William Caslon I was an English gunsmith and designer of typefaces. In application font menus, this font will display: To use this font on your website, use the following CSS: Fonts in the Adobe Fonts library include support for many different languages, OpenType features, and typographic styles. [4][26][27][28], Caslon's type rapidly built up a reputation for workmanship, being described by Henry Newman in 1733 as "the work of that Artist who seems to aspire to outvying all the Workmen in his way in Europe, so that our Printers send no more to Holland for the Elzevir and other Letters which they formerly valued themselves much. Caslon & Company name, and released an expanded version of the ITC typefaces under the Founders Caslon name.[94][95]. Beginning with the introduction of hot type and then the development of phototypesetting in the 60s and 70s, we then saw the recent change to digital fonts that began in the mid 1980s. This article is about the typeface. Caslon Egyptian Type, which was first cast in 1816 was the first sans-serif printing type to be sold commercially ; The Caslon Typeface saw a revival between 1840–80 as a part of the British Arts and Crafts movement. ITC Founder’s Caslon becomes progressively “cleaner” as the point sizes get larger from the comparatively rugged 12-point, to the sharper – but still displaying the friendly imperfections of antique type – 96-point. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Certain modern processes for reproducing texts and illustrations, however, are no longer dependent on the mechanical concept of…. The H.W. [76][77] The standard weight is bundled with Apple's macOS operating system in a release including small caps and alternates such as the long s. Initially published by his company Carter & Cone, in 2014 Carter revisited the design adding bold and black designs with matching italics, and republished it through Font Bureau. Caslon’s typefaces combined delicate modeling with a typically Anglo-Saxon vigour. [32] Stanley Morison described Caslon's type as "a happy archaism".[33]. The rule of thumb continues to be, when in doubt use Caslon. There are many typefaces called "Caslon" as a result of that and the lack of an enforceable trademark on the name "Caslon" by itself, which reproduce the original designs in varying degrees of faithfulness. [68] It had a higher x-height and was intended to offer an italic more complementary to the roman. Several digital revivals of Caslon's Egyptian have been made, for commercial use Cyrus Highsmith of Font Bureau (adding an invented lower case) and for private use by Justin Howes and James Mosley.Howes' revival is used for signage at Dulwich Picture Gallery, designed by Soane. Benjamin Franklin used it extensively and in fact it was the font used to set both the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. [43], Similarly, Edward Bull in 1842 called Caslon "the great chief and father of English type. Typography, the design, or selection, of letter forms to be organized into words and sentences to be disposed in blocks of type as printing upon a page. These have a unique design with dramatic stroke contrast, complementary but very different from Caslon's text faces; one was apparently originally created by Joseph Moxon rather than Caslon. Now, 289 years after it was first cast, Caslon remains one of the most popular typefaces of all time. Caslon®LimitedCaslon House Lyon Way St Albans HertsAL4 0LB / UKT: +44 (0)1727-852211F: +44(0)1727-855772E: info@caslon.co.uk. Caslon & Sons foundry reissued Caslon’s original types as Caslon Old Face from the original (or, at least, early) matrices. It has remained popular since and has been digitised by Monotype.[69]. [50] By the 1920s, American Type Founders offered a large range of styles, some numbered rather than named. http://www.hyperborea.org/les-mis/font.html. [91] He used the resources of the St Bride Library in London to thoroughly research William Caslon and his types. Linotype's has been digitised and released by Bitstream. Despite the name, it has no connection to Caslon: it was an import of the French typeface "Le Moreau-le-Jeune", created by Fonderie Peignot in Paris, by ATF branch Barnhart Brothers & Spindlers. These, as well as all of their consecutive revivals, are referred to as Caslon. Faces like Garamond or Jenson predate Caslon, but all that is available today are replications of these early designs. Apparently sensing a business opportunity, the Fry Foundry set up in business offering copies of John Baskerville's types in the late eighteenth century, but (apparently finding this unsuccessful given preference for Caslon amongst conservative British printers) began also to issue copies of Caslon's types "with such accuracy as not to be distinguished from those of that celebrated Founder". Caslon type again entered a new technology with phototypesetting, mostly in the 1960s and 1970s, and then again with digital typesetting technology. