I myself have seen it multiple times and have heard many tales. It can be an interesting forest school activity. I simply want people to put a little more thought into their choice of knots and to consider whether a knot which requires not just one backup but two is really the best choice for the situation. one of the most important knots alongside the sheet bend and bowline The extremity is placed through both loops at once and the loose ends of the material are tied to an immobile surface. That will hold anything! If you want a knot that will really hold, why not just tie 2 half hitches with 2 half hitches! It causes an efficiency loss of approximately 40%. www.netknots.com, “The clove hitch is not strong, and its tendency to slip or jam at innoportune moments means that it should never be used in any important or life-threatening applications….To be fair, the only situations in which the clove hitch is of any real use are those in which equal or near-equal loads are applied to either end of the cord in which it is tied – in any other situation, it will almost certainly come loose.” Let’s be honest here, anybody and their brother can tie half hitches – “if you don’t know knots, tie lots!” We are supposed to be professionals. See, that is the part to me that is the most interesting and the most problematic: two half hitches. The 2nd one uses loops in the middle of a rope that are dropped over a post. “The clove hitch can jam under heavy tension, making it difficult to untie. Now I know what you are thinking. It really, truly is a fantastic knot. You have to learn it for scouting and at sailing schools. The first part of the 2nd method can be utilized in making the handcuff knot. www.atlanticmaritimeacademy.com, “As a hitch it should be used with caution because it can slip or come undone if the object it is tied to rotates or if constant pressure is not maintained on the line.” And I will make the argument that we should not be using it or teaching it for rigging purposes. Tying half hitches should not be the basis of our ropework, especially in critical situations. A couple hundred years ago, all ropes had friction built into them because of their materials. It should be deeply distrusted when used by itself…..It is not a knot to be used alone.” Anyone doing tree work for long enough has heard stories of a clove hitch rolling out. Hence it should never be kept unattended and is to be used with a locking carabiner. I use it all the time. It was never meant to be used in an endline fashion. The fact that modern ropes are fairly slick also encourages rolling out. Why is that? Old school manila and hemp ropes have so much more friction to help them grab onto posts and such. Knots. A useful and easy to tie knot, the Clove Hitch is a good binding knot. In decorative macramé patterns (for eg. Worse, is its tendency to untie itself when subjected to repeated strain and release, such as a boat rocking in waves.” Its origin can be traced back to the first quarter of the sixteenth century when it was tied in ratlines. I love the clove hitch. The rope on either side of the hitch can be adjusted without untying the knot, Can be tied with one hand effectively shortening belay transitions, Unties easily in Dyneema slings unlike the, Unreliable when tied to a rectangular or square post, Thinner ropes, when heavily loaded may be difficult to untie. Your email address will not be published. Now, I know that what I am about to say is, at least at first, going to seem quite controversial, but I know if you stick with me, we can work through this together and hopefully come out on the other side of it a little better off. Easy to learn, easy and quick to tie, easy to inspect visually, easily adjusted, and the list goes on. It never was. It is so named as there appear parallel lines of the rope at the back of the knot. It is considered to be one of the most important knots alongside the sheet bend and bowline. The loops are then lifted from the underside and the tops brought together. So you are telling me that this supposedly great knot that pretty much everybody recommends for use in critical rigging scenarios, where knot failure could result in catastrophic property damage or grave injury to any member of the ground crew, requires not just one backup, but in fact, two? And, outside of tree work, I have no problem with that, honestly. