Are there really people out there so gullable who actually think this can be enforced ? imagine thinking the arrancar arc was better than fullbringer and sternritter, |, Ichigo Kurosaki goes through the YYH gauntlet *spoilers for Bleach and YYH*, Whose unrevealed bankai do you want to learn about the most? Sep 6, 2014 - Bleach Character Popularity Poll - Rukia, Ichigo, Renji If they were to do one now I'm sure the results would be vastly different. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. The top-ranking characters are drawn together in a two-page colour spread. The most recent poll was in 2011. I'm p. sure there's some sort of postcard thing that comes with the magazine which you have to mail in to Jump for that. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. By the time they finally decided to end the show, most fans had gotten tired of it and quit watching. 90% Upvoted. Archived. I think the anime started to lose its popularity when it went to the annoying princess filler arc. I know this is old but lol I don’t take these polls from Japan seriously, Japanese have terrible taste when it comes to characters. Why do many consider Superman a "boring" superhero. You played the flute but no one was dancing. For the first few years of Naruto's publication, an annual character popularity poll was held. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Just that it looks worse than it is because less of them decided to participate in the polls. The sternritters abilities keeps me interested, but the latest Vollstandig showed are so generic compared to Quilge. Since when were you under the impression that this popularity poll didn't belong to Aizen-sama in the first place? Edgeknight posted... Naruto is like the most by-the-numbers battle manga and it's still incredibly popular Rather than a general decline that can be blamed for Bleach's tanking popularity I'd guess that new properties that eschew the traditional format show an interest in these atraditional types of series. How many Bleach character popularity polls has there been? The series just kept circling the wagons for another couple years with meaningless arcs and filler. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Political correctness is the fascism of the 90s-Roger Ebert. I don't know that much about Nielsen ratings but I think those are a lot more automatic than jump's poll. Does Dragon Ball Z deserve it's legendary status in the anime world and why or why not? That combined with Butterfly Aizen was like a 1-2 punch KO for the anime. Still have questions? Strange (comic version)? Get your answers by asking now. (Bleach spoilers). The higher-ups saw its popularity and ordered more episodes. For the anime it was probably that crappy filler(the other fillers also weren't particularly good) in the middle of the FK town arc, like what the heck were they thinking with that? 20. Weekly Shonen Jump occasionally organizes popularity polls of the series published on it and announces the results. I'm not saying there was no dropoff at all. Results for this poll were given in Weekly Shonen Jump 1993 Issue No. A reddit for the Bleach manga & anime by Tite Kubo. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. And what were the results? Why did Bleach lose fans? This is a split board - You can return to the Split List for other boards. 12 with Chapter 411. He didn't get enough screen time and was inactive most of the time, except when he fought Aizen and taught ichigo the final GETSUGA TENSHO. And what were the results? It was just out of the blue, decently long, and just dragged out the end of that arc. BlazBlue Character Popularity Poll (Arc Festival Commemoration Event) 2017/11/20 - 2018/01/31 BlazBlue 10th Anniversary Character Popularity Poll: 2018/05/11 - 2018/05/15 Weekly Famitsu Magazine Survey (June 14, 2018) Music Popularity Polls. This poll was still earlier in the series. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Who would win in a duel, Gandalf the White (book version), or Dr. Posted by 7 months ago. Hi guys, look what I drew What do you think ? Can The Black Cat and Catwoman be a black girl? Rukia's dead sister is more popular than Shinji, Mayuri and Isshin. Biden says he will  MANDATE wearing masks. Readers could vote for their favourite character and the results would be included with a later chapter. How many Bleach character popularity polls has there been? share. Think it’s good? 4th Bleach Popularity Poll(Aizen doesn't seem like much of a popular character in japan) Close. Someone who prays on people's emotion to commit evil is someone I can never forgive!!? His ranking only slightly improved in the most recent poll. Some of the later polls also included a jutsu popularity poll. More like, the the ones I wanted revealed for 5-6 years now. What are good superpowers for a black girl superhero? 4th Bleach Popularity Poll(Aizen doesn't seem like much of a popular character in japan) 17 comments. It's simple: it went the Inuyasha route and just kept going. Pa. judge grants Trump campaign's observation request, Live: Biden moves closer to reaching 270 votes, Pennsylvania AG on Trump lawsuit: 'We'll win again', Black men drifted from Dems to Trump in record numbers, Trump campaign unleashes wave of suits in key states, Fox News hosts question network's Ariz. call for Biden, Coach cracks down on Tate's 'selfish behavior', Giants trainer may have saved this player's wife's life, ESPN announces 300 layoffs, citing 'disruption' amid virus, California's Prop. do you think demon slayer deserves it's massive popularity? Mayuri is the one, whose ranking improved tremendously. Voting Period Yup, but I don't believe Aizen ever made the top 10. Inuyasha as we all know should have ended up a two or three season show. If possible I would like to know the top 10 of every poll, Sorry I dont know the Result of Poll #1 :(. The first My Hero Academia poll was announced after its first year anniversary. Rick feat Morty Episode. If possible I would like to know the top 10 of every poll 'kay, tnx in advance ;D Makes sense, Aizen was pretty absent till the finale of that arc. NHK, Japan’s national broadcasting organization, organized a fan popularity poll for the Final Fantasy series. The second popularity poll's results were published in Issue 29, 2018. This thread is archived. save hide report. Popularity Poll 1 Edit. Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach Arrancar Arc) vs Vergil (DMC3) *spoilers*, Fate/Grand Order Thread v.121: Inter-Lewd Corporatober Christmas Reruns. I'll be honest, the plot is lame, I read bleach for the powerups. 22 removes 'dark cloud' for Uber and Lyft, Fox News' big Arizona call angered Trump camp: NYT. He was more comic relief in the beginning. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Kisuke Urahara' s position is also pretty low . Weekly Shonen Jump periodically organizes popularity polls for its series. Seems to be from the arancar arc right? 1 First Poll 2 Second Poll 3 Third Poll 4 Fourth Poll The first popularity poll's results were initially published in Issue 34, 2017 and were republished in Volume 13, with adjusted ranking and additional low-ranked characters.

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