You come out from under a rock to accuse someone and then scurry back under. Are saying that Ron Angle has never lost a civil case in court? I have a couple questions about ones that I read, if you want to do that… but I didn’t know if you had one…that you thought ‘boy, I gotta tell him about this one.’. "Arrested, charged, and convicted are different things. Two peas in a pod. You are a troll. First of all, 25 years in the State Police and you managed to survive that. His first love has always been radio, though. Gunther: It wasn’t as though you drank and smoke… or anything like that…, BG: You’re right… after I graduated from the academy, couple months later, I was called back to join the State Police Rodeo…Rodeo is something that’s been going on for many years, they no longer have that, but I was wondering why they were calling me back… Because I was never really a horse rider until I went to the academy, horses are a very important part of the State Police; they were the means of transportation back in 1905 when the department first started… so I went back to the Rodeo, and I was in the Equestrian Drill as well as the Motorcycle Drill… and perhaps, if I had stayed just with that, I would have survived a little bit better… but one day I was asked if I would be a trick rider on a horse… and I said ‘oh sure, I can do that’ and I went out to the corral, and got on this horse that took off faster than I think I ever even went in a car, got to the end… the guys were laughing and asked ‘where was your trick?’ and I said ‘staying in the saddle, that was my trick…’. JG knows all the political insider information. The citation has been disussed numerous times, always inaccurately, here and on the comment boards. Arrested, charged, and convicted are different things. For instance, he originated Van Scoy's December promotion, where jewelry purchased during the December holidays would be free if it snowed a minimum of three inches on Christmas Eve. He was arrested for theft (stupid stuff like dish towels and socks) and he does owe a judegement (millios of $ to Dr Cotturo)"See the statement above. And I thought, as I was driving home that night: whose father, whose son, whose husband could this be? Tell me you hate Angle. Look at the question. Gunther: Before we get too far…you better thank somebody…, Gunther: You want to thank your wife (laughs), BG: Certainly my wife…who was my editor in chief…as a former college English professor that was certainly a big help…Joe and Marcy Hackman, the former owners of Hackman’s Bookstore…they certainly were a big help; many others who helped with proof reading. I was once told by my lawyer when I questioned the accuracy of a document from NJ that said I'd been arrested, yet I'd only been cited. This guy has top of the line equipment for years for his racing "hobby". He leaves "Gunther" in phone messages, uses it as his on-air moniker on radio station WAEB-AM, where he's heard from 5:30 to 9 a.m. Monday through Friday, and has it embossed on his racing jump suit. "We should have copyrighted the idea, but we didn't," says Maurer. Your comments is worthless. I once called the Station Manager to complain about his chronic anti-gay, snarky remarks. Walsh remains third for the first two laps, as he manages to hold onto the prime, low position on the track. Did he return the reportedly stolen socks? If so, are you not still considered arrested once you've been cited? Will Kane Ruin Hillary's Prospects in Pa? It's not defamation if its true.Are you saying that Ron Angle was not arrested for shoplifting in 2007?
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