Hey dude, could you convert Vietdoom's M16 to BD rifle? No matter how much I play, it doesn't seem to want to spawn in place of the minigun. Could you make another version of your mod where this bug is fixed? Your comment will be anonymous unless you join the community. It is supposed to be overpowered, it is supposed to eat that much ammo.It can sometimes replace the minigun spawn, and it's in slot 4.But dOx wiLL yoU eVeR rELEaSE a BaLAncED vERsION????no. I'd say that it's a pretty good overhaul to the weapon, which felt kinda awkward to use. The keyholing can provide a great amount of damage, and can cause grevious, if not fatal wounds on soft tissue.i prefer wax slugs or good ol' 00 buck, but if you are desperate, it will get the job done. 8 (16 on skill 1 & 5)4 (8)when dropped by an enemy I actually really like this version with slower reloading, it makes you think twice before using the shotgun over the super shotgun (which is faster and more powerful but forces you to make pauses every 2 shots), I thinks it adds balance to the weapon without making it underpowered, also making the autoshotgun more useful when you just need the consistent dps without stopping (at the expense of accuracy and ammo saving). Brutal Doom; This new Brutal Doom gun uses souls for ammo. 100 (Backpack) The shotgun packs a deadly punch at close range, and the grouping of the pellets is tight enough to make the weapon useful for medium-range attacks. Why is the reload animation so slow? The definitive gameplay enhancement mod for the GZDoom and Zandronum engines. It's a pump-action shotgun with a wooden stock. I'd say they hit for the amount a rev missile does. Although on a technical standpoint, the Railgun would be countless times stronger. . First of all, unzip it. The definitive gameplay enhancement mod for the GZDoom and Zandronum engines. plushie_boi Jun 3 2018. Tomtefar's extention's minigun actually has multiple firing sounds, so I just took one and used that. XD, You are right on all that, on tons of research and all, im adding Flechettes and maybe one OTHER ammo too ;) and im suprised about no dragonshell deaths XD and ahh...shovin random **** in shells is always fun, theres a youtuber i watch who does just that and its pretty interesting! Ammo Type Reply Good karma Bad karma +1 vote. Plus, it uses ZScript, I'm not really good with ZScript and I'm not sure if making it in Decorate would be possible. Overall, a fantastic staple weapon. All spawn sets should be the same for any map. The same effect can be used for flechettes shot from a shotgun. However ive practically seen this tend to be very wobbly and cause a keyhole effect in targets, hence which you said causing less damage to an enemy. Embedding them is the same issue but with no black gunpowder effect on the wall, and making them dissappear just means a wall effect wont be added hence not showing where the fire was shot :o so im not sure what to do. this is really getting out of hand. The shotgun is considered a light-medium weapon, stronger than the fists or pistols, so it is generally good for dealing with small groups of humanoids, and the occasional tough monster scattered in mazes. and haha well theyve came true ;). My first experiment shotgun and SSG for Brutal Doom v21 before RC2 Preview. My point is: A shotgun can still have high effectiveness at 50 meters/yards, you just need the right ammo type, choke and barrel length. Yep, that's all.Update 2 (3.06.2020): Quick fixesWhen you were throwing a grenade, the shotgun would switch back to the SSG for a sec. C4RNAGE6 May 30 2020. General Information A proper Quad Shotgun for Brutal Doom v21 to satisfy all your brutal desires. Tactical Analysis. (again just a suggestion). Its a widely and well known used type of Shotgun Ammo. Digressing, I kid you not, I dreamt about these guns mods. After doing some testing this is surprisingly more balanced than I imagined, it absolutely shreds everything but say goodbye to your shells; the Advanced Backpack mod works wonders with this.
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