It's right here. The experience amounts to the right are your difficulty budgets. First Appearance: 1-20 Trial of the Take 3, Encounter Appearance: 2-52 Feral Business, Immune to charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned, Swarm 1: 31 damage taken, 11 HDYWTDT by Beau, Swarm 2: 19+ damage taken, unknown killing blow by Caduceus (beetle swarm). Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Monsters. This list was manually compiled by editors of this wiki. You can theme your random encounters by selecting filters before clicking on the "random" button. Looking for 4th Edition? I drew a Moorbounder from Critical Role! Resistant to cold, fire, and lightning damage (suggested nonmagical weapon damage), Immune to poison damage and poisoned, charmed, and frightened, Shoosuva 1: 158 damage taken, 10 KO by Beau, Shoosuva 2: 135 damage taken, 31 HDYWTDT by Jester, Shoosuva 3: 29 damage taken, Banished by Caleb. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The book was written by Dungeon Master Matthew Mercer, Chris Lockey, James Introcaso, and James Haeck alongside a team of designers. Select your party size and level in the top left. It contains monsters appearing in every official D&D 5th edition product released by Wizards of the Coast, including print sourcebooks, online supplements, and first-party digital products. Their poison still affected Yasha and Nott, but Nott was quickly relieved of the effect before it could be a problem and Yasha’s rage prevented her from falling unconscious to subsequent autocrits. Explorer's Guide to Wildemount is a sourcebook for Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition set in Wildemount. It includes all monsters appearing in an official Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition product. The demon hounds’ fast movement and Pack Tactics greatly aids an ambushing force, while their venomous tails can paralyze any threat that surrounding allies can quickly cut down without resistance. This list was manually compiled by editors of this wiki. The shoosuvas seemed not particularly interested in the rats, allowing the vermin to scavenge any remaining sinew on the moorbounder’s remains. 1. Ads by Longitude. If you have PCs of different levels you can click on "Add Different Levels" to add them. Interestingly, the second two shoosuvas waited to attack until the second round, only after the Nein dispatched the first one. Reference. Merrow Shallowpriest; Back to top ↑ Challenge 5. Looking for 4th Edition? Awakened Zurkhwood Huge plant 2. Your potential spells are awesome. Stranger Things Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set, Awakened Tree Huge plant 2. If you click the down arrow next to it you can select a different difficulty. The following is a list of Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition monsters. Blood Hunter; Shadowghast; Back to top ↑ Challenge 6. Aeorian Reverser; Back to top ↑ Challenge 9. Note that larger groups of monsters have a difficulty multiplier added to them as per the rules. I wanted to make him "sleeker" and more panther-like, but I kept thinking logically like "how the heck could someone ride this", so he's a bit more Warg-ish, but I still like him! For copyright reasons, game statistics for these monsters do not appear at this wiki. A random encounter will be generated using the filters specified unless you uncheck the checkbox "Use filters for random." You can, for instance, generate a forest environment encounter using only tiny beasts. To build your own encounter, select the filters you'd like to use in the top right. Monsters that match your filters will appear in the list below. Horizonback Tortoise; Swavain Basilisk; Back to top ↑ Challenge 8. Baba … Their sloth to engage greatly limited their potential for advantage on attacks, though their multiattacks still provided a very legitimate threat to the detectives-turned-exterminators. Critter blog keeping track of monster stats, crits, and anything else that can be quantified on Critical Role. The rat swarms were dispatched by a combination of Caleb’s Fire Bolt, Nott’s vial of acid, Caduceus’ shield and beetles, and Beau’s staff. Privacy. The shoosuvas seemed not particularly interested in the rats, allowing the vermin to scavenge any remaining sinew on the moorbounder’s remains.

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