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/clove+hitch+restraint. Your email address will not be published. We shouldn’t be adding half-hitch backups to our knots and praying that they hold. For the master point in a fixed rock climbing anchor. London: Arcturus Publishing, 2008, “One point to note is that it’s best where there is tension on each of the parts. Double clove hitch – 2 extra turns are added to each arm to make this modified version. It is important to check circulation regularly in any extremity restrained by this device. www.realknots.com, “It does have two giant faults: it slips and, paradoxically, can also bind. We need to take more time to select the proper knot instead of using a poorly chosen knot and just throwing half hitches onto it to make sure that it will hold. Ottawa: Algrove Publishing, 1999, “This is a very important knot of only theoretical value. While I never recommend it in my teaching, the clove hitch with two half hitches remains one of our trade’s most loved knots and will (usually) work just fine. Climb High, Work Smart, Read More. To start and finish a lashing such as the conventional square lashing in pioneering. Longville: Beaver Tree Publishing, 2000. Really? Yes, this means that the load is spread out over a lot of rope, resulting in a very strong hitch. I believe this is one of the historical reasons for recommending the clove hitch for use in an endline fashion. OK, so what am I talking about? Thank you for your videos your one of my favorite you tubers.You got me in the trees for the first time. Clove hitch with a slip knot or slip clove hitch – It is the slipped version of the knot where instead of inserting an end in the last step, you pass a bight of rope. A poorly chosen knot can suffice in a non-critical situation because the consequences of it failing are trivial. The clove hitch is a midline knot, and when utilized properly, there is none finer. But that doesn’t change the fact that it is a midline knot. It is routinely used in windsurfing to join the mast to the boom. The word clove is the past tense of cleave meaning split or divided. The 1st one is identical to the procedure shown in the diagram. Without extra support, it is untrustworthy in any situation, except as a crossing knot. So now that we have established where not to use the clove hitch, where is it appropriate? The extremity is placed through both loops at once and the loose ends of the material are tied to an immobile surface. Remember, as previously stated, I really like the clove hitch and I use it all the time… as a midline knot. The Tree Climber’s Companion, 2nd Edition. The same cannot be said in mission-critical applications. Can also connect a personal anchor. The loops are then lifted from the underside and the tops brought together. Copyright © 2020 — Educated Climber.com • All rights reserved. All The Knots You Need. If you tie a manila rope to a tree with an endline clove hitch, it really does hold quite well, even without the backups. The evidence of this fact lies in early sculptures and paintings. To tie a fender to a rail on a moving boat. www.animatedknots.com, Filed Under: Back To Basics, Knots Tagged With: knots, Unconventional Wisdom. We are supposed to have a repertoire of highly specialized, bomber knots that just work – period. It is also called the open-ended clove hitch. These two situations are not comparable. A device to restrain a person's arm or leg. This very thing has happened over and over again to people in this trade and yet we continue to use and teach this knot. Likewise, there are lots of knots that will hold in a light-duty application that are likely to fail under heavy load, especially when you throw shock-loading into the mix. Now before we go any further, I just need to clarify that this is not a universal condemnation of the clove hitch. You can finish it with a half hitch stopper back around the standing part to prevent slipping. The shock load can literally rip the rope right off the piece, sending it hurling towards the ground in freefall and flinging the end of the rope up into the tree. Also known as a double hitch, it is simply 2 back to back half hitches around a cylindrical object such as a tree, ax or a post. Rolling out occurs when a piece slams into the rigging. Adamides, Andrew. See, the problem with the clove hitch in an endline usage is that there is no change of direction, the rope just goes around and around again. I have to agree, good article. The truth is, if a beginner is planning a camping trip and they consult a knots book and learn how to tie a rope to a tree with a clove hitch, its going to work. Well, despite what we have been told by literally everybody, the fact is, that a clove hitch is NOT an endline knot. clove hitch restraint. Again, I will fully admit that the clove is without a doubt the best midline hitch available. If you’re using it in that situation, secure the free end with a half hitch or two around the standing part.” Scroll to see Animated Clove Hitch Knot below the illustration and tying instructions. This is what is meant by a bomber knot – “100% of the time, it works every time”. The clove is meant to have pull from both ends, preferably equal pull. A device to restrain a person's arm or leg. Almost every source that you consult today for basic rope and knot skills, whether in print or online, will list the clove hitch as one of the most important and basic knots for beginners to learn, and most of these sources will show it used in an endline fashion. But it is not an endline knot. At some point in modern history, and this is not just an arboriculture thing, the lowly clove hitch got a bump in notoriety that was, at least in my opinion, unduly deserved.

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