellent condition a, Colt 1911 El Presidente chambered in 38 Super with a 5 inch barrel bright bore and good grooves with a wooden display case. Most of them were using it for casual shooting while a good handful went a step further and used it for competitive purposes. It has a 5 inch barrel with a rear serrated slide. What Recent Buyers Report As expected, they were quite happy with this pistol in terms of performance and quality. I have 1 Dragon, NIB and NOS and 2 Colt Mexican Gold Heritages, 2 Dragons for sale. Either way, you’re ready to use it when the situation calls for it. a .357 is a revolver round while a .38 Super is a semi-automatic round. COLT CUSTOM SHOP 38 SUPER, BRIGHT STAINLESS WITH WHITE PEARLITE GRIPS, IN BLUE CUSTOM SHOP BOX WITH WHITE CUSTOM SHOP SLEEVE, NEW, UNFIRED 100% COND. PHONE 260 367 2633 CELL 260 243 0700, It's excellent and come will extra grips
I'm asking 2,000.00 or best offer
Free shipping, "Colt “Super Match” .38 Super caliber pistol. It’s built like a tank and will be the go-to choice for even some beginner shooters. These are the last of the most Beautiful engraved Aztec descendants. Tests with ammunition besides Cor-Bon/Glaser increases velocity by between 25 ft/s (7.6 m/s) to 50 ft/s (15 m/s) on average.[9]. The Supers are more likely to be used in competition shooting applications since they provide a flatter trajectory. Manufacturer: Colt's Manufacturing Co.
Model: Gold Cup Trophy
SKU: O5073XE
Caliber: .38 Super
Capacity: (2) 9 Ro, This is a factory direct stainless Dan Wesson PM-C, Pointman Carry, with an Officer frame and Commander length barrel in .38 Super .38 Super, EAA TANFOGLIO WITNESS GOLD TEAM ERIC V-12 COMPATION BARREL AND PRACTICE BARREL, CHECKERED FRONT/BACK STRAP, BEVELED MAG WELL, FULL LENGTH DUST COVER, CONE BARREL/SLIDE LOCKUP, DRILLED & TAPP. $1,999.00 Be sure to clean and maintain it on a regular basis (about twice a month) to ensure that it is in excellent shape and will not slow down in performance. ), Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Pistols (flint), Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Pistols (perc), United States Patent Firearms Revolvers/Pistols, Century Arms International (CAI) - Shotguns, Winchester 1907 & The Super-Villain’s Sidekick, Beautiful! Very reliable, little jamming to speak of, Excellent for competitive shooting and concealed carry, Great for self-defense and target shooting, The grip allows for excellent, no-slip control, Disassembly might be a bit tough at first, Trigger pull might be a little heavier than expected, The grip allows for excellent control and recoil reduction, Trigger pull might be a little heavy with some creep, Great for concealed carry and target shooting, Best AR-10 BCG (Bolt Carrier Groups) of 2020 – Complete Review, Best Holsters for the CZ P01- Buyer’s Guide for 2020, Synthetic grip made from high-quality materials. The .38 Super could be loaded with a bullet as light as 115 grains. Close to new. He also enjoys hunting, fishing and spending time outdoors. It may be on display and is THIS IS NOT A LEW HORTON EL PRESIDENTE. The 1911 and 1911A1, having a slide that is solid on front, cannot come off the frame that way. Why it Stands Out to Us We kick off the list with a Colt brand 38 Super Pistol. Competitors still using .45 ACP pistols attempted to keep pace, both by adding compensators and by reducing bullet weight, quickly reaching the limit at 152-155 grains. Custom Engraved NRA Grips on New Limited Edition Colt Cobra. $5,299.00, LIMITED EDITION: COLT SCROLL DESIGN, Built on COLT CUSTOM ELITE 38 SUPER, 24K GOLD & Diamonds - # 4 of 20, Regular price It shoots fast, it’s durable, and can certainly give you an edge over the competition or an attacker who is stupid enough to mess with you. We consign all of them! They are accurate, reliable, and will come in through the clutch if and when the situations were to arise. So if you need a pistol that will be able to shoot fast, smooth, and without any reliability issues at all then this could be the pistol for you. Some of them are smaller than others and therefore will have better