Chinese Algae Eaters have a suckermouth that is super-efficient for cleaning and come in a variety of colors sported on a streamlined body. (I think thats what its called) Both fish are tiny. Good luck for the next! What bottom feeders are good for a 5-gallon fish tank? 2) their minimum recquirement is 10 gallon for the reason of having a group of these fish. Do Italian Greyhounds Shed? I like the valuable information you provide in your articles. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Are Akitas Hypoallergenic? In truth, your creative writing abilities has motivated me to get my own, personal website now . Because of this, Chinese Algae Eaters do best in larger tanks with quick tankmates and plenty of hiding spots. Plecos tend to be laid-back and don’t bother other fish unless they are bothered first. That is too many fish for a five gallon tank. Active 3 months ago. I am quite sure I’ll learn a lot of new stuff right here! Cory Catfish are experts at ferreting out uneaten pieces of food from the bottom of your tank which, along with a trusted filter, keeps your water pristine.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'officiallypets_com-leader-2','ezslot_7',113,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'officiallypets_com-leader-2','ezslot_8',113,'0','1'])); With their small size, Cory Catfish are perfect for almost any size tank. In male Bristlenose Plecos, however, the bumps on their face eventually grow into an impressive bush of whiskers.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'officiallypets_com-leader-1','ezslot_4',111,'0','0'])); The other most notable difference between the Bristlenose Pleco and the Common Pleco is in their size. Only a betta should be in a 5 gal. There are numerous fish that will survive in a 5 gallon aquarium, but they’ll often be unhealthy or unhappy for a variety of reasons. A 5 gallon can't handle more than this. 25% should be changed every week, not every 2-3 weeks. Certainly price A peaceful aquarium full of colorful fish is a beautiful sight—but keeping your aquarium clean and free of algae can be a tricky task. Right now we have 4 small ghost shrimp (about the size of a quarter), a tiny frog (about an inch long) and a small snail (size of a dime). They are hardy, highly-active fish that prefer medium to large tanks. Sorry if i sounded bossy, just telling the stuff i know. Due to their territorial nature, only one Chinese Algae Eater should ever be in any tank, and it’s best to avoid keeping them with any fish similar in size an appearance in order to keep the peace. Bristlenose Plecos get up to five inches long, which makes them much better candidates for smaller tank sizes. A peaceful aquarium full of colorful fish is a beautiful sight—but keeping your aquarium clean and free of algae can be a tricky task. I would take back the Guppy and Neon. Are Shiba Inus Hypoallergenic - Is This Fact or Fiction, 7 Abyssinian Cat Colors - Find The Right Color For You. Viewed 61 times 1. Right now we have 4 small ghost shrimp (about the size of a quarter), a tiny frog (about an inch long) and a small snail (size of a dime) We also have one neon tetra and a balloon guppy. How many more fish can I get? Luckily, there are fish that specialize in cleaning your tank: bottom feeder fish.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'officiallypets_com-box-3','ezslot_11',104,'0','0'])); Bottom feeder fish don’t replace a filter; rather, they work alongside your filter and clean up pieces of food and algae that your filter can’t reach. You're already overstocked and neon tetra are schooling fish and need to be kept in groups of six or more. Glofish, aka Zebra Danios, need to be in a shoal in at least a 20 gallon. Cool. Though they tolerate the presence of other fish and other bottom feeders, Plecos don’t need a buddy. Though not technically a fish, Ghost Shrimp are incredibly popular bottom feeders that are affordable, small enough for any tank, and inconspicuous. my opinion would be 4 or 5 guppys or a species only neon tetra tank (with bottom feeders) with five neons. The pet store lady was right. They need room to swim and be active, and they need to be in schools, neons should be in schools of 6 or more, 8 is much better, in a 20 gallon or more. Your fish are not adults yet. I purchased a red jewel cichlids and at the store he was full of color but when I got him in my tank he has lost his color, why is this? Uneaten food that has sunk to the bottom of the tank and films of algae growing on the glass can foul the water and tarnish the beauty of your tank. Ghost Shrimp are prone to nibbling on plants, though, so hardy plants that can tolerate a little nibbling work best with these bottom feeders. Due to their size, they are sensitive to strong currents, so a gentle filter flow works best for these delicate bottom feeders. An adult Common Pleco can grow up to twenty-four inches long and live up to fifteen years. Cory Catfish tend to be hardy fish, too. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. There are numerous fish that will survive in a 5 gallon aquarium, but they’ll often be unhealthy or unhappy for a variety of reasons.Some fish won’t have enough room to swim in a nano tank, while others are only happy when kept in large schools. And it’s important to emphasize the word thrive, rather than just survive. Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Shed – A Full Shedding Guide! They have a similar appearance, similar demeanor, both are passionate algae-cleaning fish, and both are nocturnal and independent by nature. There is only one fish I'd recommend for a 5g and that's a Betta. You may not see Plecos often during daylight hours, as they are nocturnal by nature. We have a newly set up 5 gallon tank. How many fish and bottom feeders for a 5 gallon tank? And it’s important to emphasize the word thrive, rather than just survive. I’ve read several just right stuff here. Unsurprisingly, this is their favorite food. As their name suggests, Chinese Algae Eaters specialize in scrubbing algae from any and all surfaces. (I think thats what its called) Both fish are tiny. 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They are sensitive to high levels of nitrates, though, so it’s best to avoid stirring up the bottom of the tank too much when cleaning.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'officiallypets_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_6',114,'0','0'])); Cory Catfish are great bottom feeders to pair with a Common Pleco or Bristlenose Pleco if you have enough room for both. On another note, your water change schedule is absolutely horrid. The first thing that jumps out at you when it comes to this fish is the little tentacle appendages that protrude from their faces. the lady at petco was sord of right, reason 1) u have neon tetra which like to be in a school of 6+. It’s important to remember just because a fish can survive in an environment, doesn’t mean it should be kept in there. The woman at the store is right you usually should only have 1 fish per gallon of water.frogs and shrimp still count. These two things make a horrible fish keeper. These five bottom feeder fish are some of the most popular for good reason, though, and available from almost any pet store. Take them back, and I honestly doubt they're "half an inch" I bet it's more like 1 1/2 inch neon and a 3 inch guppy. The Bristlenose Plecos that I had in the past got along well with fish of all kinds—other bottom feeders, livebearers, and even semi-aggressive fish. Snails and loaches are also popular choices and come in a range of different types. The only fish this tank could handle would be a single Betta fish; and I would suggest removing the frog if you plan to add one of these fish, otherwise, you're still ending up overstocked. Not only do bottom feeder fish work night and day to keep your tank sparkling clean, they are full of personality and many of them have an exotic, striking appearance all their own. Like most bottom feeders, Cory Catfish prefer to have a quiet place to retreat to when they want to rest, so having hiding spots helps to keep them happy. And if so, with what. Common Plecos start out small. Glowfish are extremely active, they are notoriouse fin nippers when stressed and should be in 30 gallon tanks or larger. They prefer to retreat to dark, quiet places after their nightly rounds. Really, the only fish suitable for a 5 gallon tank is a betta. Like Plecos, they are tolerant of a wide variety of water conditions and rarely get sick. Groups of six are better if your tank is large enough. With the ghost shrimp, snail, and frog, your tank is fully stocked. You cant have schooling fish in small tanks. But so what, it was still worthwhile!”. They may pick on slow fish and may be seen as food by large fish. bookmarking for revisiting. If you want more fish, you need a larger tank. guppies need to be in groups of 3-4. the only fish suitable for your tank is a single betta. I really hope to see the same high-grade content by you in the future as well. I loved them so much, in fact, that I preferred to keep more bottom feeders than necessary just because they were a joy to keep. Ask Question Asked 3 months ago. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'officiallypets_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_2',112,'0','0']));They kept to themselves and were happy just to clean up the tank, stretch their fins, and then cozy up inside of their hiding spots. They scrub aquariums so thoroughly that if they run out of spots to clean, they can go after large or slow-moving fish to strip off their slime coat, instead.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'officiallypets_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',106,'0','0'])); Because of this and their aggressive, territorial tendencies, Chinese Algae Eaters do not do well with big, slow fish. So what fish will do well in a 5 gallon aquarium? I am particularly fond of bottom feeders (cory/catfish), but I am relatively new to all this. Your email address will not be published. They are just as content if they are the only bottom feeder in the tank. My name is Michelle Ropp, and in my history of owning tanks of several sizes, bottom feeder fish were some of my favorite species. There are a lot of different bottom feeder fish to choose from, too. i am visiting this web site dailly and get nice information from here daily. First off, the "inch per gallon" rule goes by the ADULT size of the fish. Do Boxers Shed – A Full Boxer Shedding Guide! And, like me, you might find you enjoy watching them work just as much as you love watching your other fish. I have a 5-gallon (19 liters) fish tank, with two neon tetras in it, and I am going to Petco in the future to get more fish. They live up to just one year and are just as happy on their own (a lone Ghost Shrimp) or in a group.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'officiallypets_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_0',110,'0','0'])); Ghost Shrimp, like most bottom feeders, prefer to have a hiding spot to retreat to when they need to rest. But choosing a nano aquarium (generally defined as any freshwater aquarium under 10 gallons) greatly limits stocking options, as only a handful of fish will thrive in an aquarium that small.
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