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So, before you head out into the streets of Jamica, remember, this is a tip of the iceberg meant only to get you better acquainted with the locals there. Dan- Than bawn back a cow: a term used to describe being stupid. It also reminds you of the typical Jamaican English accent. To keep this list true to the idea of "Jamaican Slang", I'll update it every few months, dropping off words no longer in Free online patois dictionary, Word of the Day, Definitions, Translations, Examples and many more features. Drop legs- To dance. Mek it stay. Dutty- Dirty; also a popular slang expression, as in Dutty yo. (I put on my “Turn on” perfume [turns on the woman] and I smell good.) Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Jamaican Patwah Editors review uploaded pictures before publication. {2} Sorry. Gwaan- Go on. Guzumba means Obeah, which is similar to Haiti’s Voodoo and is the practise of black magic. Wa mek yu dweet fa? Zion- This is the holy land talked about the Rastas, which is in Ethiopia. ‘Im gaan. Wa day-The other day. Wi gwine adoor. Mi live inna stoosh place. Stush is a Jamaican slang we’ve given several meanings. Is bare pickney yahso. Also means all. Blessings can also be used. (God Bless.) Dat nuh righted. Labba-Labba- Talking to much. (Zuke is my last name, it begins with the letter z, you see). Child Abduction Alert North Carolina, (I am going outside). Faas- Fast. I-tes- Rasta word for “Heights.” The I-tes color for the Rasta is Red. (An angry face.) Strike: Lethal White Release Date, Hangle- Handle. (That’s cool, huh?) (She cheated on him because he smokes a whole heap of herb.) Yu so upful. Also popular using man as ending. Sidung (Come down. Undastan (un-dah-staan)- Understand. Buddy- Male genital. Ray Ray- This is a term used when someone is talking too much or telling a story. Means stubbornness or thickskulled; one who doesn’t listen. Jake, Johnny, Joe- Terms Jamaicans use to yell and call out when they see white Americans. Nowadays is used to refer to a crew/movement started by Vybz Kartel which featured popular Jamaican entertainers such as Popcaan and Tommy Lee. All the while dem depon di bashment. She box ‘im face. (That was a messed up thing). Hanga- Closet; hanger. Nize (niz)- Noise (Stop driving fast). Kris Kristofferson - Loving Her Was Easier Meaning, Naa worry bout it. Dun- Done, finished, over with; kill. The Happytime Murders Villain, Romp- To mess with or play. Weh- Where; past tense of was; present tense of is; that is. Grindsman- One who is great in bed. Blouse an skirts- Politcally correct version of the curse word bumboclot. Wrap up- Slang for kidding or joking. Pum, Punash, Punaani- Female genitals. (I’ll get there no matter what.) M (This computer is “stoosh”!) Deh ‘bout- Nearby, close to. Lebron 16 Equality, Hat- Hurt Gates- Home. Di Rasta dem say, “Bun dung queer!” (The Rastas say, “Burn down (kill) the queers!”) Can My Employer Move Me To A Different Department, Aile (i’ll)- Oil. F Moreyball Book, Usually when a Jamaican returns from a vacation overseas he or she will carry over an accent and a friend will say, Wa mek you so speaky spokey? (I’m not going there) BUSH GLAM ATTIRE (from Chuck- Full-size truck. Liad (li-ad)- Liar. Dung- Down. We provide informative and helpful articles about the newest fiction and nonfiction books on the market that you can come back to again and again when you have the urge for a new book to dig into. Gansey- T-shirt. Cat- Female genitals. This is can be used to repace the word it; and can also pose a question if it comes first in the sentence. Ginnygog- An influential person–derogative. Always say this instead of the American, “What’s up.” Dat a bad bwoy. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Bloodclot- Strong curse word. Truut- Truth past tense. (He is a master of situations). Don- A term and name for one who is well respected. She fava har mudda. Example Sentences. (What’s up man?) Ku pon dis. Makes a hiss. Muss- Must. I-laloo- Rasta word for “Callaloo”, which is spinach. (Make up your mind). Although the official language of Jamaica is English, many Jamaicans speak Patois in casual everyday conversation. A useful expression to know when using crowded buses or taxis; Small up yuhself quite literally means to make some room. Deh- There—as in place. (I am leaving now.) Trent 500 Eis, Bobo dread- A certain sect of Rastas that wear turbans and carry brooms to signify cleansiness. and i see a lot of stuff posted here that are incorrect. For example, mi see yuh likkle more den – I’ll see you later then. (I have finished doing it). Here are 15 Jamaican Patois phrases to know and use on your next visit to, Local musicians playing traditional music, St. Anne, Jamaica | © Yevgen Belich/Shutterstock. (Don’t worry about it). Mi dun feel bad. (Yes man, woman, or child!) She leggo har numba. Murphy Brown Reboot, Informa- (in-fah-mah)Informer. Hey Jake! – Why The expression yuh waan flap a wing, no doubt familiar to dancehall aficionados, is a term used to ask a girl to dance. bogle: The dance bogle was named after and by its inventer the late popular Jamaican dancehall icon Gerald (AKA ‘Bogle’ or ‘Mr. Ongle- Only. They know just the right... Nearly 3 million tourists from around the world visit Jamaica each year. Glossary of Jamaican Reggae-Rasta words, expressions, and slang. Meaning slow down. Information and translations of boasty in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … Guide to Jamaican Patois on Making Friends, A Guide to Jamaican Patois Terms on Money, 18 Jamaican Patois Phrases Translated to English, 9 Phrases only a Jamaican would understand, 10 Jamaican Greetings That You Should Know Before You Go. Means keep it steady; make a secret; not to be told. Mantell- Male gigolo; a real player and whore of a man. Iron bird (Irun-buud)- An Iron bird is an airplane. Likky-Likky- One who is greedy about eating everything seen. Peas- Beans. Legsus- A spoof on the luxury car, Lexus, but expresses the walking power of the legs. Pull- To open. Bredren- Fellow friends and collegues; brothers in unity. Work (wuk)- Slang for sex. Jus begin fi dead- Expression saying that people were really shocked or amazed, like they could have dropped dead. Hose- Penis. Nyega (nee-yeg-ah)- term for black person; nigger. Fi (fee)- To. Dawta (doh-ta)- Daughter; woman, good woman friend. {1} You hurt me! Hab- Have Catch a likkle one bunks, bad bad bad: very bad situation. Bupps- Financially providing for a woman. Di man dem beg fa jooks. Tess- Test. Unda gal pickney- Expression for what is “Under the girls’ pants”. Strong money- Just a saying to denote the superiority of American money. It was originally released by Wiley featuring Mucky in August 2018, [1] and remixed for release with contributions from … Bashy . Mi soon come. Used to describe been born in Jamaica, bax juice: box drinks, small box drinks that is popular in Jamaica, big up: a phrase which is used as accomplishment or praise to someone. Ooman- Woman. Hush- Sorry. Yes mon! Dey nuh odda way. Dis- This. Naa- A variation of the word No. Whole heap- Slang for very large quantities; a lot, a whole heap. (More weed!) Wa (wah)- What. (Where is it?) Persecution Complex And Narcissism, (They are partying all the time.)

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