Gradient: 1.6 ft/mile. Today, towns and settlements along its course bear names which are evidence of their historical roles. Put in at the Cleveland access and rig up for flat water fishing. Gradient: 3.0 ft/mile. Put in at the Hill Station access described above. Take out is on the left side of the river at Burton’s Ford. There is more angler content on Social Media! But, the variety of sport fish is what makes the Clinch a great destination for anglers. And for the rest of us who can’t be on the water daily to learn a river, the next best thing is to go with someone who can. The first ledge is located just downstream of the railroad bridge in Saint Paul. It is a 13-mile tailwater fed by cold, oxygenated waters of Norris Dam. This is another good smallmouth bass float. Nash’s Ford to Cleveland Map Distance: 8 miles Call Us: 865-457-4542 • Copyright 2019 Anderson County TN • cities • press & media • contact Us. The river does show signs of human alteration, however. Whether you come to experience the fishing, or just to view the spectacular scenery, please keep safety in mind. Launch at Burton’s Ford (described above) and take out on the right side of the river at Miller’s Yard. Fort Blackmore to Hill StationMap In fact, the Clinch and its tributaries are the only Virginia waters where sauger are present. The river has recovered admirably from the fish kills of the past, and an incredible diversity of life is now present in and around the river. There is some natural reproduction in the river, and with a 14- to 20-inch protected length range and an allowance of one keeper fish longer than 20 inches, trout that reach the protected slot are free to grow. This is a good float for anglers looking for a variety of species. This float will bring the floater into different habitat types. This is a good float for bass and sunfish. It was an indicator of good things to come. Gradient: 2.5 ft/mile. Be sure to check out more information about fishing in Tennessee so that you can come prepared and have a great time! They feed heavily …, © 2020 Coastal Angler Magazine Franchising, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Fly Fishing the Blue Ridge Mountains in Georgia, Lake Monroe & St. Johns River Fishing Forecast – November 2020, Harris Chain Fishing Forecast – November 2020. Try for bass in the moving water, then rig up for sunfish or walleye in the slower pools. The Clinch River has a lot to offer those who want to escape the familiar and explore the life of a river. That’s all well and good, but for anglers in search of more than a fish dinner, the river is great because of all the trout that survive this initial onslaught.

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