If you are a king with max centralization and not under Gavelkind, you Stewardship + 1/2 spouse Stewardship would need to be 40+. It is just perfectionism at this point. Flanders - 6 Counties/30 Total Holdings/25 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 7 Holdings, Sicily - 6 Counties/28 Total Holdings/28 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 6 Holdings, Sanaa - 6 Counties/27 Total Holdings/27 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 6 Holdings, Oman - 6 Counties/25 Total Holdings/25 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 6 Holdings, Brittany - 6 Counties/25 Total Holdings/25 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 5 Holdings, Chera Nadu - 5 Counties/24 Total Holdings/24 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 6 Holdings, Tunis - 6 Counties/29 Total Holdings/20 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 6 Holdings, Holstein - 4 Counties/22 Total Holdings/22 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 6 Holdings, Crimea - 5 Counties/22 Total Holdings/22 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 6 Holdings, Normandy - 5 Counties/23 Total Holdings/19 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 5 Holdings, Medina - 5 Counties/22 Total Holdings/19 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 6 Holdings, Barcelona - 6 Counties/26 Total Holdings/18 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 6 Holdings, Marrakech - 6 Counties/25 Total Holdings/18 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 7 Holdings, Cherson - 4 Counties/18 Total Holdings/18 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 5 Holdings, Nikaea - 4 Counties/21 Total Holdings/16 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 6 Holdings, Uppland - 4 Counties/17 Total Holdings/17 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 6 Holdings, Konkana - 3 Counties/17 Total Holdings/17 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 6 Holdings, Thrace - 3 Counties/16 Total Holdings/16 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 7 Holdings, Cilicia - 5 Counties/20 Total Holdings/16 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 4 Holdings, Holland - 4 Counties/17 Total Holdings/17 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 5 Holdings, Skane - 4 Counties/16 Total Holdings/16 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 6 Holdings, Tripolitania - 4 Counties/16 Total Holdings/16 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 5 Holdings, Mecklenburg - 4 Counties/16 Total Holdings/16 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 5 Holdings, Vestlandet - 4 Counties/16 Total Holdings/16 Coastal Holdings/Best County Contains 4 Holdings. More if Steward is collecting taxes and marshall training troops. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. They changed the duchies of the kingdom of Finland by spliting the northern part of both Finland and Karelia to form the duchy of Lappland. However, in my view, this is the perfect set up: Set your centralization laws to the point where you can own all the counties and all the baronies in the your personal duchy. A Frisian King can hold the entirety of Flanders and Holland together and get a pretty nice combo, or do Flanders and Normandy, or move even further down the coast and do Normandy and Brittany. At that point, owning the duchy is pointless as nobody else can claim it if you own all the de jure counties. Handy reference to answer just these questions: http://ckiiwiki.com/Duchies. I would say flanders and normandy, or brittanty would be the best two duchies to hold together, since they are all right next to eachother. Sardinia is definitely my favorite as it has to be conquered by ships. Sanaa and Oman look like a decent contiguous pairing. Can you achieve fame and fortune for your noble family, or will your names be forgotten to history? You can have very successful games with a desmense limit of 6. But you can become independent, even the AI can. Demesne is calculated using: Title + Personal/Spouse Stewardship + Centralization [* 1.3 if Gavelkind]. Given the map expansion and other map changes, this list is due for an update. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the CrusaderKings community. Continue this thread level 2 What's the point? (I also held Venice as a bonus county.) Also, this kingdom should not exist. I just usurped the crown of England and am piecing the kingdom back together after a long civil war. Can't believe I haven't seen this before. While I don't know the game inside-out, Tuscany comes to mind. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Wait, what are the benefits of the Capital County and Capital Duchy bonuses? Number of counties/holdings (capital duchy bonus), Contains county with high number of holdings to select as a capital (capital county bonus), Number of coastal counties/holdings (ships, ports, trade posts). Do you even own the city holdings? With demesne limit technology maxed out as an emperor, you can expect a demesne limit of about 10 most of the time. 1 month ago. Why should I do this? Siciliy and Sardinia. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the CrusaderKings community. 3 or 4 of which can (and ideally will) be in a single county. level 1 … Both duchies have been added to the Copper Tier as they each have 16 coastal duchies. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. You are correct about the two duchy limit. I made the error because I was looking at the map from the 2.1.6 patch I typically play. I just usurped the crown of England and am piecing the kingdom back together after a long civil war. Since I'm currently gifting duchies, what are the best to hold personally? Finland has been removed from the list. Sjaelland) are too small - and for those you get the second duchy to fill :), And even if Flanders might technically be the 'best' those viking raids will make you reconsider the advantage of coastal holdings :). You can then spam coastal cities and impliment harsh city taxes, and print money like a loon. Consequently, large inland (or mostly-inland) duchies such as Baghdad are not included in this post. All rights reserved. An advantage to having each demesne slot filled with a capital holding is direct tax from baronies, without having to filter through a count, duke, and king. The portrait of dukes (or equivalent) has a thin silver border adorned by gems. Itil is more central for forming Tartaria and starts out better developed. A Duchy in Crusader Kings II, is the level of authority ("title tier") below kingdom and above county. For altaic cultures who want to keep the cavalry-focused levies they get from steppe provinces, you can't go wrong with Itil or Crimea. For an 867 start with both Old Gods and Sons of Abraham DLC, I like to start as either Ostlandet or the Rustamid Ibadi ruler in Algeria. ), lots of open slots, and is coastal. Holding Flanders and Sicily would be difficult, but not unreasonable. http://www.ckiiwiki.com/Duchies should help anyone else trying to investigate. Say I'm going low-centralization and want as many holdings under me as possible. Sicily. Good ruler too, in 1066.
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