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. The close of the 19th Century has seen three major changes in the technology of typesetting that affected the Caslon font. Caslon established a tradition of engraving type in London, which previously had not been common, and was influenced by the imported Dutch Baroque typefaces that were popular in England at the time. Caslon Ornaments is a typeface containing ornament glyphs. [65][66], The British Monotype company produced three Caslon revivals. Caslon Old Face was released in July 2001. [92] Unlike previous digital revivals, this family closely follows the tradition of building separate typefaces intended for different sizes. Many revivals exist, with varying faithfulness to Caslon's original design. Though the son lacked his father’s great abilities, he maintained the reputation of the firm and, with the aid of his wife, Elizabeth, managed it skillfully. [45] The H.W. LTC Caslon is a digitisation of the Lanston Type Company's 14 point size Caslon 337 of 1915 (itself a revival of the original Caslon types). Announcing our NEW encyclopedia for Kids! Corrections? [51] The hot metal typesetting companies Linotype, Monotype, Intertype and Ludlow, which sold machines that cast type under the control of a keyboard, brought out their own Caslon releases. He has also Chaired. Accordingly, an emerging tradition among digital releases is to offer a 'Th' ligature, inspired by the tradition of ligatures in calligraphy, though itself not a historical type ligature, to achieve tighter letterspacing. [64], A decorative openface serif typeface with very high ascenders, popular in the United States. [54] Scholarly research on Caslon's type has been carried out by historians including Alfred F. Johnson, Harry Carter, James Mosley and Justin Howes. [40][41] His grandson, William Caslon III, broke away from the family to establish a competitor foundry at Salisbury Square, by buying up the company of the late Joseph Jackson. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. In 1720, William Caslon, an engraver of firearms from the West Midlands, started his career in type design when he created a typeface for the New Testament in Arabic. [45][46][47][48], Fine printing presses, notably the Chiswick Press, bought original Caslon type from the Caslon foundry; copies of these matrices were also made by electrotyping. Because a bold weight was not used commonly to create emphasis in type at the time of the development of the Caslon font, Caslon never designed a bold font weight. It c… [84] A notable feature is that like some hot metal releases of Caslon, two separate options for descenders are provided for all styles: long descenders (creating a more elegant designs) or short (allowing tighter linespacing). [10] The italic J has a crossbar and a rotated casting was used by Caslon in many sizes on his specimens to form the pound sign. [10] The 'W' has three terminals at the top and the 'b' has a small tapered stroke ending at bottom left. The company is still a family owned business. Caslon® Limited spent 282 happy (and sometimes not so happy years) in London’s EC1 district occupying premises in Chiswell Street, Aylesbury Street and Bakers Row before making the move in 2002 to its current location in St Albans, Hertfordshire. [4][22] As British printers had little success or experience of making their own types, they were forced to use equipment bought from the Netherlands, or France, and Caslon's types are therefore clearly influenced by the popular Dutch typefaces of his period. The history of Caslon. Here’s what to look for. An exuberant parody of Caslon italics created by Mark Andresen, this 1995 Emigre font was created by blending together samples of Caslon from "bits and pieces of dry transfer lettering: flakes, nicks, and all". [3], Some Caslon faces were augmented by adding new features, in particular swash capitals for historicist printing. Printer and typeface designer Frederic Goudy was a critic: "the strong contrast between the over-black stems of the capitals and the light weight stems in the lower-case...makes a 'spotty' page". Following the release of ITC Founder's Caslon, Justin Howes revived the H.W. It is not to be confused with a totally different 'Caslon FB' by Jill Pichotta, inspired by bold condensed Caslon-inspired typefaces used in American newspaper headlines. A notable feature of Caslon's structure is its widely splayed 'T', which can space awkwardly with an 'h' afterwards. The letterforms of Caslon's roman, or upright type include an 'A' with a concave hollow at top left and a 'G' without a downwards-pointing spur at bottom right. [45] From the 1860s new types began to appear in a style similar to Caslon's, starting from Miller & Richard's Modernised Old Style of c. 012;ADBE;ACaslonPro-SemiboldItalic Adobe Caslon Pro Semibold Italic OTF 1. [59] American Type Founders advertised it as "the Caslon Oldstyle Romans and Italics precisely as Mr. Caslon left them in 1766. From 1725 through to 1730 three books printed by William Bower used roman and italic fonts cut by Caslon. Roy Caslon joined the company in 1957 and is the current Chairman. Some history. His work helped to modernize the book, making it a separate creation rather than a printed imitation of the old hand-produced book. 000;Core 1. [10] The Q, T v, w, and z all have flourishes or swashes in the original design, something not all revivals follow.

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