to Kestis and Junda before Vader struck her down. He then sympathized with her loss and stated that Malicos was wrong to use that against her.[1]. During his time fighting together with the 13th Battalion in the Clone Wars, Kestis and the clones that were part of the battalion had a very friendly relationship and the betrayal of the clones due to Order 66 left him visibly shaken emotionally. On their way out of the tomb, Kestis and BD-1 found another encrypted log from Cordova, explaining how the key to the Bogano Vault was a device called the Astrium, which he would of course have to find. However, the Second Sister's forces had caught up with him, and the Inquisitor ordered her forces to shoot the sarcophagus down. Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jinn, Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, and Lord Corvax were also options this time around. Upon returning, Kestis told about the holocron and discovered that Cordova had been Junda's master. When he awoke, the Second Sister stood before him. After this experience, Junda advised Kestis to build his own lightsaber. Junda and Kestis ignite their lightsabers and Junda charges the Dark Lord where he easily throws her down a chasm seemingly to her death, Vader then focused his attention on Kestis, advising the Padawan that he would be wise to surrender. Kestis and BD-1 was rescued by Dritus and Junda with the crime lord threatening to have his syndicate chase him across the galaxy. Dritus gets through the blockade but cannot land nearby to where the Wookiee is thought to be. Over in Dok-ondar’s there is a shop where you can get your hands on some sweet saber replicas for the right price. Vader noticed this and tried to seduce her to the dark side but Kestis was able to prevent her from fully turning. In an escape pod, Tapal gave Kestis his damaged lightsaber, and he kept it with him until the crystal broke on Dathomir five years later. Chronological and political information Saw and his Partisans were in the middle of a campaign to liberate a nearby wroshyr sap refinery. It showed younglings training and calling him master, only to be ambushed by the Empire. He finds the Astrium, and overcomes his guilt over the death of his master. As Vader came in for the finishing blow, he sensed Junda coming in to attack, who had somehow managed to escape the chasm. This article or section needs to be cleaned up to conform to a higher standard of article quality. Kestis faced the Second Sister on two more occasions, one in Bogano and one in Nur, from which he emerged victorious on both, showing how his skill with a lightsaber progressed. Plus, meeting Cal would put Mando's mind at ease about the true nature of the Jedi, as he doesn't seem to have the best view of them currently. He escaped again with the help of ex-Jedi Knight Cere Junda, joined forces on Dathomir with Merrin (the last Nightsister) and explored a Galaxy littered with archeological evidence of a powerful Force species that lived long before the Republic was even imagined. New Jedi Order High Council members (Earth-2042),, Cal Kestis Although the blue lightsaber was originally double-bladed, the weapon had been damaged during Order 66, and subsequently could only emit a blade from one side of the weapon. Cal also possessed a comlink which he used to communicate with the crew of the Stinger Mantis. This distracted Vader long enough to save Kestis, who then engaged in a fight with Junda against Vader. After his master's death, Kestis lived in exile on the planet Bracca, working as a rigger for the Scrapper Guild until he was discovered by the Second Sister and the Ninth Sister. Like all Jedi, Kestis' training made him highly athletic beyond the limits of normal beings, which he used to traverse difficult terrain and overpower various enemies with ease. Vader overpowered Kestis and almost managed to kill him before Kestis threw a piece of machinery on top of him. This is Star Wars, isn't i?' With the help of his Master, Jaro Tapal, Cal eluded capture, dropping off the Empire's radar for five years, hiding his Force-sensitivity to avoid Inquisitorial detection and surviving as a discreet member of the Scrappers Guild. [1], Junda leaped for Vader head-on with the Second Sister's lightsaber. Lucasfulm describes that book: “Star Wars: The Lightsaber Collection is a comprehensive visual guide exploring the iconic and legendary lightsabers found within the Star Wars galaxy, featuring fan-favorite hilts from the Skywalker saga, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, comics, novels, and video games.”, “Featuring photo-realistic renders of lightsabers from Star Wars animation and comics, including Ezra Bridger’s blaster-saber hybrid, the Grand Inquisitor’s spinning blades, and a new lightsaber from The High Republic, this book is a must-have for Star Wars fans.”. There is one popular Star Wars character also roaming the Galaxy who has first-hand knowledge of the Jedi and training -- Cal Kestis, protagonist of the very successful Star Wars video game Jedi: Fallen Order, who was played by Cameron Monaghan (the Joker in Gotham. They were like 'No, of course not.' BD-1 stunned Vader allowing Kestis to stab him. Kestis made it to the escape pods, with his master, despite losing his lightsaber but as they were entering the escape pods, Tapal was fatally shot by one of the troopers and died advising his pupil to stay true to the Jedi. Cal blew his own cover when he saved the life of one of his co-workers, drawing the attention of Trilla Suduri, the Second Sister of the Imperial Inquisitors. At the climax of the show, the Mantis burst into the Haxion Brood's lair to rescue them. These are super cool for fans as Solo’s saber was basically unavailable anywhere before. After a fierce battle, Kestis emerged victorious by cutting off the Ninth Sister's hand and pushing her off the tree. Male[2] Jedi: Fallen Order takes place in 14 BBY, while Season 2 of The Mandalorian is supposed to happen around 9 ABY. Kestis traveled to Ilum to build a new lightsaber under the instructions of Junda who also gifted Kestis her lightsaber hilt. [2] He usually refused to speak of his past, as he was quite haunted by it. Kestis, reminding Junda that she still had a choice, was able to prevent Junda from fully turning. Cameron Monaghan Takes The Stage At SWCC 2019 | The Star Wars Show Live! Physical description As one of the few Jedi who survived the purge that destroyed the Jedi Order, Kestis lived in seclusion for years until a confrontation with the Inquisitorius compelled him to openly resist the Empire's rule. Upon returning to Dathomir, Kestis obtained not only the Astrium, but also a new member for his team, the Nightsister Merrin. [15], In 2020, Cal Kestis ranked 50th place in a "Best Star Wars character of All Time" fan poll organized by IGN. Monaghan provides both the voice and likeness for Cal's character, including his natural red hair. At the end of the game, Cal decided to destroy a Holocron containing a list of all the Force-sensitive children, fearing that the Empire could get its hands on it. Greez said it would be Kestis who would choose where to go next, Dathomir or Zeffo. A one-stop shop for all things video games. While on the planet, the ice underneath Kestis and BD-1 shattered sending Kestis into the icy water before being saved by a vision of his young self. Junda revealed herself to be a former Jedi Knight intent on restoring the Jedi Order. KEEP READING: The Mandalorian: What's So Special About the Razor Crest? The crew weren't happy to see each other as Kestis questioned Junda about Trilla and Dritus about the gambling debts. Legacy lightsabers are nothing new for Galaxy’s Edge as the weapons of Darth Vader, Rey, Luke Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano are all available in the shop. sabersforceall out When the Shyyyo bird helped Kestis to fly to his destination, Kestis was happy to see that there were many natural beauties in Kashyyyk that the Empire had not yet destroyed. In the five years following the rise of the Galactic Empire, Kestis went into hiding to escape the purge that killed most of his fellow Jedi. During a mission to Kashyyyk, Kestis repaired his master's lightsaber, restoring the weapon's second blade. 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