Combatant: using weapons (as in war); Noncombatant: not fighting. Ex: You must be at least 16 years old to be eligible apply for a driver’s license. Join US Citizenship Podcast's email list and download all 30 interviews in one convenient pdf! Instructions. Writing Vocabulary for the Naturalization Test PEOPLE CIVICS PLACES MONTHS HOLIDAYS VERBS OTHER (FUNCTION) OTHER (CONTENT) Adams American Indians Alaska February Presidents’ Day can and blue Lincoln capital California May Memorial Day come during dollar bill Washington citizens Canada June Flag Day elect for fifty/50 Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Rebel group: A group of people who fight a government or other group with power. Initial(s): the first letter(s) of a name, first, middle, last. Married: having a husband or wife. Occupation: your job or profession. Fail: Not pass a test; not complete or do something. Vocabulary posters for Australian Civics and Citizenship courses- politics focus. Adjudication: a final decision on a legal matter or a court case. The part of speech for each vocabulary word is identified using the following abbreviations: Noun = n. Verb = v. Adjective = adj. Hello, you need to download the form N400 from the USCIS website: n-400r-0 Before the Interview plus mp3 n-400r-00 Simple Interview (overview: one question for each section) Insurgent organization: a group of people that uses weapons to fight a government. This is the official list of vocabulary based on the N-400 form. Then they choose the sentence with a similar meaning. Prepare for the U.S. Examples: “I failed my driving test,” Bear arms: to own or use a gun. Fail to file a tax return: not submit your income tax forms to the government Successful completion of this activity does not guarantee that an applicant is eligible for naturalization or any other immigration benefit, or will pass the naturalization test administered by a USCIS Officer. Tes Global Ltd is Fraudulent: To make people believe a lie so you can get something you want. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Defer: delay until a later date. Civilian: A person who is not in the military. File a tax return: Send tax papers to the government. George Floyd, Racism & Black Lives Matter Assembly, Prohibition - Al Capone & Organised Crime (AQA PAPER 1D NEW SPEC). Prison camp: a jail or prison for enemy soldiers or other military during a war. A LPR may travel in and outside of the U.S., but must not leave the U.S. for a single trip of over 12 months (one year, 365+ days). This online listening and reading activity reviews key words that an applicant may read on Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, or hear during the naturalization interview. Single: Not married now and never married before. Vocabulary for the N400 Application * Abbreviations: the short form of a name; for example, do not write WM. Hello, you are taking care of a family member as “home care” which is honorable. I want to be a US citizen but am not working I take care my mother in law. ( Log Out / The fee to file is about $700.00, or perhaps more now. Read the sentence. the lesson words in independent writing activities is essential in making the words part of students’ vocabulary. Thank You. You can be legally Genocide: Killing a whole group or race of people because of their religion, race, or other reason. Alimony: money that you have to pay regularly to your former wife or husband after a divorce. Removal, exclusion, and deportation proceedings: the formal process that happens when a non-citizen must leave the United States because the government believes the person is not entitled to be in the country, is illegally in the country, or has violated immigration laws. Applicants can use the vocabulary lists to study. There are 500 citizenship-related words in total, with the top 5 most semantically related being law, nationality, residency, citizen and passport.You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. trial. Prior: earlier This post allows you to get familiar to the words and phrases (vocabulary) that you might hear during your naturalization interview. Resident: a person who lives in a specific place. N-400r Vocabulary Quizzes (with pictures), For multiple-choice Citizenship Tests based on the N-400, go to, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, Thirty N-400 Section Practice Interviews Based on the USCIS Application for Naturalization, Race for the White House is Too Close to Call.
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