concealability than those that are somewhat larger in size. The pistol is fitted with a 5 inch barrel, fixed sights, full checkered walnut grips, checkered ar, Republic Forge 1911 Commander - .38 Super - Custom Damascus Slide - Custom True Ivory Grips - Custom Star-Pierced Hammer - Graphite Black Frame and Controls - all CUSTOM - 5 Mags - Pouch - Paperwork -, Browning Sig BDA .38 Super BDA W. German BDA w/ box - great condition! With a performance that is hard to beat, why wouldn’t you want to take good care of it. OUT OF STOCK (1) COLT CUSTOM CARRY LW COMMANDER 38 SUPER CERAKOTE SLIDE/FRONT. Keep in mind that some of them will provide tighter shooting groups (by being more consistent) than others. New. This gun is in excellent condition and is covered by Dury's Lifetim, This Browning BDA is one of only 752 sold in the US under the Browning name, and built on the Sig-Sauer System in West Germany. One user said that the shooting groups appeared to be quite tight with targets located from farther distances. Double-stack magazine pistols in this cartridge holds fifteen to eighteen rounds, plus one in the chamber. These are the last of the most Beautiful engraved Aztec descendants made. Enter your email address to receive our best deals and other store updates. When the .38 Auto became the .38 Super, in the 1911A1, the feed ramp could no longer be used as rim support. Who Will Use This Most This will be used more in tactical and home defense situations. Regardless, this pistol won’t allow for any bulging no matter where you take it. Has stainless steel frame, Heinie sights and custom Aluma grips. If you want the closest thing to maximum concealability in a 38 Super Pistol, then make no mistake about it. "Wilson Combat Tactical Carry .38 Super caliber pistol. Mfg. It just might outperform any given high-end pistol you can think of. guidelines, the .38 Super case can handle up to 230 MPa (33,359 psi) piezo pressure. Colt 9 Round 38 Super Government Model Magazine w/Stainless. "Colt Government .38 Super caliber pistol. Colt Classic 1911 Series 70 Government Model .38 Super 5" Barrel 9 Round Fixed Sights Rosewood Grips - $769 $769.00 Description Colt’s Manufacturing 1911 Classic, Government Model, Full Size, 38 Super, 5″ National Match Barrel, Steel Frame, Blue Finish, 9Rd O1911C-38 M1911A1 GI Classic Govt.,38Super 5″, B UPC#: 098289112231 But don’t let that overshadow the true performance and quality of the pistol itself. The following is a list of frequently asked questions that are often asked by prospective buyers. In fact, it’s one of the preferred 38 Super Pistols that is preferred by competitive shooters due to some of its excellent qualities. For Government Model 1911 5" barrel. Gun is in near mint condition with 99% original blue. This will be used as a beginner pistol for those who have never fired a 38 Super pistol before. Excellent condition with bag and extra magazine. Looking like a highly refined Colt Mustang (exactly what it is, just like the Sig Sauer P238 Series) with a standard capacity of 6 +1 the .380 ACP Micro series left Kimber with one remaining challenge and in 2016 Kimber took the next logical step by introducing a slightly larger Micro variation chambered in 9mm. Customized with bright nickel finish and fancy grips. The semi-rimmed case is known to cause feeding problems in some magazines, especially double stack magazines, and led to the development of new variants with reduced rims (typically only .003 inch per side). VARIOUS 9MM AMMO (TARGET AND SELF DEFENSE), VARIOUS 38 SPECIAL AMMO (TARGET AND SELF DEFENSE), ASSORTED 45ACP AMMO (TARGET AND SELF DEFENSE), "Internet Purchases Only" 5” Combat pistol in popular .38 Super. Especially when it comes to purchasing a 38 Super Pistol for your own use. Measures 8-3/4" x 6" x 1-3/8". The better the shape that it’s in, the better the chance that it will take care of you. Yet, there are many that will use these pistols for the purpose of concealed carry so they are prepared for all kinds of danger that might threaten their lives or their property.
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